When You Tell the World That You Are Mine 3/3

Aug 25, 2011 18:58

Title: When You Tell the World That You Are Mine
Author: laotse4
Rating: pg-13
Length: +12 000 total
Spoilers: All episodes aired to be safe.
Summary: Sam and Rachel are going to sing a duet in Glee, and the winner will sing their song at Nationals.

When You Tell the World That You Are Mine

Sam had picked up Rachel the morning before school just like he had promised her that he would, and he acted like a complete gentleman and open the door for her at the car and help her up and down.

As they walked together inside the school to the brunette’s locker, he was holding her hand, he had been the one that indicated the contacted between them, and Rachel was happy that he had done that, and didn’t seemed ashamed of being seen with her.

Sam grabbed Rachel’s books as she had taken them out of her locker. “I am caring them for you to your class.”

“You don’t have to do that.” Rachel said and she tried to get her books back, but she was glad that Sam had more or less told her that he was going to carry her books to her class.

“I’ll carry them and I am walking you to your class.” He said and smiled, and gave her a peck on her cheek and he could see a red-ish colour creeping up her cheeks. “And I will also meet up with you when your class is done.”

Rachel smiled at him as he took her hand with his free hand, and the walked through the corridors of William McKinley High School, hand in hand, and it was just like she had dreamed of and it didn’t look like he was ashamed of her.

“So you are at your class and here are your books.” Sam said and handed Rachel her books. “And we will meet up again for lunch today.” She just nodded and she was just going to walk inside to the classroom, but Sam stopped her and gave her a hug and a peck on her cheek, he hadn’t planned on doing it, it just felt right just like a lot of things that he did for Rachel.


Sam had to leave the cafeteria early, there was a meeting with coach Beiste that he needed to attend, and wished that he hadn’t have to leave Rachel alone, he was pretty sure that it was going to be some kind of backlash and she was the one that would get hit with it and not him and wouldn’t be there to protect her like he wanted, or help her after it happened.

As he was sitting with coach Beiste in her office, he heard someone laugh outside in the corridor, and he turned around and he saw that there had been someone that had been hit with a few slushies. He clenched his fists, he was pretty sure that it had been Rachel, he stood up and walked out from the office, he could hear Besite yelling after him but he didn’t care.

“Evans!” He heard his last name and then there was more to come. “You better take your…” He wasn’t listening to what his football coach was yelling after him, he had one goal, and that was to find Rachel and help her get cleaned up and then after that he was going after whoever it was that had thrown the slushies at his girlfriend.

“Coach, I know that we were in a meeting.” Sam said as he saw that Beiste was next to him. “But this has gone too far.”

“What have gone too far?” She asked and looked around and she could see Rachel Berry standing against the lockers and had red and blue corn-syrup dropping from her hair and her clothes were starting to turn more purple than before, and she understood what Sam was talking about. “I’ll go and talk to Figgins, and you go help her.”

“Thanks.” Sam said and took of his letterman jacket, and walked up to Rachel and put his arms around her and held her close, and he could feel how her tears were falling down her face. He didn’t care that there was corn syrup all over his clothes, she needed him to hold her and that was what he was going to do. “Sweetie, I think that we should go find a bathroom so that you can get cleaned up.” He whispered in her ear as he led her to the closest bathroom.

When they were in the safety of the school bathroom, Rachel broke down and Sam just held her until he could help her to clean some of the slushie leftovers that hadn’t dried into her clothes. It had taken them almost the whole lesson that they had after lunch but Sam hadn’t cared and he was sure that Rachel didn’t care either.

The two of them didn’t attend any more of their classes that day, he had taken her home when they had clean her off as good as they could in school. Sam had driven Rachel home and she had taken a shower, and he had waited for her to finish and he waited for her, and helped her in to her bed. He remembered the first time he had a slushie thrown at him and he had hated it and this was something that happened to Rachel almost daily.

When he saw that she was sleeping went down stairs and waited for her fathers to come home so that he could talk to them, and he knew that this particular day wasn’t the best to surprise her even if that might have been what she needed.


Back at the school, there was a Glee meeting, just like every day, and when William Schuester walked in to the choir room he saw that two of the members were missing. “Have anyone seen Sam and Rachel?”

“I think Sam left after lunch some time.” Finn said and no one said anything more about that.

“And Rachel?” Will asked and looked at the students.

“Berry, left with Lady lips.” Puck said and looked around the room.

“Does anyone know why they aren’t here?” Will asked but he didn’t get an answer until he looked at the door where he could see coach Beiste standing, pointing at him and then out the door. “I’ll be back in a minute, you can continue on with you assignment this week.”

“Coach.” Will greeted as he stood outside then choir room with the football coach. “You wanted to talk to me.”

