In the Words of... 3/18

Aug 26, 2011 14:21

Title: In the words of
Author: laotse4
Rating: pg-13

Chapter 2

Sam sat in his room in front of his computer, he was logged into his Facebook page, he was going through his friends, he was trying to find Rachel among his friends but he had no such luck, he had been pretty sure that he had her as a friend but it appeared that he didn’t. That was all it took, he decided to see who else it was among the Glee clubbers that wasn’t among his friends.

And it turned out that Rachel was the only one and he didn’t know why it was that way but that was going to change, he found her pretty quickly and he sent a request to her, and he added a small message to her.

Hi Rach! I was sure that I already had you as a friend here, but it appears that I didn’t so I hope that you will confirm this small request from me. / Sam

All he had to do was waiting and see if she would accept his friend request and it didn’t take that long until he saw that Rachel had accepted his request and he saw that she was logged in to the chat and he opened up a conversation with her.


The next day in Glee Rachel was standing in front of them all and talked and he listened to what it was that she was saying and a lot of it sounded like it was a good idea but he wasn’t sure on how he was going to approach her, they had talked a little yesterday but that was online and in the car when he drove her home. And from that he could tell that she was just like any other teenage girl that he knew.

“We can’t do that song, Ms. Sylvester is coaching Aural intensity.” Rachel said, and to Sam it appeared that no one was listening to her, and he wanted to agree with her and he was about to stand up and walk up to her and tell them that he was agreeing with Rachel, but before he had a chance to do that Mr. Schuester interrupted Rachel.

“We have heard what you think Rachel.” Will said and looked at Rachel, silently asking her to sit down again. “So why don’t we take a vote. Those in favor of doing the song that Ms. Sylvester did with us?” Ten pair of hands shot up in the air, Sam blinked, and he couldn’t believe that they were that stupid.

“Okay.” Mr. Schue said and looked at Rachel. “It looks like we are doing the song and not an original song.”

Sam wanted to say something but before he had a chance to address, the group as he wanted they were all out of the room, the only one that was left was Rachel. He walked up to shorter girl, and put his hand on her shoulder, and he could tell that he had spooked her.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Rachel said as she turned around so that she was facing Sam. “I thought that I was alone.”

“It’s okay.” Sam said and shifted his weight between his left and right leg, he didn’t know how he was going to start this conversation. “I just wanted to say that I think that you are right.”

Rachel looked at him, and he could tell that there was something that she wanted to say but he wasn’t sure on what it was. “Why didn’t you just say so when we were voting?”

“I was trying to do just that, but it appears that Mr. Schue doesn’t really see when someone is raising their hand and want to say something.” Sam said and he gave Rachel a smile.

“I know.” Rachel sighed as she collected some sheet music. “That is why I just tell him that I have something to say and just say what I have to say instead of waiting for him to tell me that I can talk.”

“Maybe I should try that next time.” Sam said with a laugh. “But I think that you should write an own song and preform it and then you can shove it down their throats.”

“I’m not sure that I can do that.” Rachel said, and once again Sam saw a more vulnerable side to Rachel, it was a side that she didn’t really show that much in Glee, that was all about confidence, and now he was taking it up on himself to help her create some more, but he had a feeling that she had had a lot of confidence but there had been something that had changed that for her.

“What is it that you don’t think that you can do with the song?” Sam asked as he put his backpack on and walked next to Rachel as they left the choir room together.

“I am not sure if I can write the music.” Rachel confessed and looked at him. “I don’t really play an instrument.”

“But that is where I can come in.” Sam said and grabbed Rachel by her arm. “Let’s just swing by my locker, I need to get something from there and then we will figure this out.”

“What are you talking about?” Rachel asked as she looked at the blonde football player that was walking next to her.

“I play the guitar.” Sam said as it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And if you think that you can write a great song, then I will help you with the music.”

“You don’t have to do that I can write the lyrics and then ask Brad for help with the music.” Rachel said and smiled at him. “But I am happy that you offered to do that.”

“Didn’t you hear me?” Sam asked as he opened up his locker to grab his history book, which he had forgotten. “I am not offering, I am telling you that I will help you with the song.”

“Thank you Sam.” Rachel said and gave him a Rachel Berry smile. “I will send you a message on Facebook when I have some lyrics that we can work with.”

“If you don’t have anything to do we could start today.” Sam said as he walked with Rachel, and he saw that she was looking at her watch, and then to the bus stop and she sighed, he realized that she had missed the bus. “Do you have anything to do today, like dance lessons or anything like that?”

“No, why?”

“Then I’ll give you a ride home and we will start off with that song.” Sam smiled at her and took her by her hand, he didn’t really think about what it was that he was doing, it felt natural to take her hand as he walked them to his car.

“Thank you Samuel.” Rachel said as she got in to the car. “You are almost a friend to me.”

“Almost?” Sam asked as he laughed at the girl, when he saw the look on her face. “I consider you one of my friends, so I was hoping that you would do the same with me.”

