// Reminder

Jul 07, 2009 08:25

Okay, anyone in the list below planning on submitting their icons soon-ish? I'm more concerned about the people with no skips.

my_tourniquet13 (1 skip)
telltale (no skips)
phoebe290455 (2 skips)
prone_tastic (no skips)

challenge six, reminder, round five

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Comments 4

phoebe290455 July 7 2009, 10:10:12 UTC
I'm sorry, I totally forgot! I submitted mine now, though (if that still counts).


jehnt July 7 2009, 17:08:17 UTC
eh, I'd just post voting. If people don't get their icons in, they don't get their icons in. MASS CARNAGE DISQUALIFICATIONS.

Not that I'm exactly keen on having my icon be one of only a few remaining this soon in the game or anything, but you know.


shadowserenity July 7 2009, 17:21:37 UTC
I hate eliminating people *sigh* Ah well, has to be done. Voting up soon (I just woke up from my cough medicine induced sleep, watched Torchwood, and OMG).

I'm not submitting this week otherwise my entry would be just like last week. Eh, I need to pick better caps :p.


jehnt July 7 2009, 18:43:54 UTC
Yeah, I'd hate it too. And I just watched Torchwood after seeing your post about it and going, "WAIT OMG TORCHWOOD IS OUT MUST WATCH." And yes, OMG. Cannot wait for the next one!


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