Hello. I surfed over from debunkingwhite. Your explanation of why you turned in your feminist card spoke to me because I'm facing the same dilemma. I haven't yet decided whether discarding the term is useful and what the alternative would be. Would you mind if I friended you?
I'm not a member of feminist, so I wasn't able to comment there. I just wanted to tell you how much I loved your comment and how much it rang true. Nice to see some beautiful, cogently expressed thought in that community (which I rarely visit for myriad [negative] reasons).
that community (which I rarely visit for myriad [negative] reasons
oh it can be such a pit, that place! i admit to only being as active as i am currently in there (which isnt even that much) out of a necessity to channel my frustration at many of the people im often surrounded by in RL but need to be more polite to...that and procrastination...
Comments 16
you have been officially 'friended'
feminist can be so full of stupid sometimes...i cant even believe some of the reactions in there to karnythia. i mean...animal rights? o_0
Anyway, thanks for writing it!
oh it can be such a pit, that place! i admit to only being as active as i am currently in there (which isnt even that much) out of a necessity to channel my frustration at many of the people im often surrounded by in RL but need to be more polite to...that and procrastination...
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