You Steal My Heart 1/3

Aug 25, 2011 21:42

Author: laotse4 laotse4
Pairing: Sam/Rachel
Rating: PG-13/T
Spoilers: All episodes aired, just to be safe.
Word count: 2059/ +8000
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners.
Summary: Being late can mean different things but this time being late leads to a positive pregnancy test.


You Steal My Heart

Find me here. Speak to me.

Rachel had counted the days, since she had slept with Sam for the first time, and she had knew that they had used protection, that had been one of the few things that she had told him, if they were to have sex, well then there was going to protection involved and even then it wasn’t sure that they were going to go through with it, but in the end they had slept together, and now here she was.

She was late for the second month in a row, the first month that she had been late, she just shrugged it off, she had been stressed about school, Glee and the competitions that were coming but now, the second month in a row, well she just couldn’t blame it on the stress this time too, it just had to be more to it.

Rachel closed her eyes and she took a deep breath before she left her bedroom, there was still school that she needed to focus on, and then there was the small problem with buying the pregnancy test, there was one person besides Sam that she could ask about that but if she did, this news would be out in school for everyone to talk about.

~You Steal My Heart~

The brunette stood at her locker, going through the books and notes that she would need to be able to complete her homework when she felt a pair of arms circle around her waist, she smiled to herself when she received a small kiss on her cheek.

“I haven’t seen you all say.”

Rachel placed her books in her bag before she turned around, “I have been busy,” she gave the boy that stood in front of her a small smiled before she rested her head against his chest, she heard his heart beat with a soothing sound, it was one thing that always could make her relax, listening to her boyfriend’s beating heart and now she was going to break all of his dreams and her own with just one word.

“Rach,” Rachel looked up at him, his green eyes and she was about to break down in that moment, “it doesn’t matter how busy you are, I will always miss you and want to see you, there is nothing in the world that will change that.”

“I don’t think that is the truth,” Rachel said as she hid her face against his chest, “Sam, as much I want to believe you, I know that there are things that will make you think differently of me and how you feel.”

“Rachel, there is nothing that you can say that will change what I feel for you,” Sam said and he put his hand under the girl’s chin and tilted her head up so that he could look her in the eyes, “I love you.”

“I hope that you will feel the same later,” Rachel said and she let her emotions get the better of her, and she let the tears that she had been holding back fall, “because I think that we need to talk.”

“I hope that it’s not bad,” Sam chuckled as he took hold of Rachel’s hand and they walked out of the school to his car.

~You Steal My Heart~

“You said that we needed to talk,” Sam said as both he and Rachel laid together curled up on his bed, they were lazily watching a movie, this time it was one of his favorites, Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, okay so maybe it wasn’t the best one but he loved Star Wars almost as much as he loved Avatar, “so why don’t we talk?” Sam felt how Rachel nodded her head and he felt how she took a breath.

Rachel didn’t know how to start a conversation where she was about to tell her boyfriend that she might be pregnant, the only person that she knew that had to do that before was Quinn, and she had just told Finn that she was pregnant when she knew and Rachel herself didn’t know if she was just yet.

“Rachel, you are scaring me,” Sam said, as he paused the movie and looked at his girlfriend, “is something wrong, or did I do something?”

“You didn’t do something,” Rachel said and she moved closer to him, and Sam put his arms around her and held her closer.

“So something is wrong?” Sam asked and he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

“I don’t know,” Rachel blubbered out as she had her head on his chest listening to his heart beating.

“So something is wrong,” Sam said and he held her, “or you think something is wrong?”

“I don’t know if wrong is the right word to use,” Rachel said and she moved so that she was sitting up and Sam did the same, “I am late,” she had said it now it was just up to Sam to understand what she meant.

“You are late?” Sam asked and looked at her; he was a bit confused with what she was saying.

“Yes, Sam, I am late.” Rachel said and she looked him in the eyes as she said it, and she could see with every word that she said when he understood what she meant, Sam eyes grew bigger with understanding the words that Rachel had said to him.

“You are late.” Sam stated as he had grasped what Rachel had told him, Rachel nodded her head, Rachel normally could tell a whole story but this time she couldn’t find the words to use, “so do you know if you are…”

“I don’t know,” Rachel said before Sam had a chance to finish what it was that he was about to say, “this was what I wanted to talk about.”

“Okay?” Sam said, but it was more like a question, what was it that he could say, “So how are we going to figure out if you are or aren’t?”

Rachel got of the bed and started to pace the floor in Sam’s room before she stopped and looked at him, “First we need a home test,” Sam nodded, listening to what Rachel was saying, “and after that we have to go to a doctor to be sure.”

