Fic: I'm Here Now

Sep 13, 2009 23:20

I like this idea. It has a good reason for existing and makes such wonderful sense. I hadn't thought of it before seeing the prompt given but I liked it as soon as I read it. I wanted to write this story so badly but this was a week that wasn't exactly given to me for writing. It's only 1000 words of a story that I think could be much longer and more drawn out. I did promise myself that I wouldn't take another challenge but... but... *whines* I want to! Of course, I do need to find a place that would take a crossover.

TITLE: I'm Here Now
AUTHOR: lar_laughs
FANDOM: Firefly/Buffy = Whedonverse
PAIRING: Mal Reynolds/Faith
PROMPT: Faith in the Firefly 'verse
Written for: entwashian at the whedonland Fic Fest
SUMMARY: Faith expected this new life to be the end of her fun... but it appears to be the beginning
WARNINGS: It's a crossover!
DISCLAIMER: Joss is the King and I'm merely playing a few of his characters for a moment.

“Did you see how she just winked at the Captain? Like she knew everything he was thinking. “ Kaylee wiped at the spot of grease on her cheek, suddenly aware of it like she’d never been before. Their new passenger was beautiful, in a way that not even Inara could ever hope for. It wasn’t anything that Kaylee understood. Definitely something she wanted to, though. Even now she was talking to Simon without even a distracted, “Uh huh.” That irritated her to no end.

“Don’t worry about it none,” Zoe stated, her eyes as dead today as they’d been for the last five months. “The Captain knows what he’s about. No jien huo will keep him from doing his job.”

“She’s got no right using Inara’s shuttle.” She was grasping at anything now, striving for a reason to hate the new girl even as she wondered where she got the interesting clothing.

Coming into the conversation belatedly because they were now alone, Simon put his hand on Kaylee’s arm. “It’s not really Inara’s, now is it? She hasn’t used it in some time.” It would have been better if he’d kept his mouth shut from the glance Kaylee gave him.

And so it was that Faith joined the crew of Serenity. For days, none of the male crew members thought of anything but her wicked smiles that they happened to catch their way. Jayne tried to bed her but only ended up with a black eye for his troubles. Kaylee narrowed her eyes every time Simon offered to show her around the infirmary, as if it was a part of the ship she might want to visit for pleasure instead of when her innards were leaking out of flayed skin.

Mal was still the only one who didn’t seem to realize she was on board, even after nearly a month of every possible type of flirtation. Faith’s pithy “Five by five,” every time someone asked how she was settling in didn’t make him lift his head from the task at hand. All the other men were falling over themselves to make her notice them. Faith, on the other hand, was trying to make Mal notice her.

So she did the one thing she knew how to do. Getting into his bunk was easy enough. None of the locks on this strange spaceship were hard for her to pick, most of them being too rusty to do any real locking. There was nothing comfortable about these quarters or anything that might give her some indication of what sort of man Malcolm Reynolds really was. He was a good captain, knowing when to engage his crew and when to back off.

When she’d asked him about the demons on Ezra, he hadn’t laughed off her comments or thought she was crazy. How exactly to explain that this generation’s Slayer had been turned into a Reaver and, while not exactly dead, wasn’t doing her job? She’d been an extra Slayer lying around for the Watchers to play with. More and more, she was enjoying this strange turn of events that had brought her to a Earth that wasn’t Earth at all and where spaceships zoomed around in the sky as if there wasn’t anything to it.

“Can I come back when I’m through?” she’d asked but there had never been an answer. A one-way trip no matter if she got the job done or not. She meant to do the job, of course. Do it well. That’s what she did.

And she also enjoyed flirting her way into the arms of the one person that didn’t want her. Would it unnerve him more to find her in his bed, as naked as the day she was born, or merely waiting for him? She wanted him good and unnerved.

Making a grand entrance wasn’t going to happen today. The metal walkway leading toward her was rattling. It was now and never. Tearing off her outer jacket, leaving only her favorite black tank top she’d worn for good luck, Faith stood in the middle of the room with her best “Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?” smile.

But the door didn’t open when she wanted it to. The footsteps stopped. One breath. Two breaths. Where was he? She closed her eyes, trying to get a sense of what was going on beyond the iron door. Had he walked away? Was he still out there? Had it been someone else altogether?

Cold hands slid along her shoulders, causing her to curse softly. She left her eyes closed, loving the intimacy it created. “Let me guess. You were in the corner?”

Mal’s breath was hot against the back of her neck. “Do you really want to know where I was? Sort of embarrassing that you didn’t sense me, after all. Better that you don’t beat yourself up too much about it.”

“You aren’t kicking me out.” It wasn’t a question, more of a statement in appreciation of the way his fingers were running over her skin. “Were you expecting me?”

“Not right at this moment, no. I knew you’d be here as surely as I know that I won’t let you leave just yet. I take it you don’t have a problem with that?”

For the first time, Faith was perfectly okay with being pushed to the future. She’d left people behind she would miss but this was better. So much better. Captain Mal Reynolds was just the man she’d been looking for all these years.

“You’re going to kiss me sometime soon?”

Instead of pulling her into his arms to fulfill her question, Mal stayed where he was. The pressure he applied with his fingers didn’t change; the breath along her neck never wavered. This was a man she couldn’t twist with her words and a smile. She’d have to work for every inch she got from him. The very idea made her squirm back against his…

“Should I take off another layer of clothing so that you’re not the only naked person in the room?”

Mal moved his hand down to rest of the waistband of her jeans. “I’ll help you. Don’t worry. We’ll be on even keel soon enough.”

2009, challenge, crossover, whedonverse

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