Glad 2/3

Aug 25, 2011 20:03

Pairing: Rachel/Puck
Rating: PG-13/T
Spoilers: All episodes aired, just to be safe.
Word count: ~10,000 total
Summary: Rachel and Puck have been together for a few months, and the two of  them have a fight where Rachel points out a few things one of them being that she always have wanted to feel special. This leads to Puck wanting to show Rachel that she is special to him and he serenades her during one of their Glee practice.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Glee or  its characters; they belong to Ryan Murphy and FOX. I don’t own the song that is used in this (Glad by Tyler Hilton)


The Glee practice the next couple of days were tense, even more than a normal day, and no one really had an idea on why it was like that, it was like some of them weren’t even in the room even when they were there in person.

“Okay,” Mr. Schue said and he looked at all of them, “I know that there is something missing here but I don’t know what it is.” The teacher was more confused than he had ever been during his time as Glee instructor.


Everyone turned around to see who it was that had said that, because that was probably something that was true, passion, and a hunger to want to win, that might be what was missing.

“And Rachel bossing everyone around,” Mike said and he shrugged his shoulders as he said it, no one had really been expecting Mike Chang being the one to point out what it was that was missing in their performances.

“Rachel, do you have anything to add?” Mr. Schuester asked as he looked at the singer, she looked up from what she had been doing and she shook her head, “You normally have a lot of ideas on what we can do to make it better.”

“I don’t know,” Rachel said and she looked at the teacher.

“Just remove Hudson,” Puck said, “he doesn’t know what he is doing,” the shock on every ones faces when the footballplayer said it was almost too much to handle, “I know that I can do it better.”

“I have said it before and I’ll say it again, St. James had a point when he said that Finn couldn’t really dance and sing,” Santana said, “Hell, Mike can dance much better than Finn sings.”

“I’m a better dancer and singer then I was when I first started,” Finn said and looked around in the room, “right?” he looked at the teacher to get confirmations about that.

“You are right,” Mr. Schuester said and looked at Finn.

“Give Puckerman a chance,” Sam said as he looked at the teacher, “You let Quinn and I sing last year during sectionals.”

“Let someone else get the chance to shine,” Kurt said and he looked at the teacher, “Sam has a point, you are all about letting everyone shine but you always seem to forget about Puck, Tina and even my girl Mercedes, neither one of them have had a chance to shine at a competition. I would include myself there too but I got the opportunity to sing a duet last year with the Warblers so I’m okay for the time being.”

The teacher ran his hands over his face and down his neck as he tried to figure out what he was going to do.

“You are saying that we all are special and a part of something special,” Rachel said and she was wearing a showface, “so let them know that they are special, all everyone wants is to feel special at one point in their life.”

Rachel couldn’t help herself; she wanted Puck to understand what it was that she wanted from him and most of the time he would have gotten the idea on what it was that she wanted from him by now, it was just something that was holding him back.

Puck looked around, and he had been looking at Rachel all the time they had been in the choirroom and this was the first time that he maybe had an idea what it was that she had been trying to tell him but how was he supposed to know what it was that she wanted from him when she never said it out to him. He wasn’t a freaking mind reader even if Rachel most of the time was pretty easy to read she had a few tricks up her sleeve when she didn’t want him to know what was going on inside of her head.


Puck was chasing after Rachel as she had left the school without talking to him, he wanted her to listen to what he had to say, and there were still some things that he needed to say to her, most of them had to do with what had been said in the choirroom by everyone in there. He still had no idea what she had meant when she had said that everyone wanted to feel special, and from what he had heard that was what most of them were telling Mr. Schuester, they wanted to feel special.

“Wait,” Puck called after the brunette, for being so short she had a couple of long legs that took her from point A to point B pretty fast, and Puck had some trouble keeping up with her.
Rachel turned around when she heard her boyfriend’s voice, she liked that he had followed her, she was surprised that he had done that but at the same time she knew that Noah Puckerman most of the time had an idea on what it was that he needed to do.

“What do you want, Puckerman?” She asked as she had stopped in her steps and looked at him.
Puck was surprised when he heard the tone of her voice and the name that she had chosen to use at him, he wanted her to call him Noah, Rachel was the only one beside his mother and sister that could call him that.

“What is wrong with you?” Puck asked as he had walked up to her and stood in front of her looking her in the eyes, “It’s like you don’t care about anything anymore.”

