Drabble: Emphasis

Aug 22, 2009 11:40

Title: Emphasis
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters: Garcia, Morgan
Written for: damnskippytoo at the whedonland Birthday Celebration!!!
Prompt: 59 - Trust at 100_tales
Word Count: 471
Rating: PG-13

“What did you want in your coffee again, Beautiful?”

Garcia froze, her hands still on the keyboard for the first time all day. This was her third day in a row without sleep and much to eat that didn’t come from the vending machine down the hall. Morgan had gone out for coffee? What had she missed in the last two hours? “Baby doll, what are you talking about?”

“Your coffee.” He laughed, something in the sound sending shivers down her spine. “We just talked about it fifteen minutes ago. Have you forgotten already how obsessed you were for a cup of joe?”

One - she hadn’t seen Morgan in over twelve hours.

Two - he knew she hated it when people called coffee a “cup of joe” as if they were drinking part of a person. Just thinking about it made her slightly ill. Or that might have been a reaction to the stale Cheetos.

Three - while she enjoyed coffee and was depending on it right now to keep her eyes open and her mind focused, she didn’t feel that she obsessed about coffee. Even if she had been, she never would have sent him for coffee during a mission.

Something was wrong. Morgan was trying to tell her something but she wasn’t quick enough to pick it up. She needed more information but she couldn’t be sure that her part of the conversation wasn’t being overheard.

“Okay, sweet thing,” she replied slowly, furiously trying to think of a question he could answer without giving himself away, “where did you say you were going this time? You know I like different things from different places.”

“That cozy little place on B Street and Fourth. You know, the one we went on our first date. Or was it our third? My memory isn’t working this morning. Anyway, that’s not important but you know how I like to file that sort of thing away for later.”

B-413. My important file. Those were all the words he’d stressed. As quickly as she could with shaking hands, she pulled up what he was asking for. What she saw on her monitors made her hands drop to her lap.

“You know, I don’t think I need any more coffee today. But I heard JJ say something about wanting a decaf mocha. Why don’t you bring her something? That would really make her day.”

“You know you’re my only girl. Have Rossi get JJ something to drink. You know he’d love a chance at her.”

She laughed, or tried to. This was why she wasn’t out in the field. Subterfuge wasn’t one of her better qualities. “I’ll do that. I’ll give him a call. Get back soon, lover.” A tear slipped down her cheek as she struggled to stay calm. “You know how I hate when we’re apart.”

criminal minds, 2009, gift

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