You Steal My Heart

Aug 25, 2011 21:55

Author: laotse4
Pairing: Sam/Rachel
Rating: PG-13

You Steal My Heart


You are the light. That's leading me. To the place where I find peace again.

Sam and Rachel stood outside of the building, the two of them had yet to make a decision on how to move forward, where they going to stay or were they going to go back home and wait for a call.

“Rach,” Sam said and he tried to find her hands, as he found them he clasped their hands together and he pulled the girl closer to him, as he felt how Rachel leaned her head against his chest, Sam placed a kiss on the top of her head, “we will do what you feel is best for you.”

Rachel looked up and into the green eyes that were looking into her own brown ones, and she felt how tears were forming in her eyes, she closed her eyes before the tears could fall down her cheeks.

Sam moved one of his hands and lifted up her chin, “Open your eyes,” Rachel slowly opened her eyes, and Sam gave her a smile, “I know that you want to cry,” Rachel breathed out, she hadn’t really realized that she was holding her breath, as she stood outside the building with Sam holding her, “and all you have to do is let those tears fall.”

That was all it took for Rachel to let the tears spill, and not holding anything back.

“And I will always be there for you to whip them away,” Sam said and he used one of his thumbs to whip the tears from one of her cheeks, as he kept eye contact with the girl, “and the most important thing for you to know,” Sam took a breath before he continued, “is that I love you.” As Sam had said what he wanted to say, he leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips, it was a way for him to show Rachel how much he cared.

Rachel leaned her head against the boy’s chest and she listened to his heart, it was a steady beat, it was something that always had been able to calm her down.

“I think I want to go home,” Rachel whispered as she had calmed down again, Sam nodded his head, as he understood what it was that Rachel was saying.

“Then we will go back in and tell them to call us when they have the answer,” Sam said and took one of Rachel’s hands in his own and as they held their hands together, Rachel laced their finger together and Sam tightened the hold he had on Rachel’s hand.

~You Steal My Heart~

The pair had reached the Evans house and Sam opened the door for Rachel, and they walked in to the house and at the table in the kitchen, both Sam and Rachel saw the both set of parents in the kitchen.

Sam gulped a little, when he saw the look on his own parents, he was quite thankful, that Hiram and Leroy knew about the pregnancy, or more like the risk of Rachel being pregnant otherwise Sam would have run out the same door that he and Rachel had walked through seconds ago. The football player could see the look on both of his parents’ faces and they were not happy about what he and Rachel might be going through.

“Samuel Evans,” both Rachel and Sam looked up at Sam’s father who was the one that addressed Sam, Rachel looked at both of her fathers, and both of them nodded their heads, Rachel wouldn’t let go of Sam’s hand the two of them were in this predicament and they had managed to get there both of them together neither one of them was to blame, if someone was to blame the both of them should get the blame and not just her boyfriend.

“Mr. Evans,” Rachel said as she realized that Sam couldn’t say anything, but Rachel didn’t have a chance to say anything more than that.

“Rachel,” Mr. Evans said, and Rachel looked up and met his eyes, “You don’t have to say anything, it is Sam that I want to talk to.”

“I just want to say that,” Rachel said and smiled at him, “this is not Sam’s fault, we made this decision together and we did what we could not to get in this position.”

“You could just have not done what you did,” Sam’s father said as he looked from Rachel to Sam, “and don’t you have anything to say,” Sam looked up when he felt his father’s eyes on him, “or are you going to let your girlfriend do all the talking?”

As Sam was about to say something to his father and at the same time he would also be addressing his mother and both of Rachel’s fathers, Rachel stopped moving for a second and it all became silent and not even a second later all of them could hear the ringtone coming from Rachel’s cellphone, it was the first tones of Defying Gravity, Sam turned around so that he was facing Rachel and his back was against the two set of parents.

Rachel blinked before she took her phone and looked down at it and then she looked up at Sam and she nodded her head, and Sam knew what this was about. “Do you want me to answer it?” Sam asked as he looked at Rachel and he placed his hand over her phone ready to grab it if she wanted him to take the call.

“Yes,” she whispered to him and Sam took a hold of Rachel’s phone.

“Hello,” Sam answered the phone, and he waited for the other person to say something, “She asked me to answer the phone,” Sam was about to say something, and Rachel could tell that it wasn’t going to be something nice, “yes, I am aware of that,” Sam looked at Rachel almost like he was about to apologies with his eyes and Rachel looked at him, silently asking him if he knew the answer and he just shrugged his shoulders and he handed her phone back to her. “I’m sorry but they won’t tell me over the phone,” Rachel let out a shaky breath as she took her phone from Sam.

“Hello,” Rachel said and her voice was a bit shaky as she held on to Sam with her free hand, “this is her.”

Sam glared at his parents and the turned to Rachel’s two fathers and they could tell that Sam wanted Rachel and himself to be alone as they received the answer to whether Rachel was pregnant or not.

“I think that we can head to the livingroom,” Hiram said as he looked at Leroy and then over at Sam’s parents, “I think that they would like to get these news alone and then let us know.”

“I think that sounds like a nice idea,” Mrs. Evans said and looked at her husband and Hiram did the same as he looked at Leroy.

~You Steal My Heart~

Sam stood with his arms around Rachel’s waist as he listened to what the doctor said on the other side of the line, he could feel how Rachel was resting against him as the two of the listened to what was said, neither one of them wanted to miss anything of what they were told.

