Suzie's Serpent

Oct 10, 2007 19:42

Fandom: Torchwood (shock, shock, horror, horror...)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 500
Summary: Suzie is getting ever more certain...
Prompt: 051. Water.

Suzie's Serpent )

fic - fanfic100, fic - torchwood, fic

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Comments 5

lurker1860 October 10 2007, 19:52:30 UTC
“It’s got big teeth and it’s heading right for us, what the hell do you mean it might be friendly?”

“By the way. Tell Ianto we’re gonna need a lot of retcon.”

Owen may annoy me(yes, I think he is meant to too), but by gods he does make me laugh!


laligin October 10 2007, 20:49:59 UTC

Glad you liked it, thanke! Owen can be fun to write sometimes... ;)


shadowbyrd October 10 2007, 21:24:04 UTC
I love this. Poor serpent, only wanted a bit of sandwich...

But what was suzie going to say to Owen, I wonder? anything deep and meaningful or "did you see something in the water just then?"


laligin October 10 2007, 21:36:35 UTC
Poor misunderstood sea serpent.

*grins* I'm thinking Suzie was about to have a good old whinge about how awful Torchwood is, and how they never get any good stuff/aliens turning up...


(The comment has been removed)

laligin October 12 2007, 01:19:11 UTC
:D It can be a lot of fun to write Owen, particularly early or pre-season, before he gets all depressed.

Feel sorry for the serpent, by all means. I do. It only wanted a sandwich, really...

^_^ Thanke kindly!


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