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Comments 13

natz099 February 27 2007, 09:08:54 UTC
Fantastic tutorial! ^___^


lamenticons February 27 2007, 16:22:16 UTC
Thank you! :)


asitha February 27 2007, 10:56:55 UTC
I don't care for the subject, but the tutorial is beautiful! I'm definitely memming! The colors are just absolutley beautiful.


lamenticons February 27 2007, 16:22:03 UTC
Thanks! :D


badobale February 27 2007, 16:13:58 UTC
I want to make a tutorial, but I have no patience.
Maybe I will try today...


lamenticons February 27 2007, 16:20:18 UTC
You should. It is fun. I did mine at, like... 12-1 in the morning because I was bored and energy-ful.


badobale February 27 2007, 16:36:57 UTC
OMG. I totally just finished making a tutorial, when it went all NOT RESPONDING!!
However. I pushed "Print Scr" so hopefully, that copied everything. Lolz.

(It worked. The tutorial thing was pretty easy actually, I just made a long strip thing like you did. I think I'll make one for an icon similar to the one I am using. Because you asked about it.)


lamenticons February 27 2007, 17:34:34 UTC
DO IT! :D I really want to know how to do the cool word thing. :)


I have a BIG favor to ask? alyburns February 28 2007, 01:42:18 UTC
Any chance you could make the tut larger? For those of us oldies with vision issues? *grin* I'd LOVE to try this beautiful tutorial but understand I'm asking a lot :(


Re: I have a BIG favor to ask? lamenticons March 2 2007, 18:03:24 UTC
I can try. Photobucket resized it and that's why it is so small. But it probably won't be up until Sunday or later because I will be out of town for a state bowling tournament until late on Saturday. But I will try to get it reposted and bigger ASAP. :)


Re: I have a BIG favor to ask? alyburns March 2 2007, 20:24:19 UTC
I LOVE YOU and good luck on the tourney! Or are you watching?


Re: I have a BIG favor to ask? alyburns March 2 2007, 22:23:23 UTC
Thank you! But actually, I will probably have the new tut up sooner than Sunday. The tournament was post-poned until Monday due to the horrible weather hovering over Iowa. :/


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