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Comments 24

hikariluluk October 13 2014, 14:59:08 UTC
yakin deh mbak....kalo liat your prince, laughing...laughing... :)


laoracci October 13 2014, 15:12:46 UTC
iya, pastinya, hahaa XD dia gak pernah gagal mengalihkan pikiranku yang akhir2 ini sering negatif XD


hikariluluk October 13 2014, 15:25:25 UTC
yes, U're right...when i felt down, tired, i always came back to see arashi, especially Yama pair. sedikit ngurangi. and, melihat LJ mu seneng deh mbak...moga sering2 upload something funny ya...


laoracci October 13 2014, 15:45:31 UTC
setuju banget, mereka bener2 bisa bantu kita buat tetep optimis <3 oh ya? syukurlah, seneng banget kalau postinganku yang walaupun sering gak jelas masih bisa bikin orang seneng XD makasih ya *hugs


nadzsanz October 13 2014, 15:09:27 UTC
Im here just to see sho shake.. XD


laoracci October 13 2014, 15:14:03 UTC
eeh??? what about your Nino? XD


nadzsanz October 13 2014, 15:32:24 UTC
Hahahaha... as for nino, i want to complain here... isnt his shirt is just toooooo long? i cant get the view... XD

*focus back to sho... *


laoracci October 13 2014, 15:40:09 UTC
what view? his belt? *straight face XD

ahem! well, you can see Sho, but no touching, 'kay? hahahaa XD


bec2224 October 13 2014, 15:36:24 UTC
See now I don't see Sho being stiff at all, I think the best shakers are Ohno, Jun and Sho in that order. I find both Nino and Aiba very jerky, it's like they can't make a smooth circle with their hips, it's angle to angle.

But I've always felt that way.

And yes, Nino's shirt is too long, but isn't it a jacket on jacket. And why is Aiba wearing a sweatshirt when everyone else is wearing jacket or jackets.



laoracci October 13 2014, 15:56:05 UTC
eh, really? I can't help but notice that he moves a bit different from others XD aalthough here in this clip he's not as stiff as his dance in face down XD
well, that's what I saw, I love him nevertheless X3

and of course the best shakers are Ohno and Jun XD

tbh, I didn't pay a good attention to Nino's outfit, but I'm thinking the same thing about Aiba. why different?? XD


bec2224 October 13 2014, 23:56:51 UTC
okay, I've gone back and watched it again (for Scientific Research you understand) and after re-watching I've determined that Ohno is the only one doing this move correctly. He's 'rolling' his hips as he turns, the rest of them are just making circles with their hips.

I do believe this move started in the stripper world, lol



laoracci October 14 2014, 10:13:17 UTC
oh, Scientific Research, that's good! XD and now, I become more sure that he IS the shaking master~ XD who probably had gotten some training in the stripper world! lol XDDD


angelasyp October 13 2014, 15:37:21 UTC
*nose bleeding*

NICE BUTTsssss!! lol...

Looking forward to the PV.. :)


laoracci October 13 2014, 15:57:17 UTC


yamapi_0409 October 13 2014, 16:02:22 UTC
Yeah..riida said that Sho-chan become more stiff this day XD
Kangen goyang pinggulnya di Move your body >3<
*pertanda tambah makmur tuh makanya susah gerakXD #ditampolShochan


laoracci October 13 2014, 16:11:50 UTC
iya kan? entah kenapa tadi pas liat semua news clips itu, aku langsung dapat kesan itu, aku ngeliatnya berjuang banget buat menggoyang pinggul seksinya itu, hahahaa.. XD

bener2, selain itu karena faktor umur juga kayanya, hahahaa XD


yamapi_0409 October 15 2014, 14:32:39 UTC
Haha...kok komennya sm kyk komen neechanku ya..krn faktor "U" tuh ktny makanya susah gerak XD
*dan ichibannya Sho-chan jg XD


laoracci October 15 2014, 14:45:54 UTC
oh ya?! mungkin karna ichiban kami sama, hohoho XD

en semoga aja dia gak sakit pinggang atau pinggul gara2 gerakan ini XD


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