Cyclical (31_days, 16/04; femslash100 Tarot 04; chem15try 07)

Apr 16, 2010 22:50

Title: Cyclical
Series: None; one-shot
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Contains references to dub-con at best; cross-gen
Characters: Ria Visser
Pairing: References to Ria Visser/various
Disclaimer: Not true, never happened, all lies!
Word Count: 166
Notes: I bring more Wrong fic! Not intended to be anything but Wrong. (Score; I squicked myself!) Written for (deep breath): 31_days’s prompt for today (Conscious of the secret guilt of others), femslash100’s Tarot Challenge #4 The Emperor, chem15try (BEST CHALLENGE EVER OK?) #7 Law of conservation of energy.
Summary: She’s well aware of the irony. She just doesn’t care. After all, she’s hardly the only one.

She’s well aware of the irony. She just doesn’t care.


She’s not so much of a hypocrite that she convinces herself it’s just “the way of the world” or “just what we do” or whatever. It’s selfish, and it’s wrong, and it’s quite probably damaging. But, she has wants. Needs. And this is how she satisfies them.

Because she can.

Because she enjoys it.


Newbies are no fun. They’re still starry-eyed, excited and eager. No, if they’ve got a season or two under their belts, if they’re circling twenty (again, yes, irony: she knows), if they’ve had a little time to cultivate their egos, that’s when she can have the most fun with them.

These girls, with their whole careers stretched out in front of them, medals and podiums and titles in their future, brought crashing back down to Earth. Just for a little while. It’s beautiful, glorious. Powerful.


She doesn’t feel guilty.

After all, she’s hardly the only one. Or the first. Or the last.

challenge: chem15try, femmeslash, warning: (implied) consent issues, warning: cross-gen, challenge: 31_days, speed skating, ria visser/various, one-shot, word count: ≤500 words, challenge: femslash100 tarot (2010), ria visser, claim: speed skating

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