Lake Superior State University issues a list of banished words each New Year's Day. I featured last year's in my livejournal when my mom alerted me to the list. Here are the
2007 Banished Words:
GITMO -- The US military's shorthand for a base in Cuba drives a wedge wider than a split infinitive.
"When did the notorious Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
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Comments 4
i-Anything - I think this comic strip says all it needs to in the last panel: Jorbs
pwn - My favorite comic strip concerning this aberration of grammar: courtesy Least I Could Do
Slightly off-topic, but one of my favorite grammar comics is this one: Hyphen. You will never think of this descriptor the same way again.
I'm a copywriter. I use the word AWESOME all the fucking time, but rarely in any of my ads.
I think were should banish the word 'Florida' from our vocabularies for a year. Life would be a whole lot fucking simpler. Fucking Florida!
Not to anyone with ten minutes' cooking experience and half a brain.
I totally agree with the "We're pregnant" thing. Wtf, are you high? No, you're not. Yeah, it takes a guy with a high level of douchiness to utter that phrase.
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