The Problem with Kids Today

Apr 15, 2009 09:24

I'm going to make myself sound a bit like an old coot with a title like that, but it struck me as I went in to work on my paintings yesterday. I left about two hours early so I could put some extra time on my Vanitas still life and also give me the chance to leave about 30 min. early without feeling guilty so I can catch the bus an hour early (not ( Read more... )

rambling, school, art

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Comments 9

rantingmule April 16 2009, 04:57:07 UTC
I guess my meandering point and the impression that this conversation left on me is one of worry about those coming up behind me. Heck, even those of my generation, I've seen it there too. They want the glory, but not the work. They want things to be easy and immediate and don't take pleasure in the sweat and tears that are sometimes required to produce something, be it a drawing or painting, or anything else for that matter.

My brother was like that. He was, I'm reluctant to admit, a talented and relatively smart individual. He just hated not having everything handed to him on a freaking silver platter. e.e

Far too common these days. What REALLY irks me is when someone like us comes along and is ready to do the work needed to get results, and we get brushed aside on the assumption we're lazy and/or demanding of instant gratification like the rest. Bothers me greatly when that happens. Has it happened to you?

I see it in some of my students with the horses. They want it to be easy and any challenge placed before them is a ( ... )


lantairvlea April 16 2009, 15:18:15 UTC
While I haven't been passed up on the assumption that I'd be just as lazy and unmotivated as the general generation is, I have been irked by not receiving fair compensation for the fact that I work and others who lacked the same work ethic were paid more due to either their being related to the owner or knowing the manager outside of work *twitch.*

I don't know if you've seen my "casual horseowner" gripings, but yeah .... There is a reason why I will never buy my kids (when they come) a "pony." I had to work for my first horse, they'll have to do the same. Certainly there will be horses that they can ride available, 'tis the nature of teaching riding lessons, you kind of need lesson horses, but they won't be handed the lead rope of a horse they didn't work for. Jumping backwards a generation, my mom didn't purchase any of her horses and guess who spends the most time with them and has to heckle her about working with them? *Coughmecough.* To be fair boarding them does pay for the feed of my horses, but seeing her spend an hour ( ... )


rantingmule April 16 2009, 16:18:37 UTC
While I haven't been passed up on the assumption that I'd be just as lazy and unmotivated as the general generation is, I have been irked by not receiving fair compensation for the fact that I work and others who lacked the same work ethic were paid more due to either their being related to the owner or knowing the manager outside of work *twitch.*

I see this too, and it angers me. Thus far only happened to me once, sucks bad. I'm still pissed about it. Said person only HAS a job due to their relative being the boss. Being late for work FOUR OUT OF EVERY FIVE DAYS, nobody else would tolerate that shit. :P

I don't know if you've seen my "casual horseowner" gripings,

I haven't but then again I've been remiss. :P Might go back and look 'em up.

There is a reason why I will never buy my kids (when they come) a "pony."I fully intend on buying Nate a pony...but it'll really be mine and he'll just be allowed to learn on it if he chooses. ;) If he puts in the work, he'll get a decent animal of his own...if not, I'll still have a ( ... )


lantairvlea April 17 2009, 18:12:22 UTC
It was my first job and I figure at this point it's really not worth getting irritable about it. I went on to much better things to say the least and if I'm ever in the spot to employ someone you can be sure it'd be on merit and not relation. You can't treat good employees poorly and expect them to stick around and bad ones well and expect your company, no matter how large, to thrive.

If the "casual horseowner" remarks aren't here (they should be) you'll find them on the Backyardhorse community.

I fully intend on buying Nate a pony...but it'll really be mine and he'll just be allowed to learn on it if he chooses. ;) If he puts in the work, he'll get a decent animal of his own...if not, I'll still have a delightful pony. XDAnd that's the way it should be. The pony would be yours, but he could use it if he wants. It's not like you're going to give the kid his own pony without him working for it and you're not going to be stuck with something you don't want because you bought it for him ( ... )


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