“I understand and from now on I will call you one of my friends.” Rachel said and she started to fiddle with the iPod that Sam had in his car.

When they had reached the Berry house, Sam jumped out of his car and got to the side where Rachel was sitting and opened her door for her.

“Thank you and you didn’t have to do that for me.” Rachel said, and she couldn’t remember the last time someone had opened a door for, Finn hadn’t done that when they were dating, she was happy if he even got out of the car when he came to pick her up. She had thought that teenage boys didn’t know how to act around someone that they liked but it seemed that Sam knew a thing or two.

Rachel walked to the door and she looked around and she saw that Sam was still at his car, and it looked like he was looking for something, and she could hear some squealing or something like that coming from the car when she looked again, she saw Sam standing by his truck with a big smile on his face holding his guitar, Rachel shook her head when she saw him.


They had been trying to write the lyrics and the music to the song for a couple of days but they didn’t really have any progress, and Rachel was starting to get frustrated with this whole thing and she was wondering when Sam was going to give up on her.

“I can’t do this.” Rachel said and threw the notebook that she had been writing in on the floor and she stormed out form her own room.

Sam grabbed the book from the floor and looked at what it was that Rachel had written so far and when he read it he saw that there was something that was missing. Maybe he needed to start to use even more words of kindness for Rachel, so that she would truly understand what kind of unique girl that she really was.

The more time he had spent with Rachel the more, he understood how much she really wanted this, maybe that was the problem, she wanted it too much. That wanting it was blocking her or maybe this whole thing with Finn had really messed her up.

He walked down the stairs and looked to the living room where he could see Rachel sitting on the couch staring on a blank TV-screen and he dropped his guitar by the door, he decide for them that they wouldn’t work on the song anymore today.

“Rach.” Sam said as he sat down next to her and placed his arm over her shoulders and moved her closer to him, trying his best to give her a hug. “Can you just listen to me without flipping out one me?” Rachel looked up at him and she looked angry at him but he could see that she couldn’t really hold that anger.

“Great.” Sam said and turned them so that they were facing each other. “What do you say that we take a few days of this song writing thing and figure out something else to do?”

“Like what?” Rachel asked, not looking at him.

“I can remember you saying something that you were going to audition for Avatar on Ice.” Sam said and looked at her, and smiled. “So what about that I try and teach you some Na’vi.”

“That is the language that they talk in the movie right?” Rachel asked and this time she was looking at him.

“Yep, and I’ll teach you something and then we will see the movie after that.” Sam said and he was proud of himself, maybe he could figure something out for them to do and that would also take Rachel’s mind of this whole ordeal with writing the song.

“So can you say something on Na’vi for me?” Rachel challenges him.

“Sure.” Sam said and he was confident that he could say whatever it was that Rachel wanted him to say.

“We can start off with something easy.” Rachel said and she thought for a second before she looked at him. “Say, my name is Sam and Rachel is my friend.”

“Okay, I can do that.” Sam said. “What you said, well I can’t speak it fluent but it would be something like this, tstxo Sam ulte Rachel lu ‘eylan. I hope that make any sense.”

“I think it’s kind of cool, that you can speak Na’vi.” Rachel said and smiled at him.

“You know, I think that you might be the only girl that would think so.” Sam said. “Quinn said that it was too geeky and Santana said the same.”

“Well, what do they know, they are cheer leaders.” Rachel said and Sam liked this side of her, the side that wasn’t too serious about things.

“I couldn’t agree with you more.” Sam said and smiled. “And just so you know, at the moment I am trying to learn to speak Klingon, so when I can speak that I can teach you that too.”

“Would you really do that?” Rachel asked as she looked at him.

“If you want to, sure.”

The two of the continued to talk, and Rachel was having a great time and they forgot about the time when they heard someone clear their throat next to them.

“Oh, sorry dad.” Rachel said as she saw the man standing there in the door to the living room where they were sitting. “Dad this is Sam, Sam this is my dad Hiram Berry.”

“Nice to meet you sir.” Sam said and stood up and walked to him and was about to shake the older man’s hand. Hiram looked at Rachel, silently asking her if this was how Sam acted or if he was putting this on and Rachel shrugged her shoulder, from what she had seen this was who Sam was.

“Nice to meet you too.” Hiram said and looked Sam up and down, and he took his glasses of and polished them with the hem of his shirt before he put them back on. “So what are the two of you doing?”

“At the moment I am trying to teach Rachel Na’vi and that is if I’m honest not the easiest thing in the world to do.” Sam said and smiled polity. “But we were trying to write a song for Glee, but it isn’t as easy as it sounds.”

“Sam, if you don’t mind I would like to talk to Rachel alone.”

“That is not a problem.” Sam answered and looked at the time. “I should probably head home anyway, my mother might worry otherwise. But it was nice to meet you sir.” After that Sam turned to Rachel, “And I will see you in school tomorrow, and I’ll bring Avatar so that we can watch it.”

in the words of, evanberry, sam evans, glee, fanfic, samchel, rachel berry

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