“What would you know about that?” Rachel spit out as she looked at him, she felt how tears was about to form in her eyes, but she wasn’t going to let him see her cry, “You don’t care about anyone anymore.”

“I care,” Puck yelled as he heard her, “if I didn’t care do you think that I would be standing here if I didn’t care.”

“you have a funny way of showing that you care,” Rachel turned around and stared to walk away when she had told him that, but she didn’t get far until she felt someone grab her shoulder, “Let go of my shoulder Noah,” Rachel wasn’t going to look at him, he wouldn’t see her face if he did she knew that she was going to cry.

“Rachel, please,” Puck almost pleaded with her, he wanted to have a chance to talk to her and tell her what he had on his mind, this was all it took for Rachel to turn around and face her boyfriend.

“You don’t get it,” Rachel said as she looked him in the eyes, she closed her eyes and counted to ten in her head, her jaws were tighten and her fists closed, she wasn’t one to normally lose her patient but somehow Noah Puckerman was one who knew how to push her buttons and there was one more person that could do that to her, Finn, and until just a week ago, Puck hadn’t really pushed those buttons but now, he was finding them during every conversation that they had.

Puck was about to say something to Rachel but she cut him off before he even got one word out of his mouth, “you think that you know exactly how I feel and think and what to say and do,” she looked at him and pushed him backwards with her hands, “but you have no idea on what’s going on in my head.”

“I’m trying here,” he said as he looked at her, he could tell that there was a lot of things that was going on inside of her head, “but I can’t help you or say the right things if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”

“You should know,” Rachel screamed at him, any other day Rachel Berry would tell her boyfriend what she needed but for once, just for once she wanted him to know what she needed.

“I can’t read your mind!” Puck yelled at her as they two of them continued on with the argument that they were having, both of them knew deep down that this wasn’t really helping or going somewhere.

“Have I ever asked you to read my mind?” Rachel asked as she looked at him, “All you have to do to know what I want is to be a bit perceptive.”

“You know that isn’t the way that I roll,” Puck said and looked at her, both of them were losing whatever cool they had left in them, Puck knew that this was going to be one of their biggest fights they had ever had if not the biggest.
Rachel looked at him like he was crazy, “That’s not how you roll?” She asked and looked at him, “then tell me Puckerman, how do you role?”

Their screaming had managed to get some audience, it was all of Glee club and some of the other students that had been staying behind for some of the other clubs that were meeting after school had stopped when they had heard and seen the argument that was going on between the Glee star and one of the footballplayers, this was not something that normally happened at McKinley, well not so public anyway.

“You know how I roll,” Puck said as he stared at her, “and you have always known so why don’t you tell me what you want.”

“I want what everyone wants,” Rachel yelled at him, “to feel special,” that was the last thing that she said before she left, she didn’t even look back to see how and even if Noah Puckerman had any reaction what it was that she just had said.

Puck just stood and looked in the direction that Rachel was walking, he couldn’t get his head around what just had happened, had Rachel dumped him, no that can’t be it, Noah Puckerman doesn’t get dumped, if someone is doing the dumping, he’s the one doing it.

The last that Rachel had said to him was going on repeat in his head, to feel special, he made her feel special right? She had managed to make him feel insecure about what he was doing for her and all that shit. He knew how to make girl feel special but now Rachel freaking Berry is making him feel insecure about his ability to make her feel special.

This couldn’t be the only thing that he was missing, there must have been something else that she had said earlier, he was going through all of the things that he could remember from the last couple of days as he sat down on the steps outside of the school, he knew that Rachel had given him some more hints about this.

“You know,” Puck looked up and saw that Artie had rolled up to him Puck shook his head, he had no idea on what was going on, “you have a problem.”

“Can you state something more obvious?” Puck said with as much of sarcasm as he could muster up.
“Hey don’t blame me for your mess,” Artie said as he looked at Puck, the other boy did look upset and almost destroyed, and he wondered what it was that Rachel had said to him.

“I know,” Puck sighed, this was just too much for him, and “it’s all just a big giant mess.”

“If you don’t fix it you won’t be any better than any of the other ones,” the wheel-chaired bound boy said as he looked at his friend.

Puck glared at his friend, “don’t you dare compare me to the jackass or the giant,” Artie laughed as he heard the nickname that Puck called Rachel’s exes.

“Look, we both know what Rachel wants,” Artie said and looked at Puck, “and please don’t make me say it.”

“I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about,” Puck said and he hid his face in his own hands, he wanted the ground to swallow him.

