Drabble: A Day at the Spa

Aug 24, 2009 23:29

Title: Day at the Spa
Fandom: Angel/Dollhouse crossover
Characters: Cordelia Chase, Adelle DeWitt
Written for: jehnt at the whedonland BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!
Word Count: 428

Cordelia twirled a piece of hair around her finger. It was hard to keep her wits about her in such a high class place. All around her was everything she deserved without all the pettiness, anger and violence that her life was now. Just the thought of being able to go to a spa every day was making her… excited.

“You aren’t very old, Ms. Chase. This says you’re only just ouf of high school.” Adele DeWitt looked over the file before her on the desk once more. There wasn’t a lot there to lead her toward why this girl had chosen to become a Doll. She had been a cheerleader. Maybe a life of popularity had been too much for her. “This contract is for 5 years. You do understand how long that will be?”

“Five years is nothing. I assure you that I’m more than prepared for the commitment. What sort of treatments did you say are available again?”

One of Adelle’s thin eyebrows lifted slightly. “There are all sorts. Do you like going to the spa?”

There was something in the woman’s voice that made Cordelia’s eyes narrow. She was a Chase. Just because she lusted after a day at the spa like most girls lusted after the newest boy band didn’t mean she was an airhead. Leaning forward, she pasted a smile on her flawless face.

“I don’t know what it is that you people are looking for here but I’ve got it all. I may be young but that means I’ll have my looks for far longer than some old college educated person would. And while I like massages, it doesn’t mean I’m a shallow person. I think I resent you thinking that I am.”

With a grand gesture, she scooped her folder up from the desk and dropped it in her bag. “Good day, Ms. DeWitt. Someday you’ll regret that this interview go in a different direction.”

A dark-haired girl looked up from her seat in a comfortable chair in the waiting room. Cordelia stopped for a moment, staring intently at the girl as if she recognized her. At last she shook her head, dispelling the idea that she might know her. “I hope you’re not a cheerleader,” she threw over her shoulder as she exited the room. A producer was going to call her any day. She’d be a big star some day and Ms. DeWitt would regret that lifting of her delicate eyebrow.

On second thought, that was a great move. She needed to add that to her acting resume.

2009, gift, whedonverse

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