Started with a simple Problem-(3/?)

Sep 04, 2008 23:48

Title : Started with a simple Problem-(3/?)
Pairing : Uchipi + Ryotego
Summary : How they deal with problems as a couple.
Rating : PG-13

A/N : I dedicated this story for everyone that read my "Started with a simple ..." fics, but for those who haven’t, it’s okay. Not related that much^^.* i think so*

{chapter 1}{chapter 2}

Chapter 3

“He did what?” asked Ryo as he grabbed his bestfriends hand and pulling him to get inside the apartment.

Uchi lowered his head down as he walk and cried to Ryo’s embrace.

“Uchi..” said Ryo still shocked.

“It’s over between us…” said Uchi again. Grabbing tight on Ryo’s back.

Tegoshi walked closer in confuse feelings of what he just heard. He touched Uchi’s shoulder gently and worriedly. Uchi lift his head from Ryo’s shoulder to see Tegoshi’s face.

“I don’t know what to do, Tegoshi…” cried Uchi slowly. Tegoshi felt sad when he sees those pretty eyes of Uchi went teary and all red.

--- ---

Tegoshi is at the kitchen making something warm and sweet for Uchi to drink. While Ryo sits beside Uchi, who managed to stop his cry. He is now just leaning on to Ryo’s shoulder. Trying to breathe steadily.

“How did it happen..? What did Yamashita-kun say?” asked Tegoshi slowly sitting on the table in front of Uchi and Ryo.

He’s giving Uchi the sweet milk but Uchi refuse it with a smile. “Thank you.. I’ll drink it later, Tegoshi..”

“Uchi, tell me now.. I mean, right now and the whole story..” said Ryo in a normal tone. But Tegoshi knew that Ryo is actually holding his anger.

“I can’t.. I don’t want to remember it..” said Uchi in a hurtful voice stubbornly.

Ryo changed his look to Tegoshi, while Tegoshi just sighed deeply. Tegoshi grabbed on both Uchi’s hand. Hold it tight.

“Let’s just sleep tonight.. You looked so tired, Uchi-kun.. Come on.. Don’t think about anything else, ne..?” said Tegoshi as he help Uchi to stand up and lead him to the bed room. Ryo wanted to follow them , but Tegoshi forbid him.

Ryo frowned. But Tegoshi gave a sign to Ryo that he should wait there for a moment.

Tegoshi went inside the room with Uchi in a second, and then he came out alone. Ryo was about to complaint but before he can let out any voice, Tegoshi let his body fall on Ryo and hug him tight.

“I want to cry too..” said Tegoshi.


“Just seeing Uchi-kun cry..”

Ryo rubbed Tegoshi’s hair slowly. “I didn’t expect things to turn out this bad between them.. ”

--- ---

Both Ryo and Tegoshi entered the room to see if Uchi was sleeping. But he’s not sleeping. He just lying there looked very weak. He already changed to the pajamas that Tegoshi gave him earlier.

Uchi turn his head at the door when he noticed Ryo and Tegoshi came.

“As expected.. Pink suits you the best..” smiled Tegoshi. He’s clearly referring to the pajamas that Uchi is wearing. Tegoshi crawl to sit beside Uchi on the bed.

“Hi..” said Uchi smiling. “Thanks for finding my pajamas.. I didn’t know I left this here..”

“Sure!” said Tegoshi cheerfully. “It’s almost mid-night yoo.. Why don’t you sleep? You can’t sleep?”

Uchi nodded his head. “I want to sleep too..”

“Okay, I’ll sleep here with you.. You can hold my hands until you fall asleep, Uchi-kun..” offered Tegoshi as he curled under the bed cover. He put the bed cover on Uchi’s body too.

“It’s warm, ne? Don’t catch a cold!”

“Heehe.. Yea, it’s really warm, Tegoshi..” smiled Uchi giggles a bit.

“Uhn! Here.. Hold my hand..” said Tegoshi.

Uchi reached out Tegoshi’s hand and hold it.

“Jyaa.. let’s sleep ne?”

“Uhn!” nodded Uchi.

