The Reynolds/Bradshaw Connection - Chapter Two

Feb 19, 2007 16:45

The Reynolds/Bradshaw Connection

Thanks for all the feedback. I’d like to thank a few people who have really helped me so far. In no particular order, the people I’d like to thank are, Hogwaffle, who inspired the music lyrics with her stories on, and Kklips who has helped me continually improve the quality of the plot, check out her stories in the EZBoards “All things DEBS” board.

Opening lyrics belong to Hoobastank’s The Reason. End lyrics belong to Journey’s Somethin’ to Hide

Chapter 2: Old Friends

I’ve found a reason for me
To change who I used to be,
A reason to start over new.
And that reason is you.

Amy’s POV

Remember when I said that Lucy sometimes made it infuriatingly obvious that she used to be my archenemy? Right now, she just happened to be going through one of those snits.

“How can you expect me to help you out with everything? You just told me today that your friends were coming over. You know, I have a life too. I can’t just stay here all day.” She continued her incessant ranting that had started early in the morning. Max had decided that giving me less than a day’s notice that the D.E.B.S. were coming over to start the Pink Thunder mission was a good idea. Obviously, she didn’t know Lucy well enough.

Lucy was still going on. It had all started at seven this morning. The place was an utter mess and the D.E.B.S. would be here at noon. Seeing as most of the clutter was Lucy’s, I thought it was only fair to at least ask her to help me clean it up. Apparently, that wasn’t an option in Lucy’s mind. It didn’t help that she thought this was all just a casual visit. I still hadn’t found a way to let her know that I was going to be a D.E.B.S. agent one more time. So right now, we found ourselves in a standoff, Lucy standing on the left side of our bed, while I occupied the right.

Eventually, I had had enough of Lucy’s ramblings, “All I’m saying Lucy is that I’d like a little help. I’m not even asking you to cook or anything. If you could just straighten up your things, I’d really appreciate it.” I was hoping to get through to her through a little compromise. Her face brightened a bit, and I could tell she was close to relenting.

“Okay, I’ll help with a few things. But I’m not cleaning to the point where they’re going to think no one lives here.” Lucy walked over to my side of the room. Taking her position between the wall, and myself she playfully pushed me so I was sitting on the bed. Seductively, she bent over me and whispered in my ear, “Don’t think I’m doing this for free. Tonight I’d better be rewarded.” She started trailing kisses along my neck. By instinct I tilted my head back. God, she knew me better than I knew myself. I turned my head to kiss her and, much to my chagrin, she pulled away. “Save it for tonight. We have work to do.”

She set to work on tidying up the house as I made my way downstairs. Lucy knew what she was doing when she gave back all her stolen paraphernalia. She had more than enough money from her father’s life of crime, stored in overseas bank accounts, that, from a monetary view, it wasn’t entirely difficult to give up her own life of crime. She used that money to buy a spacious three-story house along the cliffs of Costa Brava, a province in the northern part of Barcelona. The most striking aspect of the house was the scenery. Instantly, I knew why such renowned artists as Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí claimed to have gleaned inspiration from this very sight; I myself had painted these cliffs multiple times for the Metáfora School of Art, a very selective and exclusive art college in Barcelona that I was privileged enough to attend. The spaciousness of our house, normally the only detraction, was going to come in handy, as three of the four guest rooms would be occupied while the D.E.B.S. stayed at our house.

I made my way to the kitchen and went over the checklist of items I would need in my mind. If the D.E.B.S. were going to stay at our house, I definitely wanted them to try some of the great local cuisine that I had been subjected to. Our next-door neighbor, Damián works as a chef at a local diner. He had treated Lucy and I to meals on several occasions, and helped me to find great recipes for Spanish cuisine that catered to vegetarians.

Once in the kitchen, I opened the cabinet and was pleasantly surprised to see a full stock of items. Just yesterday we had been low on many items. I had asked Lucy if she could find time to go shopping before stopping home last night. Normally requests like that happen to fall on deaf ears when it comes to Lucy. The fact that she actually listened to me and fulfilled what she had often deemed to be a menial task for her brought a smile to my face. I gathered the tomatoes, baguettes, olive oil and the other ingredients that went into making the Gazpacho recipe Damián had taught me. Gazpacho was essentially a tomato stew, combining various vegetables and bread in a tomato broth. I hoped this would also help bring Lucy back to good spirits; it was one of the only vegetarian recipes that Lucy actually liked.