“Why don’t we go to a doctor first?” Sam asked as he took hold of Rachel’s hands.

“Because if the test shows a plus sign or two lines, then I am if not then I’m not and in that case well I won’t be going to a doctor,” Rachel said as Sam stood up and placed his arms around her waist and drew her closer.

“Rach, can’t they show wrong?” Sam asked as he rested his forehead against hers.

“I don’t know,” Rachel whispered, “I am scared.”

“You are not alone in that,” Sam said, “but we are in this together and nothing is going to change that.”

“Sam,” Rachel said and she took a couple of small steps back and she looked at him, “if I am, and I mean if, then I will be keeping it.”

“I understand,” Sam said and he closed the distant between them, “but what I was going to say was that I will support you in whatever decision that you make.”

~You Steal My Heart~

Three days later, both Sam and Rachel stood together in Rachel’s bed room, she was holding a small brown paperbag, she looked up at Sam who nodded his head.

“It’s better to know now then wait,” Sam said and he took her hand as the two of them walked down the hall to the bathroom, “I’ll be waiting out here for you.” Rachel nodded her head, she couldn’t talk, both of their futures were in the hands of the test that she was about to take.

A couple of minutes later, Rachel came back out from the bathroom, and Sam took her in his arms, and held her while they waited for the test to be done, so that they would get their answer to the question that they both were afraid of.

“How much longer?” Sam asked Rachel as he looked down on his watch, it felt like they had waited for hours.

“How long have we been waiting?” Rachel asked but she never moved her head from his chest, she wanted to get closer to him if it was possible.

Sam glanced at his watch, “two minutes,” Rachel nodded her head and turned to him.

“One more minute,” Rachel said, and the seconds passed by slowly, every second felt like an hour.

A minute later Rachel let out a breath and Sam did the same, he opened the door to the bathroom, before he took Rachel’s hand in his own, and as he did that their fingers laced together, and the took the steps that were needed.

Both Sam and Rachel stood in the bathroom, and looked down on the pregnancy test that laid on the sink next to the toilet, Sam let Rachel’s hand go and he took a couple of more steps before he took the test in his hands, he turned it around so that he couldn’t see what the result was.

“Do you want me to look what it says or do you want to do it yourself?” Sam asked as he turned to Rachel, Rachel stood in front of him, she didn’t move a muscle, she didn’t know what to say, all she did was nod her head and Sam didn’t know what she meant by that, “Should I check it?”

Rachel was almost a ghost, she was pale and Sam could see that Rachel had a hard time breathing, “Rach, just nod or shake your head and I’ll know what to do.” Rachel nodded her head and Sam took a deep breath and then breathed out before he turned the test around and he looked at it, “I’m sorry Sweetie.” Rachel looked up at Sam with her big brown eyes and Sam could see how tears were forming in her eyes and that she was about to tart to cry.

“Pregnant,” was all that Rachel said as she looked at Sam.

“No,” Sam said as he walked up to Rachel.

“So, I’m not pregnant?” Rachel asked as she felt Sam circle his arms around her.

“No,” Sam said as he held Rachel close.

“But…” Rachel started to say but Sam stopped her by placing a kiss on her lips.

“I don’t know if there is one or two lines, maybe it is two maybe it’s one,” Sam said and held Rachel close, “I just can’t tell maybe you can?”

Rachel pried herself out of Sam’s grip around her before she took the test and looked down it and she had a hard time telling if it was one or two lines too, “I don’t know.”

“I think that it’s for the best if we make an appointment so that we can be sure,” Sam said and he once again held Rachel close, and he felt Rachel nod her head he took a step back and moved his hands so that they were on Rachel’s shoulders, “I love you.”

“I know,” Rachel said and gave him a weak smile, “and I love you too.”

“And we will get through this,” Sam said and Rachel just nodded her head, “so how do you want to do this?”

“I don’t know,” Rachel said and she almost looked smaller then she had ever done to Sam, “I never thought that we would be in this position,” Sam looked at her, “well not at this age at least.”

“I’m just happy that you have imagined this with me sometime in the future,” Sam said and this time he got a real smile from Rachel and he did the same, he took the pregnancy test from Rachel and threw it in the trashcan that was in the bathroom, he also took the box and threw it with the rest of the garbage.

“Thank you for everything,” Rachel said and she leaned up and gave Sam a kiss, he deserved it after all that he had done for her so far and what he was going to do.

sam evans, you steal my heart, fanfic, samchel, pg-13, evanberry, glee, rachel berry

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