At the door, Nishikido Ryo was standing there with his eyebrows joined together.

“Oeiii.. You two love birds! Make some space for me, I want to sleep on my bed too..” shouted Ryo from the door.

“Nishikido-kun, be quiet! We’re trying to sleep here.. Go sleep on the sofa!” ordered Tegoshi.

“Eeh??” asked Ryo stupidly.

“Go sleep on the sofa!” repeated Tegoshi again.

“What? Why should I sleep on the sofa? It’s been 4 days I slept there! No, I don’t care.. I’m sleeping there too!” said Ryo starting to get on his own nerves.

“What? Why are you so mean to Uchi-kun? Three people can’t sleep here! It won’t fit!” replied Tegoshi at him.

“You’re mean to me!” snapped Ryo.

“I am not!” shouted Tegoshi at Ryo’s annoyed face.

“Hey guys, don’t fight..” said Uchi trying to calm the two that’s starting to have a go at each other.

“Fine! But you didn’t even prepare anything for me at the sofa? You haven’t prepared the pillows and blanket for me!” snapped Ryo again.

“You could get that on your own!” said Tegoshi.

“Well I want it to be prepared by you!” argued Ryo again.

“Well I can’t do it at this moment!” replied Tegoshi.

“Guys.. Stop fighting.. Hey Ryo-chan.. Tegoshi…” But Uchi’s voice doesn’t seem to be heard by Ryo or Tegoshi.

“You said I’m heartless, well what do you call yourself now?!” said Ryo with his irritating voice.

“Why do you always make everything about you?!” snapped Tegoshi.

“DON’T FIGHT!” cried Uchi innocently.

Ryo and Tegoshi turn their heads at Uchi. Once their attention goes to Uchi, Uchi smile helplessly. “ It’s okay.. Let me sleep on the sofa then..”

“NO!” screamed both of them right away. Uchi had to jump a little by the sudden action from both of them.

“Ngg.. Okay, I’ll sleep here.. But don’t fight again.. Do you guys always have to fight over the simplest thing?” asked Uchi honestly.

“Yea!!!!” said both of them again at the same time.

Uchi looked at both of them. They have the same childish look on their faces. Uchi can’t help to chuckles.

“I’m so glad both of you can work things out..” he said sincerely.

Ryo and Tegoshi went silent after that.

Ryo walked closer to where Uchi and Tegoshi are sitting on the bed. He placed a kiss on Uchi’s forehead.

“Sleep tight, okay..”

Uchi nodded.

After that Ryo walked a couple steps around the bed, and take Tegoshi’s chin and then kissed his lips. “Good night..”

“Night-night.. You sleep tight.. Don’t let the bugs bite.. ” said Tegoshi smiling when Ryo pulled his lips away from Tegoshi’s.

After that Ryo gave a wink at both of them and disappear through the door.

--- ---

It was 5 am the next morning when Ryo got disturbed by his ringing cellphone. It kept ringing demanding Ryo to answer it. But Ryo still so sleepy that he just cuddles more with Tegoshi who is sleeping next to him on the sofa. He came to sleep with Ryo.

Still ringing.

Long. Long. Still ringing.

“Damn it!” cursed Ryo.

He took his cellphone on the table and answered the phone harshly.

“WHAT?” roared Ryo.

“RYO-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN!!!!!!” screamed the person from the phone. Ryo swore that was the longest ‘chan’ he had ever heard when somebody calls him.

Ryo knew that stupid voice right away.

“I’ll kill you once I get my eyes opened, Bakanishi..” threatened Ryo at his bestfriend.

“Danger! Danger! Danger!” screamed Jin again.

“Huh?” asked Ryo again still sounded so sleepy.

“Help me! Pi.. Pi is here!! He just came here now.. It’s 5 am in the morning!! He just walked in and sleeps at my bed.. He is.. He became.. He……” Jin’s voice was so much like in those Hollywood horror movies.

“He what?” asked Ryo impatiently.

“Zombie-Pi again!!” shriek Jin.


“Huwee..!!” cried Jin. “When I talk he didn’t listen.. When I asked he didn’t answer.. When I called he didn’t move!!!”

