Tokudane 2013.05.23 - Sakurai Sho ♥

May 26, 2013 10:06

I just finished watching Sho's interview in Tokudane. It was fun and heartwarming. Sho was having fun playing PK, drum game *like the one in kazoku game* and also tongue twister. He was laughing so much in the interview part. It's a nice view >,<

here's some cuts from the interview

Sho's wishes ♥ )

tv performance, Sho.. you distract my world ♥ ♥, summary (?), ♥ Sho owns my heart ♥♥♥, sakurai sho, fangirling makes me healthier ♥, tokudane, Sho.. you're blazin ♥ ♥, everyday can be sho day, Sho fails and I love it ♥, my journal is sho-centric ♥

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Comments 46

nekochan_lia May 26 2013, 03:32:08 UTC
Guh cuteness xD
Btw which part of indonesia do you live?
And i still hope sho will have peaceful live with satoshi in the future


laoracci May 26 2013, 04:36:13 UTC
deshou? ♪V(>∀<*V)三(V*>∀<)V
i live in kalimantan right now ^^

oh, let's pray for that (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))


luxiris4869 May 26 2013, 04:59:59 UTC
gol nya kayak yang di salah satu episode shiyagare XD

and i really love this interview..
his father finally came to his solo concert..yokatta ne~ sho-chan :)

i love the way he answers every questions. i understand why he always thinks about his answer carefully cause he knows the effect of his answer. yeah a lot of people will watch it and he doesn't want people misunderstood his answer

i hope his wishes come true too..
actually i have the same think with Kasai-san about nino and sho :p

ah one more..
if i'm not mistaken, was there a moment when ogu-san said that he knows about type of girl that sho like?

*sorry for the long comment. hehehe


laoracci May 26 2013, 08:52:14 UTC
so far I love every interviews with sho :D
His thinking way is admirable and make me love him more. I've never had so much feels for a person like that before >,<

oh I'm sorry, I didn't write that part, I remember Ogu-san said about Sho's type of girl after that Nino and Sho things, right? ^^a
thank you for reminding me ♥

it's okay, the longer the merrier, I love comments XD

ETA: oh iya, gol yang kedua itu kaya waktu dia ngelawan kiper nasional jepang ^o^


luxiris4869 May 27 2013, 09:45:07 UTC
iyaa :D
suka banget sama tiap interview nya dia. suka inspiratif

iya..bilang setelah bagian itu kalau ga salah. tapi sayang Ogu-san ga bilang kriterianya apa ajaa. kan pengen tauu >.<

hoho..thanks :D

iya. lewat sela2 kaki. hahaha
dia jago baca pikiran orang ya kayaknya..jadi bisa ngegolin dengan mulus kayak gitu :p


sherxjinnie May 26 2013, 05:05:30 UTC
I truly believe that Sho will be a good husband^^
"Nino is good as a boyfriend" ii ne~ (//∇//)


laoracci May 26 2013, 08:54:48 UTC
yes, he IS ^^
and I'd love to see that tokudane with Nino, when he promoted platina data, I think I missed that episode >,


sherxjinnie May 26 2013, 13:17:11 UTC
Nino's Tokudane? *thinking*
The one which they made replica of Neen's home?
I didn't understand what they talked about, but he looked like his real age. The way he talked, so thoughtful and mature. At least for me :) *wanna hug him*


laoracci May 27 2013, 00:38:00 UTC
iya, yang satu itu, aku belum donlot =3=
tapi kalau gak salah nnk sedang ngesub deh, mungkin aku tunggu dulu aja? ^^a
selain sho, yang paling aku suka kalau interview itu Nino, aku kagum sama cara dia jawab tiap pertanyaan, dewasa gitu *walaupun mukanya masih bocah XD dia itu jujur walaupun itu tentang kejelekan/kekurangan dia, kaya waktu di tanya tentang kepelitan dia di honma dekka, dia bilang kalau itu benar en dia gak perlu terlalu khawatir karena menjadi dirinya sendiri. di shounen club premium juga aku suka sama cara dia jawab. makanya sampai sekarang yang pasti aku donlot kalau ada interview itu Sho sama Nino, karna inspiratif buat aku. Dia juga cinta banget sama Arashi, dia pernah bilang kalau dia itu fans no.1, dan dia juga orang pertama yang aku suka sebelum aku tau dia member Arashi, gara2 nonton yamataro >///< *lah, ko jadi curhat? XD


aga88 May 26 2013, 08:20:26 UTC
Thank you. Now I can start my day in a great mood :)


laoracci May 26 2013, 08:55:57 UTC
you're welcome ^^
oh, glad to hear that, have a nice day ♥


natsu_splash May 26 2013, 10:19:28 UTC
saya mau, sodara2.. nyari episode ini dimanaaaaa??? TT_TT

eh sekarang, calon mertuaku bapaknya Sho udah gak pa2 kan ya sama dia dan Arashi? :O
sedih aja kalo sampe sekarang dia masih jelek hubungannya gara2 Arashi :(

btw, Sho suka cewek kayak apa sih? di episode mana ya dijelasin? XD

aaaaa, just marry Aiba already #kick, punch me

ada foto2 yg cocok sama lagunya JKT- gomen ne summer #blush


laoracci May 26 2013, 10:45:19 UTC
ada di kazoku-game com. seneng banget waktu nemu ada yang nge-upload >,<

iya, kasian ya sho dulu, ditentang sama keluarganya yang elit itu >_< untung sekarang udah diterima sama semuanya ^o^

disini Ogu-san gak ngasih tau, tapi seingatku dia pernah ngomong beberapa kali tentang tipe dia deh, di hanamaru cafe, kalau gak salah. paling sering dia ngomong kalo dia suka cewek yang senyumnya kawaii en peka, dan kalau bisa bukan dari dunia celeb, tapi kalau gak salah di hanamaru kemaren dia bilang lagi kalau dia suka cewek yang senyumnya kawaii, tapi terus dia bilang kalau jawaban dia itu apa ya, aku lupa, ntar deh, aku tonton lagi XDDD

hahahaa~ gimana ya rumah tangga mereka kalau beneran nikah? XDDD

oh ya, wah aku gak ngikutin jeketi nih ^^a


laoracci May 26 2013, 10:47:25 UTC
yang cocok itu, foto yang mana sih? ntar mau cari lagunya deh, penasaran XD


natsu_splash May 26 2013, 10:57:15 UTC
oh gitu.. sip2.. maacih :3

ah sou ka? yokatta nee :)

saya : bukan dari dunia celebnya bisa, tapi sial senyumku gak kawaii dan aku bener2 gak peka :p
eh tapi dia selalu bilang "senyum" ya, keinget abang di sebelahnya di endless game (baca : Aiba-chi) :p #forgive my Sakuraiba heart

lucuuuuuuu.. XDXDXDXD

nih, postingannya


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