What we talk about when we talk about pockets

May 01, 2013 08:18

Reposting, thanks for pointing this out Andrew Ducker.  We women do sometimes carry handbags, but they can become a weight, sometimes very literally like a ball and chain.

I guess one way to rebel is to refuse to buy things with pockets.

Originally posted by kylecassidy at What we talk about when we talk about pockets
This post is about pockets, feminism, ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

mavra_chang May 1 2013, 14:08:46 UTC
Ugh, I hate, hate, HATE buying clothes, and this is one of the reasons why.... I hate carrying purses, and I got so sick of wearing cargo pants/shorts. All I need are pockets big enough to carry a wallet and a phone, that's it. Or maybe I should start wearing boots all the time so I can keep stuff in them. Ugh.


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