Title: The Jealous Type
Pairing: Matsumiya, past Sakumiya, Ohmiya and NinoxOkada
Genre: Slight Angst, Romance
Disclaimer: I don't own them, but I want to
Summary: Why Jun is an insecure and possessive boyfriend
Matsumoto Jun was a jealous man. A very jealous man.
So it was a wonder how he ended up dating his group mate, Ninomiya Kazunari. Why is that strange, well, there are three big reasons:
First reason, Sakurai Sho. Their friend. He was Nino’s first boyfriend; they started going out secretly before Arashi was even formed, they even made plans to quit together so they could date freely. When they couldn’t go through their plan they settled with make out sessions in narrow closets and public bathrooms. It was a sweet love, full of young dreams and first experiences. The rest of the group only found out about the couple when the relationship was already over. Time and work wore them out, but they kept the friendship intact. Even now, Jun can still see them laughing at the same jokes, sharing food, gossiping around and doing fan service ever so naturally; like it’s second nature to them. Not for nothing Sho is Nino’s first boyfriend, first kiss and first fuck. But what really bothered Jun the most is that Sakurai Sho is Nino’s first love.
Second reason, Okada Junichi. Their senpai. Everyone in the Jimusho wondered about them, hell, even the fans had their suspicious. Blame the couple for that. During mixed JE activities, like the Sport’s Day or the Countdown, you could always see them hanging around each other, ignoring his own bandmates so they could cuddle comfortably in a side bench. Being in different groups never stopped them; it was like their bodies attracted each other at their own accord. This time they found out before it was over, just because they were caught in film kissing in a Countdown’s backstage. They broke up months after that; the pressure of the Jimusho, his bandmates and friends resulted to be too much for the couple. Okada, the sensitive guy that he is, always took good care of Nino, spoiled him and showered with affection. And good sex. Yes, he’s the one to blame for the gamer’s bratty ways and his endurance in the sack. Nowadays, they don’t meet each other often, but when they do, Jun can see Nino looking a gesture of affection from the older man. Something that says “Good boy”. Yes, what Jun envies the most is that Okada Junichi is the man that Nino will always love.
Third reason, Ohno Satoshi. Their leader. The Ohmiya couple has never, actually, been a real couple. They’d never dated, but that didn’t stop them from doing other things. Jun knows. Everyone knows. Maybe because they’d always been comfortable with each other they had, in times of restriction or loneliness, found ways to entertain theirselves. Seeing the famous pair sharing thoughts without words doesn’t make it easier for Jun. And the fan service they always display in public never fails to make the youngest member curse mentally. After all this time together, he still fears the one day Nino could leave him and go after the fisherman. Jun had come to accept that Ohno Satoshi may be Nino’s soulmate.
One night, when all Arashi is out celebrating in a restaurant, drinks and jokes around, the ever so happy Aiba chose that moment to admit that he once had a crush on Nino. That was the moment Jun snapped. As his friends were laughing, finding amusing the confession, Jun didn’t waste anymore time and dragged his boyfriend out of there, ignoring everyone’s questioning stares and the gamer’s whines. As soon as they entered their apartment, Jun was all over him; fierce kisses and tore up clothes was Jun’s way to undress the small idol. He carried him to the bedroom and pushed him into the bed, quickly hovering over him. Jun marked each pat of skin available, not allowing a single word of complain, nor that there was one anyway. He gave Nino the best blowjob he could manage, forcing him to cum inside his mouth. After he tasted him, he pushed his lubed fingers inside, making cry and gasp at his will. When he entered him, they both groaned loudly and without waiting he set a fast pace. Jun lost himself in the warm tight hole and could only slam harder and faster as the cries of pleasure of Nino filled the room. He didn’t touch Nino’s cock until he felt him close; just one pull was enough to bring Nino’s second orgasm of the night. Two more thrusts and Jun’s turn to cum inside him, filling him. Still in a dazzle, Jun searched for his camera to take a picture of the wasted gamer in all his naked glory. But it didn’t end there. As soon as Jun got some strength back, he was again pounding into him, this time doggy style. The third time was in the shower; and only when Nino’s eyes starting tearing up, in bed again, did Jun stop. He took a big breath to compose himself and kissed his boyfriend softly, whispering words of love and apology. They cuddled in bed ready to finally rest. Before they did, though, Nino murmured “It doesn’t matter who was before. It matters who is the last one” before he drifted to sleep. Jun smiled as he hugged him tighter.
The next day Nino had to stay in bed, too sore to walk; Jun cared for him all day, spoiling his little brat and loving every second of it. The days that followed the gamer still walked kind of funny, but nobody dared to say a word. The photo now is a famous one among the Arashi members, with the way Jun “accidentally” showed it; just to let them know that Nino was his. Only his.
Yes, Matsumoto Jun is a very, very jealous man, but he has learned how to make the best of it. And he has Nino by his side.
So, I'm in a really bad mood today but still managed to post what I promised.
I was supposed to go to an Arashi’s projection tomorrow but it turns out they changed the dates and I never found out. This morning my friend called from the cinema because she found it strange to not see me there. There was no way to leave my job go get there. I want to kick myself, really. This one the last one of these year and I wanted a Happy Arashi Christmas and now it’s all ruined. *taking a deep breath*
Well, about this fic, last week I managed to see the Jhonny’s Sport Days of 2001-2003 and the closeness of Okada and Nino made me squeal in my seat. I had read about them but it was my first time seeing them so lovey-dovey.
And of course, it was another Matsumiya win. Maybe next I’ll return to Sakumiya *thinking*