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Comments 9

ayubrekele January 10 2014, 15:25:23 UTC
akhirnya kluar juga yang 'nadegata'... kirain bakal buat H-1 ^^


laoracci January 10 2014, 15:50:45 UTC
hahaa XD kalau nadegata sbenarnya emang udah di draft, jd pasti bakal di posting, cuman aku ngepos-nya dengan urutan random, soalnya susah kalau kaya diranking gitu, tapi aku udah punya bayangan dong buat H-1 nya ;D

en tadi kebetulan nonton vsa ini, jadi ingat nadegata belum aku posting XD

trus sebenernya countdown post ini lebih tergantung pada apa yang aku ingat aja, terus aku cari show yg ngebahas tentang itu, atau bisa juga kebetulan aku ingat waktu nonton show atau interview arashi atau yg ada sho-nya, terus aku catat di hape biar gak lupa, hehee.. makanya aku agak khawatir gak punya cukup bahan buat countdown ini XD *gomen jadi curhat ^^


ayubrekele January 12 2014, 13:04:51 UTC
kira2 apa yah H-1 nya *lirik2

aq selalu baca countdown ini... kadang klo suka nungguin, hari ini apa lagi yah... menarik qo buat di baca....


laoracci January 13 2014, 10:36:43 UTC
hmm.. apa yah? hehee XD

wah, makasih banyak lho udah nyempetin buat baca :D


neko_kirin3104 January 10 2014, 23:18:11 UTC
I haven't watched this yet! T.T //searches

But it's true that Sho-chan has become the representative of the nadegata, ne~ XD ~<3


laoracci January 10 2014, 23:51:34 UTC
oh, you have to watch this one! it's so hilarious and riidaa was fooling around XD

too bad I can't remember from where I got it, and the video itself doesn't have any watermark or info who subbed this ><

he is the only one, hahahaa XD

btw, the opponent guest is ABC Team and the +1 guest is Kaga Mariko-san :)


perkyandproud January 10 2014, 23:44:26 UTC
LOL! I had to go and look up what that actually meant. Poor boy. *hugs him*

I think part of it is due to how muscular his neck is, you know? With his shirt off you certainly don't notice the slope of his shoulders as much! ;)


laoracci January 11 2014, 00:04:39 UTC
*hugs him with you*

in mannequin 5, when he wore a cardigan, nishikawa-sensei even said that his nadegata is like an arrow pointing upwards, but I think it's because of his muscle. and although Sho said that he usually used pads on his shoulders, I don't think his shoulders are as slopping as that much.. tbh, I think yamapi is more nadegata than him, but whatever it is, he's really an adorbs for me XD


perkyandproud January 11 2014, 01:15:35 UTC
He is totally adorbs :) And I agree, I think that sometimes he plays up the slope a bit...and sometimes what the dressers give him to wear does it too. Like the outfits that sit up higher on his neck.

I noticed that the traditional outfits they wear at New Years makes several Arashi look a bit sloped shouldered as well, so yeah, fashion can make a difference!


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