Drabble: What Family Does

Aug 22, 2009 12:00

Title: What Family Does
Fandom: Firefly/Whendonverse
Character: Mal
Written for: the whedonland Birthday Celebration!!
Prompt: 95 - People at 100_tales
Word Count: 120

Mal likes candles. They’re feminine cause they smell good. His favorite is the one Inara has that smells of a bunch of strawberries in a field. But they’re also masculine because they’re useful. For lighting rooms when the engine fails or keeping warm in a foxhole when there ain’t much else to keep the chill away.

Today they are on his birthday cake and that makes him smile. “You shouldn’t have gone to all the trouble,” he tells his crew but secretly he’s pleased that they remembered. These people are his family just as much as they’re his crew and it gives him a powerful feeling that he’s as important to them as they are to him. “But thank you.”
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