In the Words of... 4/18

Aug 26, 2011 14:24

Title: In the Words of
Author: LaoTse4
Rating: pg-13

Chapter 3

“Wanna walk to Glee together?” Sam asked as he walked up to Rachel the next day in school, Rachel smiled at him and nodded. “Awesome.”

As they walked together, Rachel could see all the looks that they were getting, and she bowed her head, and waited for him to say something, like that he needed to go to the restroom and that she could go ahead and he would be there soon.

“Why aren’t you making any excuses to leave?” Rachel asked as they were about to enter the choir room.

“Why would I do that?” Sam asked as he took a seat in the front where Rachel normally sat.

“You do know that I’m not exactly popular.” Rachel explained and put a lose strained of her hair behind her ear. “And you will hear about that as soon as you are back with the other jocks.”

“Well, if they think that…” Sam said and looked to Rachel, waiting to continue just to make sure that she was listening to him. “…then it’s their lost.”

“But that doesn’t explain why you are being seen with me, not even Finn wanted to really acknowledge me sometimes.” Rachel said and looked down, she had slowly started to realize that Finn might not have been the boy that she had thought that he was from the beinnign.

“I, I, I…” Sam said, he had no idea what he was going to say and the choir room started to slowly fill up with the rest of the Glee club, and there were some strange looks at the two of them.

“You don’t have to say anything.” Rachel said and turned so that she was facing whatever it was that Mr. Schue was going to start talk about when he got there. “And you can go and sit with your friends.” That made Sam react, he had thought that Rachel had understood that she was his friend now too, but it appeared that she hadn’t and that maybe he needed to make that clear to her.

“Rach, you are my friend.” Sam said and squeezed her arm gently, Rachel looked up at him and shook her head.

“You don’t have to pretend.” Rachel said and looked at him, he had no idea what she was talking about. “I know what you said earlier.”

“What did I say earlier?” Sam asked he was confused, he hadn’t talked to anyone about Rachel, or if he had he hadn’t said anything bad about her, that he knew.

“Okay, so I know that I can be a little slow sometimes.” Sam confessed and looked at her. “But I have no idea what you are talking about right now.”

“I know what you told Quinn and Santana.” Rachel said and got up, if he wasn’t going to move then she was, she had no idea why she had agreed to walking with him to Glee in the first place.

“I haven’t talked to either one of them.” Sam said and looked at Rachel.

“Okay, guys, here is the deal.” Mr. Schue said as he walked in to the choir room and placed some papers on the piano. “This week is all about confidence.” All of them looked at him like he was crazy, why would the sing about something like that. “And I want everyone to find a song that will fit to this and then sing it and I’m going to find a song that you can all do together.”

Sam was happy about this, he could really use this assignment to help Rachel boost her confident at the moment, he raised his hand before he said. “Mr. Schue is it okay to sing the song to someone instead, to help them with their confident.” Mr. Schue looked at him before he nodded his head.

“I think that is a great idea, if you feel that there is a reason for you to sing for someone to help them with their confident then do so.” He said and smiled at Sam, Sam nodded his head all he had to now, was to find the perfect song for him to sing to Rachel.


He could see how she stood at her locker filling her bag with the books that she needed for her homework, he wasn’t sure on how he was going to approach her, not after what she had said to him during the Glee practice but he had promised her that he was going to help her with the writing of the song and that they could watch Avatar, he was going to teach her Na’vi, and Sam Evans was not a man, well more like a boy, that didn’t keep his word.

“Hey, are you read to go?” he asked as he was next to her at the locker, he couldn’t keep the small laugh in when she jumped as he talked to her.

“Samuel Evans, I thought that I made it clear to you that I didn’t need you to hang out with me.” Rachel said and he didn’t get a chance to say anything before she continued on. “I am not a charity case that you can be friends with when you want to, I have some standards and you shouldn’t sneak up on people like that, what if I had a weak heart…” and he smiled as she continued to talk; she didn’t even need a pause to breathe. “…that could have resulted in me having a heart attack right here right now.” He had to interrupt he wanted to have a chance to say something.

“I’m sorry but I have something to say to you too.” Sam said and placed both of his hands on her shoulders, almost like he was about to school a small child, and Rachel nodded. “I also have standards when it comes to my friends…” Sam smiled before he continued. “…and as far as I can tell you qualify on all of those for me so there for are you my friend, and I don’t care what you say at the moment.” Rachel was about to protest. “you are my friend and there for we are going to my house today.”

“I can’t…” Rachel said as she looked at him. “… I have…” she tried to figure out what kind of excuse she could use but she couldn’t figure out one fast enough to make it believable.

“You remember what I said yesterday to you at your house?” Sam asked and she nodded. “good, and I have Avatar right here.” And he proceeded to get it out from his bag. “So that leaves us with two choices as I see it.”

Rachel gave him a weak smile, “I guess that we could go to your house to watch the movie if we first try to figure out something that I can use to write my song.”

“It’s a deal.” Sam said and took her bag. ”what do you have in this bag, it weighs like a ton?”

“I just have some books, and you shouldn’t excaudate when it comes to weight.” Rachel said as he walked next to him. “and if you think it’s too heave I can carry my bag myself.”

“I didn’t say that but I want to point out that you don’t have to empty your locker every day, you just need the books for your homework.” Sam said and threw Rachel’s and his own bag in the back of his car before he opened the door for Rachel and help her in. “So my house was it?” Rachel nodded.

