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Comments 48

smyra0 June 13 2012, 12:53:47 UTC
your got and alice in wonderland icons are truly amazing, especially 37 and 83<3 AND YOUR FRIKIN TUDORS ICONS I HATE YOU
my tumblr dash is recently full of the tudors, especially anne boleyn. and now your tudors icons AND HENRY. i can't help it, i will watch it again, UGGGHHH


wandererjulia June 13 2012, 16:40:11 UTC
AHHHHHH I NEED TO REWATCH IT TOO. cause really i miss that show so much (tho i still have to watch s4 lol)
aww thanks a lot love :3 i'm so glad you like them :D


smyra0 June 13 2012, 17:53:23 UTC
lol i used to watch it whenever i catch on tv, so i think there is one season that i still haven't watched but i don't even know which one is that hahaha


wandererjulia June 13 2012, 19:16:24 UTC
well i basically watched every season (except the last one) more than 3 times i think XD
my dvds are almost consumed lool
i'm not obsessed with that tv show..not at all.


yunho_ism June 13 2012, 12:54:00 UTC
pretty. took some.♥


wandererjulia June 13 2012, 16:41:04 UTC
thanks! i'm glad you found something :D


(The comment has been removed)

wandererjulia June 13 2012, 16:42:17 UTC
ma usjdhslaòdlskjakoslkals

... )


elliania June 13 2012, 14:30:43 UTC
OMG!!! I'm SO taking one of Tyrion and Jorah's one!!! So awesome, I'll love you forever for this!!! Thanks!


wandererjulia June 13 2012, 16:42:46 UTC
AHHHHH i'm glad someone else love them as much as I do :D
i really hope they will interact someday <3


elliania June 13 2012, 16:50:18 UTC
omg... you haven't read the books? Because they do interact... and they're awesome!!! sorry, didn't want to spoil you, but your comment shocked me. For you to make this icon, not knowing !!!!!1!


wandererjulia June 13 2012, 19:14:43 UTC
i'm the queen of spoilers so i don't mind at all.
i'm still reading a clash of kings rn and well they haven't met yet so i'm waiting for that moment XD
in what book will they interact?


juliahearts June 13 2012, 14:43:27 UTC
wow so, so stunning ♥ especially love the got ones, gorgeous!


wandererjulia June 13 2012, 16:43:01 UTC
awww thank you so much dear ♥


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