“I thought that the slushie thing was over with.” Beiste said and looked at Will, who looked surprised.

“You are not alone about that; I haven’t seen anything like that happen in a long time.”

“But it happened today.” Beiste said, and she shook her head, she had no idea why this was happening again. “Evans took Rachel Berry home earlier today.”

“then I know why both of them are missing.” Will sighed and ran his fingers over his face. “Do you have any idea on why Rachel was slushied?”

“Not the slightest, but it appeared that Sam might have had an idea.” Beiste said, trying to think if he had told her anything that might help them. “He was furious, I think he wanted to go after whoever it was that slusihed her.”


It was Friday and it was time for the competition, in Glee. Rachel sat next to Sam in the auditorium. Will had decided that they were going to use the auditorium for the competition.

“So who is going to go first?” Will asked and he looked at all of his students, he was pretty sure that there would be a hand up in the air, but he didn’t see the hand that he expected in the air. He looked over at Rachel and saw that she was almost sitting in Sam’s lap, and that was the first he had really seen them together; he had heard from some students that the two of them seemed close. “Okay no one wants to go first.” There wasn’t a response to that. “okay then I’ll decide.”

There was no sound from anyone. “So first out we have Mike and Tina.” Just like the first time that they were going to sing their duet, Mike was about to chicken out and he looked at Tina and they decided on just go for it.

Neither Sam nor Rachel could say what song they were singing and in the end that wouldn’t probably matter. The next pair that was up was Finn and Quinn, and they were singing some 80’s rock song, probably Finn’s choice, Rachel wasn’t surprised by that.

Then there was a couple of performance that Rachel didn’t really care about and she wasn’t surprised about that, the only ones that she saw as any kind of competition were Santana and Mercedes.

“Okay, no we just have one performance left and then we are going to have a vote to see who the winner is going to be.” Mr. Schue said and looked at Sam and Rachel. “So can Sam and Rachel please take the stage?”

Rachel got up and Sam was up soon after her and he took her hand and led the two of the up the stairs to the stage. They looked at one another and Sam gave Rachel an encouraging smile, before he looked at her, and started to sing. “Darling, when you tell the world that you’re mine.”

Rachel felt safe when she heard Sam’s voice and she turned out all of the audience that was in the auditorium, this was just her and Sam singing just like they had done so many times during the week, she took a step closer to the blonde footballplayer, and smiled before she sang. “You’re mine, against all odds my love.” They locked their eyes with each other, Rachel was about to turn her eyes away when she felt Sam’s hand on her cheek, and he looked at her with so much love, that he could muster up.

Rachel had no idea on why she needed his support she normally felt like the stage was her second home but this time she was insecure about it. “What we have it is unbreakable…” Rachel sang and looked at Sam, who was backing her up with a part of what she just had sang.

The music continued on playing and Sam held Rachel in his arm, and when he was about to sing the next line, he took a step back so that he could really look at her. “If God was to describe you.” Sam felt like he was singing the truth as he and Rachel moved on to the next line of the song together. “Where would he begin…”

After he had sang that the music started to play and he had to wait for the right cue to start singing again, and he was standing next to Rachel and he was reaching for her hand, he knew that he wanted to hold her when he was singing this part and the parts they were singing together, and he knew that Rachel would have a couple of her own lines in the song and he smiled at her.

“I’m blinded by your presence.” Sam sang as he looked Rachel in the eyes and smiled and he leaned his forehead against hers for a second. And Rachel took over for the next line.

“In the moment that we’re in.” She sang and Sam smiled at her before he backed her up a little to let her know that he was there with her.

“If god was to describe you.” They both sang as they held each other’s hands, and looked the other one deep in the eyes. “Where would he begin.” They were almost alone in the world, they couldn’t hear or see how the rest of the members of the Glee club was reacting and Sam didn’t care about that, all he wanted was to sing this song to Rachel and let her know how much he really meant the words that he was singing, but it felt so strange to feel this much in such a short moment of time.

He glance quickly at the audience just to see how they were reacting to their singing, and he saw the looks on most of them, and he could tell that there were going to win this, and it couldn’t have had a better ending.

If they really did win this competition then what he had planned would be even better, and he had really managed to plan it perfectly, in more ways than one. He looked at Rachel as they took a some steps away from each other just so that the end to the song would be even more powerful, that was what Rachel had told him the first time they had rehearsed the song after that first awkward sing trough.

He smiled at the girl as they sang together, “Your colours blend together.” He couldn’t believe that he was on this stage with Rachel and that it would be so much better when they were singing this at Nationals, in New York with both there set of parents in the audience and everyone would see that they were the ones that were going to lead New Directions to the first place. “And you become the light.”

