Mar 27, 2009 21:20
"Can I help you find something?"
Oh hai. I work at the super "prestigious" Target in the Bronx now. Jealous? I know you want my 10% discount. Oh, and you envy me in my red and khaki. Don't lie.
personal: work,
store: target
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Comments 13
Tell me some stories; you must have met a few assholes by now.
Some people are weird. It's always interesting when men are sent off to but women's clothes/things. You know I got asked about "man bras" today? Assholes. Weirdos. Or just cross-dressers. Whatever.
ETA: We're supposed to acknowledge customers within 10 feet but I never do, haha. I hate customers, sfm. Seriously. :P
Btw - K-Mart totally said they did not want me! I'm guessing they have higher ~standards~ than Target because I applied their first and nothing. It's all good... I ain't bitter!
LOL. Who knows why they didn't get back to you, but higher standards? Not likely -- the ones I've worked at ... oye, you should see the people they higher. But then, the Walmart's I've shopped at always had horrible customer service (employees), at least K-mart's seems to be better than that. I still like Target best though ;)
K-Mart doesn't want me. Actually, if I remember correctly, I filled out an app online and got all the way to the part where you schedule the interview and basically NOTHING was available for like, months and months. I answered all those crazy questions...only to hit a wall!
What department do you work? I'm softlines, mostly doing ready to wear. I tend to reshop the day away!
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