“Pi is like that again..?”

“Yeaaa!! This happened before!! Do you remember when the time when Uchi disappeared from him and like won’t answer to his calls and messages?? He became like back then again! He looked like shit! Last time was a walking zombie.. But this time he’s a walking shit! Hontooo yooo… (Chapter 7 pt.2 of Started With a Simple Message)” explained Jin looking all smart, in a rush.

“Wait there.. I’ll come in a second..” said Ryo as he pulled himself to sit properly, rubbing his eyes to get a clear vision. “You watch him until I get there, okay! “

“No, bad news! I’m in front of your door now! When I saw Pi like that I immediately go to find some help!! So help me!!! Kowaiiiii yooooooooo….”

“Eeeehhhhh???” screamed Ryo as he let himself fall to the sofa again. “BAKANISHI!”

--- ---
“Get your butt inside right now!” ordered Ryo to the man standing on his doorstep. Jin walked in hurriedly. Ryo yawn. “Why I get so many shocking people with shocking news whenever I opened my door.. Oiii Jin…”

Ryo was about to talk to Jin who was just in front of him. But in blink of an eye, Jin wasn’t there anymore.

Ryo took a quick scan at the room to find where Jin is. And finally he found him near Tegoshi. Observing the little sleeping figure on the sofa.

“Kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…..” murmured Jin poking Tegoshi’s cheek with his index finger.

“Huwaaaaaaa!” Ryo hurriedly runs toward Jin and pushed him away from Tegoshi.

“Ouch!” cried Jin.

Ryo quickly sit on the sofa, guarding his sleeping Tegoshi. Trying to act normally.

“So, what brought you here?” he asked that very stupid question.

“ZOMBIE-PI! Ring a bell???” asked Jin sarcastically.

“Oh yeah that.. So you didn’t know..”


“He broke up with Uchi..”

“WHAT WHY!” reacted Jin.

“Because of those pictures.. Yesterday morning, it was on the newspaper..”

“Oh that! That was only a piece of shit, dude! We got caught on club partying wildly so many times! Johnny-san would be like.. ‘oh whatever, they’re old enough to mess around’ Nothing bad comes out of it.. It was only a party!” said Jin persistently.

“Well, we used to do that when we’re not involve with anyone.. Now it’s different.. Tegoshi was mad at me for those pictures.. I mean, that girl was on my lap and I don’t even remember it…” said Ryo honestly while scratching his own hair.

“Cool..” smiled Jin with pleasure.

“That’s not cool you idiot! I almost lost Tegoshi because of that! But everything is over now.. But I guess Pi was that angry to see Uchi on those pictures..”

Jin just nodded several times. “ I can feel it.. For a person that’s never get angry like Pi.. Once he got mad, it will last long.. And it’s scary… You know him that well right? I do too..”

“Shit! I hate seeing Uchi like that! But I can’t blame Pi too.. AAARgghhhh!! What a pain!!” growled Ryo so badly.

“You hate seeing Uchi like what? Have you seen him?” asked Jin.

“What, He’s sleeping in my room now..”

“Uwaaaahh?? Uchi asleep?? I like seeing pretty boy’s face when they’re asleep! Let me see!!” Jin was about jump to Ryo’s bedroom. When suddenly Ryo threatened him.

“If you take one step closer to him I swear I’ll change your name into Nij Ihsinaka!”

“Cool name!” reacted Jin. Ryo rolled his eyes.

“This is not good.. We’re having the Tokyo Dome concert in two weeks.. We can’t have Uchi like this, he’ll be down for weeks.. Maybe longer.. We even have a concert in Kyoto the day after tomorrow.. Do you think he’ll be fine by then? I don’t think so..” Ryo said this with fears in his eyes.

“Uwaaa that’s right! Eito is up for the summer tour right? Hmm…. No! I will be the super hero and bring them back together yoooooo!!” said Jin full of determination acting like Crayon Sin-chan’s hero.

“Shut up! People are sleeping here, dude!” said Ryo as he covers Tegoshi’s ear. Tegoshi yawns a bit.