“Are you sure?” Rachel asked when they were told what the result of the pregnancy test was, and Rachel was the first of the two of them to let out a breath and Sam followed her, doing the same letting out a breathe that he hadn’t known that he had been holding in.

“Are you okay?” Sam asked as Rachel hung up the phone and he looked her in the eyes, he could
tell from how she was looking at him if she was about to lie to him.

“I don’t know,” Rachel whispered out as she leaned into the boy and Sam put his arms around her, holding her tight.

“I can understand that,” Sam whispered in her ear, “and I feel the same.”

Sam and Rachel just stood in the Evans kitchen holding each other not saying anything. The two of the just broke apart from each other when they heard someone entering the kitchen.

“Do you want us to come here or should you come with me to the livingroom?” Sam turned around and saw his mother standing in the doorway to the kitchen; he looked at Rachel for her to decide on what to do.

“you can go ahead,” Sam said and gave his mother a small smile, “we will be there in a second.”

“okay,” she said as she sent the pair a smile, “just don’t take too long, your father is getting impatient,” Sam just nodded his head letting his mother know that Rachel and he would be getting to the livingroom in a minute or two.

~You Steal My Heart~

Sam was the first of the pair to walk inside the livingroom, he held Rachel’s hand as the two of them sat down next to each other on a loveseat, Rachel rested her head on Sam’s shoulder but the held on to each other as they knew that there was going to be a lot to talk about even if they already knew what was going to happen but Sam also knew that they needed to explain to his parents what had happened.

“So you know if she is pregnant or not?” Sam’s father asked as he looked at Sam, and the football player looked at his father and nodded his head, in a positive reply to his father’s question. “And the answer to that is?”

“I want to explain to you before we will tell you the answer to that,” Sam said and he looked at his father and then at Hiram and Leroy, the three men looked at Sam who was the one that was talking and the only one that was looking at Rachel was Sam’s mother and in that moment what the result was but she wasn’t going to say anything, all that Mrs. Evans did was to give Rachel a smile and a nod, and in that moment the older woman could tell that Rachel felt a lot safer.

Sam started to tell their parents what Rachel and he had been through and what they had been talking about how they were going to deal with all of the different ways this could turn out. And from what Sam could see for himself, the both set of parents were somewhat understanding of what they had been going through but somewhere Sam could see that there was something that his father wanted to say and there was something that Leroy had on his mind too, it was just his mother and Hiram that looked like they didn’t have anything to say.

“I never got the chance to say this before,” Mr. Evans said as he stood up and walked so that he was standing in front of Sam, “The two of you are too young to do whatever it was that you did.”

“Dad,” Sam tried to get his father to understand.

“you can’t deal with the consequences that having sex can lead to and you might just be in that position right now,” Mr. Evans said as he stared Sam, “and you should know that,” Sam gulped, he knew what was coming.

“can we please talk about this when Rachel and her fathers has left,” Sam asked as he looked at his father who nodded his head.

“You got the call with the answer to the pregnancy test?” Hiram asked as he looked at Rachel, the girl nodded her head, and Sam who had let her hand go during the time he had talked to his own father took a hold of his girlfriend’s hand again. “So maybe you could tell us if we are going to be grandparents or not?”

Rachel let out a sigh of relief when she heard her dad, say that and she saw the smile on Sam’s mother’s face, and in that moment she knew that they would have to allies on their side. Sam looked at Rachel who nodded her head, the blonde haired boy took a deep breath before Rachel and he himself face their parents and he let out the air.

Sam was about to tell them what Rachel and he knew but he never got the chance before Rachel blurted out the answer to the question that they were asked.

“No,” was all that Rachel said.

“No?” Hiram asked, everyone was wondering what no meant in this situation, no they weren’t going to be grandparents or no, we won’t answer that.

“What Rach tried to say,” Sam said as he looked at the four parents that were sitting on the other side of the table, “is that she isn’t pregnant.”

“Thank god,” Leroy said and ran his hands over his face.

“But,” Sam said and looked at them with so much conviction he could, there was more to say.

“What?!” Mr. Evans almost screamed as everyone in the room saw the man’s face getting redder.

“I got Rachel a ring,” Sam said as he looked at them, “and I was going to propose to her before we got the result of the pregnancy test from the doctor.”

“Please tell me that you two aren’t getting married,” Leroy said and looked at the two teens, he liked Sam but they were too young to make a commitment like that.

“Well,” Rachel said and looked down on her hand, her fingers were laced with Sam’s but she could still see the ring that was present on her finger.

“Rachel Barbra Berry,” Leroy said and he stood up and took a couple of steps so that he was facing both Rachel and Sam, “You aren’t getting married.

“No, I’m not getting married,” Rachel said and she looked down on the floor, she waited for Sam to say something but the boy didn’t say anything.

“No,” was all that Leroy said when he understood what just had happened, “tell me that you are joking or lying, just tell me that you didn’t.”

“Lee,” Hiram said as he understood what just had happened, “she isn’t your little girl anymore, and she is eighteen, there is nothing that you can do about it.”

“Sam!” Mr. Evans said as he looked at his son, he had realized what had happened as soon as Hiram had started to talk to Leroy, and Mrs. Evans she had known ever since she had seen Sam and Rachel together in the kitchen but she also knew that the men would come around as soon as the shock had disappeared and they would be happy for their kids.

Would you tell me how it could be any better than this?


sam evans, you steal my heart, fanfic, samchel, pg-13, evanberry, glee, rachel berry

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