Title: Paradise Pairing: Kris/Lay Rating: PG Summary: Wufan sees beauty in everything that is Yixing. Word Count: 250 A/N: Inspired by Coldplay’s Paradise.
omg if this is poo, then this is really cute & pretty poo. <3
i'm really happy you decided to write this because the krislay tag on sycj hasn't been getting any action recenty & it's honestly very depressing. sighs. i mean really. :c i sound like an ungrateful little brat don't i omfg sorry
okay so this is just so perfect just like you & ilu & the fic too. c:
Comments 6
i'm really happy you decided to write this because the krislay tag on sycj hasn't been getting any action recenty & it's honestly very depressing. sighs. i mean really. :c i sound like an ungrateful little brat don't i omfg sorry
okay so this is just so perfect just like you & ilu & the fic too. c:
;~; i'm really glad you liked it <3
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