“All I’m going to say is that…” Artie said and took breathe before he continued, “….there is one thing in the world that will make Rachel swoon.”

Puck blinked a couple of times, before he opened his eyes, and he realized that he had been stupid, real stupid, he had no idea on why he hadn’t thought about it earlier, he knew what it was that had made Rachel really swoon the first time that they had dated, if you even can call it that, it had after all only been for a week.

“you are a genius,” Puck said and he looked up from behind his hands and gave Artie a smile, “and I think that you are going to help me.”

“I never said that,” Artie tried his best to get out of this, he for one didn’t want to have anything to do with what Puck was going to do when he won Rachel back.

“I don’t care,” Puck said and pushed Artie in his chair towards his car, “you are better than Finn, Sam or Mike.”

“What about the girls and Kurt?” Artie said and turned his head around when he talked to Puck.

“Finn? Seriously?” Puck asked and looked at him, “You are crazy and Sam too much Bieber at the moment, Mike is great if I need someone to dance.”

“And you still have the girls and Kurt,” Artie tried, “you don’t need me.”

“I don’t need them, it would just be Broadway or some other strange music that I don’t listen too,” Puck said and did the best he could to help Artie in the car, “I need someone to help me find the perfect song.”

“And I can do that?” Artie asked and looked confused at his friend, “I haven’t really found a song that was good ever.”

“Brittany seemed to like it when you sang to her,” Puck tried and looked at his friend as he started the car and drove from the school.

“And see where she is now and where I am.”

“and your point is?” Puck asked as he made a right turn.

“I don’t have one,” Artie said and shook his head this wasn’t something that he was going to get out of, “just let’s play some CoD or something.”

“Smash Bros,” Puck said and smiled, “and you don’t have to help me.”

“Then we are playing Smash Bros,” Artie said and shook his head, he had never thought that Puck was going to be the one that was this obsessed with all the different Mario games.

“They only ones that you can chose from are the Veteran Fighters,” Puck said as they had reached the Puckerman house, “and I’ll even let you choose between almost all of them.”

“that‘s so nice of you,” Artie said and clenched his hands.

“It’s the last time I played against Finn,” Puck said and smiled, “I just let him choose between Kirby and Pikachu and he hate them.”

“So I can be Peach?” Artie asked as Puck helped him inside.


Artie just laughed, he had heard that Peach was one of the characters that was of limit ever since Rachel had played with him.


Rachel had her camera ready, it had been awhile since she had put a video up on her MySpace page but it was something about what had happened today that just made her want to sing her heart out and let all of the things that she was feeling out but she had yet to find a song that fitted the way she felt.

But there were always some of the Broadway classics that she could use, just to sing her heart out and let the world know what she felt and what she was going through and she didn’t care about the comments that she was going to get and she knew that there would be someone that would say something positive more or less.

As she sat down at her computer to edit the filming that she had done, she got an alert about a new blogpost that Jacob had done, and she had no idea on why she had added a RSS-feed from his blog, maybe she wanted to know what he was writing mostly about her. As she opened the link to the post she saw the header and in that moment she wanted nothing more than to strangle one Jacob Ben Israel and her guess was that there was at least one more person that felt the same as her.

As she read the post she knew that the blogger was going to have a rough day the coming school day at least if her boyfriend had read this or when he found out. There had been a video that was taken from behind a tree or something when they were fighting the first time and it was now one more video from earlier today, the fight outside the school.

Rachel was one who knew how to compose a great reply what Jacob had done and she did just that and she smiled to herself, she was happy what she had done and there was nothing more than she could do or even would do as of now.


Puck had been searching around on iTunes trying to find the perfect song that he could sing to his girlfriend, what Artie had said had made him realize that the first time that he really saw that Rachel might like him was when he was singing Sweet Caroline to her, and she had told him that time that she needed someone that was a leadingman and if there was one thing that Puck saw himself as was a leader and he was now going to show Rachel and Schue that no one was a better leader than him. Everyone knew that Puck was a better leader than Finn who was too afraid of losing his reputation when it came to act like a leader even if he (Finn) was the one that messed up at the beginning and then he fixed it somewhat, he always got the credit even if there was some other people that actually made the most work.

If Noah Puckerman played his cards right then he was the new lead in New Directions and the real leading man in Rachel Berry’s life and that was all that he wanted and he hadn’t know that until this moment and he was going to show them all who he was.

glee, fanfic, pg-13, noah puckerman, puck, glad, rachel berry

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