New Merlin Fic: What Child Is This

Feb 10, 2010 15:38

So a couple of weeks before Christmas, I got this idea to write a Merlin fic based on Bachelor Mother, a wonderfully cracky 1939 movie starring Ginger Rogers. YES, I WANTED TO MAKE MERLIN GINGER ROGERS, AS YOU DO. But at the time I was working on two other fics and couldn't start this one until just before Christmas. Well, thought I, I might finish it by New Year's, and people might still be in the mood for a Christmas fic then.

UH, NO. THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. So this story is set around Christmas, and it's now almost Valentine's Day. Um, WELL, THERE IS PORN? Does that help? \o/

What Child Is This (Merlin/Arthur, 30,000 words, NC-17)

At my website

At the AO3

Thanks to sihayab, crysothemis and villainny for betaing and general awesomeness.

This story is dedicated to maverick4oz, who knows why. :)

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merlin: my stuff

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