I’m not sure if y’all have seen
tx_tart’s marvelous
JFlan tribute posts of the past few days, but suffice it to say they are awesome and beautiful and brilliant. We all need more JF prettiness in our lives, and she is responsible for bringing much of it to us throughout the year. Unfortunately, because Photobucket sucks donkey ass, the outpouring of Joe love was so great that it killed Photobucket and brought the lovely Ms. Tart stress and upset, and this is wrong, wrong, so very WRONG. And so, dear fans of the Flan, I would like us now to take up the torch in her honour and hold it high, and continue on with
tx_tart’s noble work. Bring your pics, your tricks, your worshipful selves to join me in a picspam dedicated to Joe’s hair, the post Tart was planning to do yesterday, and in a few hours I’ll be bringing you today’s planned post, Joe’s mouth, so get yourselves ready for that one, too!
And without further ado,
on to The Hair:
Sometimes, The Hair (come on, it deserves to be a proper noun) is almost its own character in fic; it’s certainly been the focus of much debate as to how it stays so perky, but recently the Flan himself cleared up that debate
While it is true that Joe’s hair is now legendary for its standy-uppiness, we tend to forget that in the early days, there was much floppiness in the land:
Um, Joe’s armpit and chest hair is nice, too (What? That’s on-topic!)
Later, you can tell that on some productions, they’re really trying to suppress The Hair through judicious use of cropping:
Short Joe hair has its own kind of prettiness, because then you’re even more focused on the face. Never a bad thing, IMO.
While the adorableness of floppy Joe and close-shorn Joe is undeniable, I have to admit I prefer my Flan fully, um, erect:
Bonus arm hair:
Even when wet, The Hair defies gravity:
BTW, another reason to hate the S4 promo shots besides the hideous airbrushing is the fact that they try to DENY THE HAIR:
I’m not sure if this is military regulation, but really, who gives a shit when it’s this gorgeous?
I also have a severe weakness for the hints of gray at the temples. MmmmMMMmmm.
Not to mention when there's a teasing hint of chest hair, stubble and a just-rolled-out-of-bed rumpled white shirt added in:
And finally, I give you silky, touchable Joe hair. Doesn’t this pic just make you want to run your fingers all through it?
Okay, folks! Bring us your favourite Joe’s hair pix! Write, draw, manip, crochet a tribute to The Hair! I’m sure this isn’t all the good stuff out there! Let’s share the love!
ETA: Join in the squee over Joe's mouth in
this brand spanking new post!
ETA # 2: Lots of great pics from all kinds of people - thank you so much, folks - and there is fic
here from
mmmchelle! Wheeeee!