Bishops and gay marriage

Dec 03, 2009 09:59

The Church of Sweden has made its decision, and will marry same-sex couples essentially as soon as a ceremony has been worked out. We also recently consecrated an openly gay bishop, who lives with her wife. This has led to a whole lot of arguments, accusations, and hard feelings, with some claiming that this is an expression of everyone's value and ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

sollersuk December 3 2009, 13:45:33 UTC
I'm also coming at this from the point of view of the early Church, but I probably go a couple of centuries further down the line. For example, I was delighted at churches going back to having women bishops.

As for marriage, it was a long, long time before the Church got particularly involved in it, or even thought it was a good idea at all. I was intrigued by the story of the 12th century bishop who sent a message round asking people who got married to let their parish priest know about it within a reasonable time afterwards - he suggested six months. For at least half the history of Christendom marriage was a contractual relationship and scarcely any harder to get out of than a betrothal was.

I totally agree about the acceptance, especially since it was pointed out to me that the word the Centurion uses about the slave he asks to be healed is one normally used at the time for a lover.


globedoc January 25 2010, 00:07:59 UTC
Extremely well said, as always.
If only more people felt the way you do...


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