The Curse of a Concept | Open

May 16, 2011 00:44

CHARACTERS: Kouma Kishima & Open
DATE: May 15th, 2011
WHERE: The Forests of Ithir, bordering Muir
SUMMARY: Kouma feels a little of his Inversion becoming a problem and decides to snuff it out.
WARNING(S): V for violence in the intro. It could go either way.

Complex )

kouma kishima, potamos, inoue orihime, selina kyle

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evil_groupie May 21 2011, 13:55:51 UTC
"Yup! It feels kind of strange, but there's definitely no mistaking what I'm feeling from you, y'know!" She didn't even repress herself, bouncing from foot to foot in her glee, not mindful of the soft crunch of snow that was decimated in her eagerness ( ... )


evil_groupie May 28 2011, 15:12:53 UTC
Her face was still pensive. The news bothered her, and the reprisal...wasn't much better.

"That's not right--why would you give them that kind of respect?!" Almost as if Kouma had struck her himself, Potamos shrunk in on herself, hugging against a cold that was most definitely not born from the weather. "Humans should never hold that kind of power! You should have murdered the whole lot of them--and I'd been staying among could I have missed this kind of potential?!

"There might be some of them about here, too!" It would have been a far-fetched conclusion normally, but she had already had conversations with those who took magic as commonplace. "No, they probably are. We'll have to be careful. To think those mundane goody goodies even had that kind of ability--it's no wonder the angels sided with them!"


calmed_demon May 29 2011, 04:05:51 UTC
Kouma realized, without a doubt, that Hiromi was no demon-kind that he was familiar with. What monster of chaos would fear for their life and the lives of their kind as if they were a dying breed? Hiromi's shock seemed to cement a conclusion in his mind--that she was tossing about the idea of relying on him. It was nothing new, but it was far from mundane for him. Despite knowing it was cruel to be treated in such a way, it was the only way of life he knew ( ... )


evil_groupie May 30 2011, 13:03:50 UTC
"Oh..." That it was Kouma's, it was Kouma's carefully-controlled feelings that forced her to quietly reconsider sudden plans for a war machine. Humans were still new to the girl--the level of power boasted in a human that could harm a person of Kouma's caliber was something that she could not take lightly, no matter the circumstance ( ... )


calmed_demon May 31 2011, 11:24:54 UTC
The least Kouma could do as Hiromi went over her options was to sigh and remain otherwise silent. Though he was certain of his approach, she felt much less trust and, in fact, had become more solidly grounded in her beliefs as a result of his story. He was well aware of the nature and ability of human beings--especially when it came to how they dealt with limitations. There were no other humans like the Nanaya, simply because there were no other humans around that would willingly cast themselves into oblivion for an old, dogmatic belief as they did ( ... )


evil_groupie June 5 2011, 19:02:01 UTC
"Well, it depends, y'know?" She answered his question in a light, pondering tone that would not begin to suggest that judgment had not already been cast.

"Because some of them have been bright, cheery, and innocent. But this kind of place...that Arawn fellow has intentions I'm not sure about. He is definitely encouraging a certain kind of behavior, though. People fornicating brings about its own strange power." With no pause, Hiromi put a hand to her chin as if Kouma was one that could naturally catch on to the girl's meaning. After all, he was a demon, so he had to was a strange and most dangerous power. And she'd done enough study to conclude consummation was one thing that couples in love would do.

"So it's no surprise that loooooots of them likely will start playing this little island game to its fullest, probably even forgetting about leaving. That would make them obstacles, y'know." And, often stated as if it were burned into her soul was her leader's doctrine:

If you meet someone in love, you must kill ( ... )


calmed_demon June 6 2011, 01:08:51 UTC
To the demon that Hiromi gazed upon, 'love' did not exist. He had never felt it before she looked at him admiringly and even then, he realized that it was only a sense of appreciation that came from her--not love. There was nothing in his 'world' that indicated such a ridiculous and nonsensical feeling could exist. So, he rejected it without a thought ( ... )


evil_groupie June 9 2011, 17:33:58 UTC
" have a point." A point Potamos needn't give deep thought too. More destructive and suffering than any creature she'd ever encountered was man. Man could consume, bicker, destroy, and do so with a sense of accomplishment. Their dual nature was hypocritical by and large, which made them a perfect assistant for demon kind, and simultaneously the worst charm against them if touched by angels ( ... )


calmed_demon June 11 2011, 19:47:05 UTC
Kouma saw opportunists regularly. Kugamine was the utter embodiment of one such opportunist. While the families of the Tohno clan had often remained far from them for their own safety, Kugamine was a man who decided he would do his best to stow himself away to be remembered--and, to try and marry the next heir for his own benefit.

Kouma could tell that Hiromi was using the same reasoning as that man, but he couldn't quite see why. Though, it was none of his business--this woman's personal motivations. Turning on his heel, he looked aside, towards the mountains. "Very well. I don't know how to handle a demon aside from myself who serves a different lord."

He had no motivation to help her, even if he was entranced by the admiration she put his way. "I cannot help you without my own cause, however. We may have different motivations and desires."


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