Lucy’s POV

****A couple hours later****

The doorbell rang at twelve noon exactly, demonstrating the absolute rigidity I had come to expect from Max. As far as Amy had ever told me, in Max’s entire D.E.B.S. career, she had only ever bent the rules once, the time she aided our escape from Endgame. With the sweet aroma of Amy’s cooking in the air, and the masterful chef behind me, I opened the door. The three D.E.B.S. walked in behind Max, and I couldn’t help but notice that they had guns in their holsters. Why they would bring guns along for vacation was beyond me, but how could I question? These girls also fought crime in six-inch skirts, so I’ve discovered it was best not to ask about their little quirks. I was about to close the door when I saw a familiar figure walking towards the house, attempting to balance five suitcases at the same time. I walked out to the curb to greet the closest person I had to a brother.

“Scud! How are you?” I asked.

“Actually, I’d be a lot better if Janet hadn’t packed two suitcases full of only sweaters,” Scud replied, “Would you mind taking a couple of the girls’ suitcases?”

“Sure.” I bent and took two of the overly packed, bulging suitcases. “So, how are things with Janet?”

"Well they don't suck, she's really great. Once you get over the fact that you’re working for the good guys rather than the bad guys, the job ain’t really that different either. Except now I'm working for a whole group of bossy women instead of one.” I made a mock scowl at that last comment, “How’s your girl?”

“She’s amazing. You really should see some of her paintings. This house and scenery has really inspired her.”

“I can see that,” Scud nodded with a grin, “now you know why I always told you to hold onto your dad’s money.”

“Yes Scud, you are the god of advice.” I rolled my eyes. Humoring him wasn’t the worst thing one could do.

“Yes sir, as well as the god of chess, Parcheesi, checkers, and bingo.” Scud replied with a straight face. A glint in his eye betrayed his expression, however, and broadcast hiss joke. “So, this job you were told me about, what’s going on?”

“Scud, you have to promise not to tell Amy, or Janet.”

“Not a good idea, but yes m’am.” Scud held up his hand as if to say ‘scout’s honor’.

“Alright, you’re not going to like this, but please don’t freak out.” I requested.

Scud took a couple of deep breaths and suddenly blurted out, “Oh my god, what the hell are we going to do?”

I put on the biggest smile I could muster; he wouldn’t like this. “Well you remember Pink Thunder…”

Scud cut me off, “No, Lucy, no, not them. I thought we were turning over a new leaf! What about Amy, you don’t actually think she’d let you do this? Are you insane?!”

“No she wouldn't, and that’s why she won’t know,” sometimes Scud’s quasi-parenting could get on my nerves, “and I don’t want to do this any more than you do, but I owe Corleone a favor.”

“You mean the nut job who thinks he’s Brando?”

“Yes, the same. We’ve got to meet him tonight.”

“Luce, I really don’t want to do this.” Scud pleaded.

“You’re my right hand man, you have to be there.”

“You owe me for this one.”

“Yes I do.”


Amy’s POV

After lunch, Lucy, Scud, the D.E.B.S. and I sat in our living room, catching up with each other.

“So after we found the drugs…” Max started, but was interrupted by Janet.

“In his sweater; it was way too bulgy and I was like ‘Hey, that guy must have something in there,’ and Max was like ‘It could be fat,’ and I said…”

“We traced them to a drug cartel in Peru that had been giving the U.S. government fits. Anyway, we busted them and were commended by the president for the biggest drug bust in history.” Max concluded her story. Obviously, not much had changed since I left the D.E.B.S.

“By ze way, Amy, zis is a nice ‘ouse. Ze zenery is breathtaking,” Dominique spoke up.

“Thank you, Dominique.” I looked over at Lucy and smiled, “Lucy actually picked out the house with the scenery in mind. So many artists have been inspired by this area, she thought it could inspire me.”

“That is SO sweet!” said Janet, the hopeless romantic, as she gave Scud a glare.

“Hey, speaking of me, Scud and I are going to go outside, take a ride around town.” Lucy said, getting up from the love seat we were sharing.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Lucy said you guys needed groceries, and I volunteered to help out.” Scud responded as I saw Lucy elbow him out of the corner of my eye.

“But Lucy, didn’t you just get the groceries? The fridge and the cupboards were stocked.” I asked again, skeptical of the answer Scud had just given.

“Uh, yeah. I don’t know where Scud got that one from,” she responded as a nervous laugh escaped her mouth, “I’m just showing Scud some of the local scenery.”

“Ooh, could I come too?” asked an eager Janet.

“NO!” Scud said, perhaps a bit too emphatically for the situation. “I mean, Lucy and I need to discuss something, so it’ll just be me and her.” Something was striking me as strange about the situation right now.

