Title: For a Legend
Rating: PG
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Family (also features character death)
Characters: Hatter/Alice from Alice (2009)
Word Count: ~1,100
Summary: "Though that was over 150 years ago," Hatter remarked skeptically as he turned to give this 'Alice' a once over, "Oyster's don't even live that long."
Notes: The start of my LJ posting of my
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Comments 2
I absolutely adored this, even more so for making me completely teary-eyed! One of the cutest things was when Hatter dyed his hair and how Alice was upset about it at first, but was glad when people didn't see them as 'wrong'.
♥ ♥
Like I said before, it's one of my favorite pieces I've ever written and I think it really shows. I didn't even think when I started typing it though that I wanted to torture Hatter, so much as I had a 'What if?' moment that my brain ran away with.
Don't feel alone in your emotional reaction though. All of my reviews on ff.net say about the same thing. One person even went and wrote a happy one shot take on the idea just cause it affected her so.
I loved that part too. It's so bittersweet. So many layers of emotions for poor Alice. My other favorite is her last bit when she calls him a slacker when he does finally get some gray hair. :)
So pleased you liked it and thanks so much for the lovely comments! :D
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