Outtake: Never Forget (Shame And Tears 'Verse) FR18 ***FEMSLASH***

Jan 21, 2007 19:58

Poll winner ficlet! Okay, this is probably not what those of you who voted for this 'missing scene' (which has now turned into an outtake) had in mind. However, it's the only thing my muses wanted to write.

Title:Never Forget
Pairing: Willow/Samantha Carter
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Buffy and Angel people belong to Joss and Mutant Enemy. I’m just playing. Don’t sue. The Stargate people belong to Gekko Productions, Double Secret Productions, MGM/UA, Showtime/Viacom..a hell of a lot of people, if you ask me!
Rating: 18 for Adult content/Same sex relationships.
Warnings: This small little outtake depicts a sexual relationship between two women. While I haven't described anything in graphic detail, it is clear what is happening. If this offends Do not read.
Spoilers: None
Feedback: Pretty please?
Word Count: 155

This will make no sense unless you have read Shame and Tears Series.

Please Note: While the entire series is in first person (present tense) this is in third person. For some reason it's the only way I was able to write it (and now that I have, I want to pursue more Sam/Willow pairings).

~ Never Forget ~

Nothing should feel this good.

Sam bit her lip and fought the urge to moan, but failed miserably. Since she made the decision to call Willow, to see if there was really something between them, she had been wondering what this would feel like, how she would react. She still couldn’t remember the night she spent with Willow. She couldn’t remember what it felt like to have Willow’s lips on her skin, her hands on her breasts, her fingers exploring her with such tenderness that Sam couldn’t hold back the cry of pleasure.

Now that she knew what it felt like, Sam felt a wave of regret about that drunken night.

Not because it had happened, but because she couldn’t remember it.

And as Willow’s tongue ran over her breasts, her stomach, and then… Sam closed her eyes and let out another cry.

Being with Willow like this was something she would never forget.


shame and tears series

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