
Feb 16, 2024 06:07

Dream last night featured a music store with an aquarium in it. For whatever reason their guitar picks were in the acquarium and when I tried to reach them things went after my hand. Some were slimy, perhaps a salamnader or newt, but the nasty one was a crab a bit larger than my hand that latched on aggressively and I had to yank it off ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

edgeofthewoods February 16 2024, 15:49:32 UTC
Fun combo of elements in this dream.


lantairvlea February 17 2024, 03:00:27 UTC
It was interesting! The last couple years I've noticed more tactile elements in my dreams.


adafrog February 16 2024, 23:46:06 UTC
Very odd.


lantairvlea February 17 2024, 03:00:46 UTC
Super odd, but that is par for the course on my dreams.


madman101 February 16 2024, 23:52:41 UTC
idk what your dream means but i can do a contrast of 3-4 aspects of it.


lantairvlea February 17 2024, 03:01:40 UTC
Have at it. I don't put a lot of stock in a lot of interpretations, but I still find them interesting.


madman101 February 17 2024, 09:50:55 UTC
Sure. Dreams are usually such a jumble of things, past, present, future, symbolism, chaos, even other worlds. Usually not possible to interpret. Yours had your hand being important. That may or may not indicate choice. Other than that:

guitar picks are usually associated with hippies, rock, country - all modern-classic forms of music - whereas harpsichord is "ancient-classic"

despite being in very important life-giving water, the picks were "infested" with annoying or dangerous creatures - harpsichord was not

you could not retrieve the picks at all - yet the old harpsichord was easilly used to make new forms of music

plucking or sliding actually seems more natural than picking


lantairvlea March 1 2024, 02:51:21 UTC
They are a jumble, for sure, thanks for the thoughts.


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