Sam walked the steps that he needed so that he could look Rachel in the eyes, he lifted his hands and placed his palms at her cheeks after he had lifted her chin up so that they were looking in each other eyes before he sang for her. “If only you could see the way you shine.” And in this moment Sam could really see how much Rachel was shining, and beauty that she was radiating when she was this person, and the person that Sam was in love with. He blinked a couple of times before he continued. “Darling, when you tell the world that you’re mine.” He had never really thought about the fact that he might love Rachel, they hadn’t even been out on a real date, but that was something that was going to change as soon as the day was over.

Sam moved his hands from her cheeks but he kept the eye contact that he had with Rachel, before he leaned closer to her and let his own forehead rest against her, his arms were now placed around her waist and her arms were around his neck, there was just one more line left of the song, Sam closed his eyes before he softly sang the last line, and it was just for Rachel. “I’m standing by an angel…”

As he had sang the last line he moved his lips to Rachel’s and placed a kiss on her mouth, that hadn’t been a part of the choreography but he just had to do that, and he knew that if he hadn’t kissed her earlier that week he would have kissed her the first time in front of the rest of the Glee club.

Will stood up as the song came to its end and he was the first one to applaud them but soon the rest of the club was standing there with him and looking at them. Will knew that if Sam and Rachel didn’t won, then he had to make some changes, because there hadn’t been a duet among them that had been as near as good, and he was happy that he had told them that they couldn’t vote for themselves.

“So, we are going back to the choir room, so that you all can vote on who you thought were the best.” Will said and he wanted to add that there shouldn’t be a competition, about who would win after the last performance but it was wrong.

“I know that there shouldn’t have to be a vote to know who the winner was.” Rachel and Sam looked around the room to try and see who it was that had said it, they knew they voices but they didn’t feel like pointing it out.

“I agree with you.” Will said, as he looked at Mike, it turned out that he had been the one that said that. “And you don’t have to vote in your pair, you will have one vote each. So let’s start.”

Will had gotten all the votes and he had counted them and it had been a landslide victory for the couple that won, and for the first time it the whole group had managed to agree on something, there had been just two votes that hadn’t voted for the winner and that meant that no one had voted for themselves and he was proud of them for not turning this into some kind of popularity contest.

“And we have a winner.” Will said and he looked at Finn. “Drumroll please.” And Finn played a drumroll on the drums that he was sitting behind. “And the winner is…”

“Just tell us who won so that we can go home.” Puck said, he knew that he hadn’t won. “It’s Friday and no one wants to stay here that much longer not even Berry.” Sam just glared at his team mate, he didn’t like it when they were calling his girlfriend by her last name but it was better than all of the nicknames that he had found out that they called her. But then again Rachel Berry wasn’t his girlfriend officially yet but he knew that was a different story tomorrow morning, even later tonight. Sam smiled to himself before he took Rachel’s hand and linked their fingers together.

“…Rachel and Sam.” Will said and there was some applause. Rachel smiled at Sam, she was happy about the fact that they had won, just like Sam said that they would do. Every member of the New Directions slowly started too walked out of the choir room.

Sam took Rachel by her hand as they walked out. “I am coming by and picking you up at 7 tonight.” Sam said as they walked together and Rachel looked at him like he was kidding.

“What are you talking about?” Rachel asked but she didn’t let the boy get a chance to answer her “I have a game night with my dads tonight, I can’t get away from that.”

“I think that you should really ask them about that after I have dropped you off when I have given you a ride home right now.” Sam said and helped Rachel up in his Jeep before he closed the door.

It didn’t take that long before they once again was at the Berry driveway and Sam was helping Rachel out of his car and walked her to the door. He was going to do everything in his power to make sure that Rachel would get everything that she wanted and deserved.

As the brunette opened the door, both of them could hear her fathers. “So can we by our front seat tickets to National so that we can see the two of you perform on that stage in New York with that beautiful duet.”

Rachel looked at Sam, asking him if she could tell them or if it should be a surprise for later. He didn’t have to say word, Rachel understood what he meant. “Yes, you can book those tickets.” Rachel said and smiled at Sam before she turned to her fathers.

“That’s good because we had already ordered them.” Sam recognized Leroy’s voice, and he couldn’t help but smile.

“Sweetie, I’ll see you later tonight.” Sam said before he gave Rachel a small kiss before he left his girl, with her fathers, and those were the only ones that he trusted her with, which sounded strange but he was protective of her.

The end!

The songs in this story:
“When you tell the world that you are mine” by Bjön Skifts & Agnes Carlsson
“Can you feel the love tonight” from The Lion King (just title)
“All I ask of you” from Phantom at the Opera (just title)
“Sun and Moon” from Miss Saigon (just title)

sam evans, fanfic, samchel, pg-13, evanberry, glee, when you tell the world that you are min, rachel berry

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