“Bye guys, see you later.” Lucy called as she and Scud crossed the room and left in a hurry.

“Do you think we should see what’s going on?” I asked, “Something’s not right here.”

“Oh let it go, besides, it’s better for us. We have some work to do, and it’s better she’s not in the house. What she doesn’t know won’t kill her” Max replied as she handed me a portfolio that contained a collection of pictures, papers and one folder.

I ignored Max’s previous comment as I took out a picture of a middle-aged man. He was bald, and had a few scars scattered around his face. He looked intimidating, albeit not in a physical way.

“Alright, this is the case file we have on Pink Thunder. The first picture is of the man known as Dr. Corleone, the head of Pink Thunder. No agent has ever seen him out in the field; therefore we are under the belief that he is not active in the field. He is a criminal genius, and chances are he is more of an organizer than anything else. Whatever you do, though, do not underestimate him, if you do, that will most likely be your last mistake. The next picture you have depicts the two muscles of the group, known only by their codenames, Tiny and Smalls.”

I took a look at this picture, which showed two female body builders. Apparently, villains have a penchant for nicknaming themselves with adjectives opposing what the truth is, and this was no different. These women must have been at least six feet. The only other person in the photo, a man at a cashier these two were holding up only came to their shoulders.

“Finally, the next photo you will see is of the deadliest field agent in the group, Chastity Red.”

This picture displayed an amazingly beautiful, tall read-headed woman. She looked strong and lithe, almost like a feral cat. She had piercing eyes that reminded me instantly of Lucy. It was quite clear that this woman could probably rival Lucy in pure intimidation when she wanted to.

“Amy, I’d also like you to remove the folder. Inside you will find a report and picture of a former member of Pink Thunder. I’m sure you will find this one very interesting.”

I opened the envelope and froze. Staring back at me was the dark hair, tanned skin, piercing eye, and square jaw that I knew all too well…it was my Lucy.

“Lucy Reynolds. Otherwise known as Lucy Diamond. Before she went solo in the crime business, your girlfriend was the most feared member of Pink Thunder. Also, I’d like you to take a look at the fifth paragraph, third sentence of Lucy’s old report.”

I did as instructed and was stunned at what I read.

Lucy Reynolds is believed to be the domestic partner of fellow Pink Thunder member Chastity Red.


Lucy’s POV

That night, I lay in bed, restless. I had met with Corleone earlier in the day, and had found out the plan. In three days, we were to infiltrate the Picasso Museum and take several of Picasso’s more valuable paintings from the walls. I had promised Amy that I had given up my life of crime, and it broke my heart that I was going to have to break that promise. What hurt even more was the fact that I had to keep it from Amy.

I felt Amy twisting and turning in the bed as well. “Everything alright?” I asked.

“Oh…yeah, everything’s fine Lucy,” she answered slightly hesitantly. She paused for a while, and turning to face her, I could see that something was clearly bothering her. “Lucy, if something was going on with you, you would let me know, right?”

“Of course,” I replied. It was a lie, but it was the only answer I could give.

“From now on, we won’t hold any secrets from each other, agreed? Anything significant that happens, we’ll let each other know about. Okay?”

“Yes. Amy, is there something you’re trying to tell me?”

“Well…the D.E.B.S. aren’t here for vacation. I kind of owe them a bit of a favor for the pardon they got us, and well…there’s this crime group in town, it’s your old gang, Pink Thunder.”

“How do you know I was in Pink Thunder?” I asked, alertly, I needed to know how much more Amy knew.

“Max showed me your picture and your old dossier file from when you were involved with them. Anyway, they’re asking me to help them out with this case to make up the favor.”

I wanted to grab her and admit the truth that we’d be working against each other. I wanted to blurt out the fact that I was doing the same thing for Pink Thunder, but foolishly, knowing that Amy would disapprove, I kept silent. I realized that by my silence, if she discovered my involvement that it would kill her, but I was not prepared to deal with the consequences of telling her now.

“Luce, Max also showed me a picture of your ex, Chastity. Max said she was in town with Pink Thunder.” She looked worried, but she didn’t say what I knew she was thinking.

“Amy, you don’t have to worry about Chastity. There’s no one I’d rather be with than you.”

Please come talk to me
Tell me what's on your mind
You say there's nothin' wrong
I know…
You've got somethin' to hide
That you're not telling me
You got somethin' to hide
And I know
Next Chapter: The Drift -

fanfiction, d.e.b.s. fanfic, d.e.b.s., lucy diamond, debs fanic, amy bradshaw, d.e.b.s. fanfiction, amy, debs, lucy, debs fanficition, fanfic

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