“Jyaaa! Hakuna Matata! It means no worries! Heehehe.. I’m going back to my apartment now! I’m going to take care of my pumpkin (Yamapi) and I will ease his pain and I will call a priest to make the zombie go away yooooo!!” said Jin as he stands up.

“No need for the priest!!” whispered Ryo harshly.

--- ---

“Pumpkin… Hello…” said Jin. He waved his hand in front of Yamapi’s face. Yamapi was sitting near the glass door in Jin’s apartment. Yamapi gave him a quick look but then stare at the window again.

“Nani?” he said finally.

“So you can talk!” said Jin shaking Yamapi’s shoulder.

Yamapi gave him an annoyed look which making Jin shake him more enthusiastically.

“You broke up with Uchi?”

“How do you know? I haven’t told..” Yamapi never got to finish his words because Jin started to talk.

“I saw him this morning.. He was sleeping at Ryo-chan’s.. I went to Ryo-chan’s place this morning.. I woke him up.. I saw sleeping Tegoshi so kawai.. I peek at sleeping Uchi who trapped in misery..” explained Jin non-stop. “Do you like to torture people?”


“I think Ryo-chan is going to beat you up real nice..” said Jin smiling widely.

“I don’t want to talk about it Jin.. I will get angry again if I remember it..” said Yamapi closing his eyes.

--- ---

Today is the day that Eito will go to Kyoto and tomorrow they’ll have the concert there. Ryo drives both of them to the Jimusho where they’ll take Eito Bus to Kyoto.

Uchi seemed a lot better this morning. He’s smiling a lot. But Ryo just can’t help to say something.

“You okay? Don’t you want to call him to say that you’re leaving?” asked Ryo in his husky voice.

Uchi shook his head. “No.. It’s okay.. ” Uchi said smiling.

“Fine, whatever..”

Ryo grabbed his own cellphone. Dial a number.

“Oi, Pi.. It’s me..” he said to the phone as he starts driving.

Uchi felt his heart skip a beat. What was Ryo thinking calling Yamapi?

Ryo-chan, please don’t do this..


“Oh.. What’s wrong, Ryo-chan?” answered Yamapi.

“Nothing, just wanted to tell you that I’m leaving for Kyoto, Eito’s concert..”

“Oh that’s today, ne? Good luck, Ryo-chan.. Say hi to everybody.. I’ll watch the Tokyo Dome concert with Jin later..” said Yamapi.

“Sou.. And, right now I’m with Uchi.. You want to talk?” asked Ryo frankly. Uchi was too stunned to even think of anything.

It was silence for 4 seconds.

“Sure..” said Yamapi shortly.

Ryo took a quick glare to Uchi who refuse to look at him. He gave the cellphone to Uchi. Uchi was confused.

“Take it.. He wants to talk..” said Ryo-chan giving gesture to Uchi that he should take the phone.

Uchi slowly take it from Ryo-chan’s hand. This is the first time he’ll talk with Yamapi since the break up.

“Hai..?” said Uchi.

“Hi..” said Yamapi.

Uchi don’t know why he can’t say anything.

“Ganbatte for the concert..” said Yamapi.

“Uhn..” said Uchi.

“Be careful and don’t get hurt..”


It became silent. Uchi gathered all of his courage to say some words.

“Where are you, are you well?” asked Uchi.

“Yea, I’m at the shooting set..” replied Yamapi.

“Ohh…” Uchi sighed.

He’s working again..

“ Don’t push yourself.. Don’t get too tired..”

“Okay..” answered Yamapi.

Silence again.

“I have to go now..” said Yamapi.

“Okay.. Bye..” said Uchi sounded hard to let it go.

And the call ended as they reached the Jimusho.

Ryo parked his car at the parking lot. He stares at Uchi who is still grabbing tight on his cellphone.

“How was it? Talking to him again?” said Ryo gazing at his bestfriend. He knew he didn’t call Yamapi for no obvious reason.

“Hai..” he said in a low voice. “Thank you, Ryo-chan..” Uchi gave him an honest smile.

--- ---

yosh chap 3 minna~
how about you^^?
hope u'll like it too^^
comments are LOVE as usual!

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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