Fic: Out of Synch (TBBT)

Mar 01, 2010 18:24

Title: Out of Synch
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Characters: Penny/Sheldon
Word Count: 213
Written for: musical_junkie (who wanted something with ukuleles) for the whedonland Birthday Week
Prompt: 55. kindness at 100_tales

The last song on the CD had ended some minutes ago but neither Penny or Sheldon had moved from their spot on the couch. Sheldon hadn’t moved because he was afraid that Penny would take his spot. Penny was still trying to figure out what exactly it was that she’d just heard.

“What instrument was that again?” she asked, not sure if she would understand the answer if it was coming from Sheldon. He had a way of making her think that everything around her had suddenly moved a tiny bit sideways but she had stayed in the same spot. She was out of synch with how he saw the world.

He picked up the CD case. Instead of a long, drawn-out explanation that made her want to gouge out his tongue, Sheldon merely said, “A ukulele.” To prove his point, he showed her the picture once again.

“That looks like a guitar.”

And instead of correcting her, he smiled in such a way that Penny found herself smiling back. So unusual but Penny realized he’d made her smile two or three times in the past week.

“Did you like it?” he asked.

“I did.”

“That’s all that matters.” And with that statement, her world was suddenly in synch with his once again.

2010, gift, tbbt

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