
Nov 30, 2022 21:15

Word count goal: 12,000
Actual word count: 15,837

Task accomplished! Actual word count may be more. No, it wasn't all in FFK, but still!

I'll try and do some catch-up tomorrow. Next step is updating the master documents and shooting it off to Muss and Hana for some feedback. We'll see if I've hit 250 pages yet.

raquinn goes back to being friends ( Read more... )

writing, miniwrimo, lemyes

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Comments 5

madman101 December 1 2022, 12:51:22 UTC
Fantastic! I'm happy that you worked through that and finished that goal! I hope it does well. Do you go public every November, or just this one? I did come across some of the posts in my fof page. Sorry I left off subscribing but it was too challenging for my limitted time and mind. If I were well, I'm sure I could have gotten into it. Hopefully it will click with lots of people!

I had to come back to LJ largely because I was too ill for a while to do much more. I have done a few interesting theme posts though, which you might like some time.

Happy December! And congrats again!


lantairvlea December 6 2022, 20:19:19 UTC
I'm pretty pleased with myself, for sure!

Yes, I go public every November for National Novel Writing Month. There are some other public posts too, mostly from when I was in a writing prompt community and some of the really old stuff is public, too.

I don't expect anyone to really follow along with what I post over there since it is so piecemeal and I do not write in a straight line at all. In January I will probably post (not public) the more finished chapters as they currently stand as a sort of back-up and progress marker.

I like the LJ interface better than DW, don't blame you for having a hard time switching full-time to DW.

Thanks! I'm working through my friends list again. It got a bit neglected last month.


adafrog December 1 2022, 13:58:47 UTC


lantairvlea December 6 2022, 20:22:08 UTC
Makes me so happy and feel quite accomplished! I'm at 225 pages now that I tidied up the master copy. I don't know if I can tidy up all my loose ends and fill the gaps in another 25 pages, might end up closer to 300, but we'll find out. It's really nice to have reached a point where it feels doable to finish it and it isn't something that I'll finish "someday." It feels like I could finish book one next year and then really dive into number two and try to rough out three more.


adafrog December 7 2022, 19:24:15 UTC


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