At first the two of them sat in silent before Sam got the brilliant idea to try and figure out what song Rachel was going to sing, he was sure that she had a few songs too choose from and then she could give him some ideas but he knew that he wanted a song where he could play his guitar, or maybe he should try some other instrument, just to show some diversity.

“So what are you singing on Friday?” he asked as he made a right turn.

“I have no idea.” Rachel said and looked out the window on her side and she could see houses pass by them. “I just think that it’s a stupid idea, most of them in Glee have too much confident so I don’t understand why we should sing songs that will boost that for them.”

“But not all of us have that great confident.” Sam said, and looked at her. “And before a competition, like regionals, there is always good to get some more confident so I think that it is a great idea.”

“When you put it like that it might work.” Rachel mumbled but she wasn’t that sold on the idea just yet.

“I think that you should sing a song about independency.” Sam said as he turned up the driveway at his family’s house. “Just to shove it to Finn and maybe some of the others too.”

“Are you going to do that too?” She asked as she jumped out of the car and walked with him. “You know show Quinn that you are moving on from her.”

“I don’t know.” Sam said as he unlocked the door. “I was actually thinking about singing a song to someone just to help them with their confident but I’m not sure if I can find a song that will fit.”

“I could help you with that if you want to.” Rachel said and looked down, she had offered to help others sometimes but they always turned her down when she told them that she could help.

“You would do that?” Sam asked, he was on his way, maybe if it was one of the songs that Rachel suggested she would understand.

“Yes, I mean only if you want me to.” She said and looked at him and she was smiling, he loved it when she was smiling. “But maybe we could start with the song that I am trying to write.”

“That sounds great.” Sam said and he took her by her hand as they walked up the stairs to his room, he couldn’t help but to feel how soft her hands were.
As they walked in his room he threw himself on the bed, and grabbed the guitar that laid on the floor on the other side of bed. “So what kind of song are you thinking of.”

“I think that a ballad would be the best choice to start with.” Rachel said as she moved some of his clothes from the chair at the desk. “That is my strong suit besides the Broadway classics but I don’t think that the rest of them would like that.”

“Okay, so we will try and write a ballad.” Sam said and sat up. “So how do you really write a song?”

“I don’t really know.” Rachel confessed as she looked at him a bit sad. “maybe we should start with finding out how to write a song?”

“I’ve heard that you should write about something that you know.” Sam said and got up from the bed and sat on the floor next to her. “So what do you know?”

“Every time I try to help it always go wrong.” Rachel said and looked at him, trying to figure out something more. “Heartbreak too of course.”

“that is true but I think that a lot of songs are about that.” He said, and now he stood up and started to walk around in his own room. “So really you have a hard time to get things right.” He said like he had had an epiphany.

“You are right.” She said and got up from the chair and almost ran to him to give him a hug. “Now we have a them to the song. We should really start writing it.” Sam glanced at the clock on that he had on the bedside table.

“Or we could go down stairs and watch the movie and go back to this tomorrow.” Sam said and he started to walk to the door, he really wanted to see Avatar it had been over a week since he last saw it, that was too long.

“so you want to hang out with me tomorrow too?” Rachel asked surprised.

“Yeah.” Sam said as he walked down the stair with Rachel on his tail. “But it will be a bit later I have baseball practice; I think that coach Beiste will coach that too.”

“She seems nice.” Rachel said and looked at Sam as he walked to a door that seemed to lead down to the basement, she had thought that they would watch it in the living room. “At least a better coach than the last one.”

“Yeah I heard about him from the team.” Sam said as he turned on the light. “And this is our home theater; it’s great to watch movies here.”

“I can understand that.”

“One time when I was alone, I sat down here and played a lot of video games.” Sam said and smiled at the memory. “But please don’t tell anyone about that.”

“I know what you mean, and then Puck and Finn will be here and want to play.” Rachel said as she sank down on one of the couches. And when Sam had put the disc in the player he sat down next to her.

They had moved closer and closer the longed the movie played and at the end Rachel had her head laying on Sam’s lap and he was running his fingers through her hair, the movie had come to an end and he was about to tell her that she could move a little so that he could turn it off but that was when he saw that she was asleep.

“Sammy, there you are.” Sam looked up and saw that his mother was in the doorway, he raised a finger to his lips, showing her to be quite, and the woman walked closer, and she saw Rachel laying on the couch halved snuggled into her son, she turned around a little and smiled to herself, Mrs. Evans had an idea on what was going to happen.


When Rachel had left the Evans home, well Sam had driven her home after that his mother had told him too, even if he was going to do so without her asking him to do that. As he walked in to the house after he had dropped her off at her home, he saw his mother sitting in the living room looking at him, he knew what was coming but he wasn’t going to address it before she had asked him.
“So, do I need to have a talk to you about having girls in the theater?” She asked and looked at Sam, he could feel the blood starting to slowly move up his neck and on to his face.

“No.” Sam said and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water before he walked back to the living room.

“So who was she?” His mother asked and gave him a smile, she was happy to see him smiling again after all that had happened with Quinn, a girl that she wasn’t sure what she thought about. “The two of you looked cozy together.”

“That was Rachel, she is in Glee with me.” Sam said before he sat down on the other end of the couch. “We are working on this week’s assignment together.”

“Rachel?” She said more to herself, she had heard that name before, “She was the girl that you gave a ride back home on Valentine, Sam nodded. “So what is going on between the two of you?”

“She is just a friend.” Sam said and walked away, he didn’t want to talk about this anymore, and he needed to find some songs and try and figure out how he could help Rachel more.

in the words of, evanberry, sam evans, glee, fanfic, samchel, rachel berry

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