Fic Index

Sep 04, 2013 21:13

Bath Time
Rating - PG-13
Length - 568
Warnings: language, sexual references
Summary: There are certain things about human mating rituals that Castiel just can't understand...

Rating: NC-17
Length - 4,007 words
Warnings - Angst, sex, blasphemy
Summary - Castiel accepts that Dean has made his choice and that he needs to let go. But he can't resist seeing him one more time

Change My World
Rating: NC-17
Chapters - 5
Warnings - Language, mild angst, sex
Summary - When Dean wakes up the morning after Ellen and Jo's funeral, it's to find himself transported to another world, and only Castiel can help him get home again.

Getting Involved
Length - 2,486
Rating - R
Summary - In which Dean discovers a disadvantage to interspecies blasphemous gay love, and Sam awkwardly gives Cas sex advice.
Warnings - language, sexual references,
Spoilers - Nothing specific

Home (Change My World sequel)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: very mild angst, language, Human!Cas
Length: 3,469
Spoilers: Some for Swan Song, none for S6
Summary: Dean is returning home from a hunt, and is pretty sure that a certain former angel is less than pleased with him.

Hopelessly Devoted
Length - 14,545
Rating - PG-13
Summary - Have you ever really wanted to read a Dean/Castiel fic based on the musical Grease? No? Well, I’ve written one anyway.
Warnings - CRACK. Complete violation of the plot of Grease. Extreme silliness.
Spoilers - Um… if you’ve seen Grease then you’re good.

Jump the Track
Rating - NC-17
Summary - High school AU. It's Dean's senior year at Lawrence High, and he's already given up on himself. It takes the arrival of the strange, intense, awkward Castiel Delacroix at the school to prove to Dean that maybe his life is worth saving after all.
Warnings - language, alcohol and drug references, sex
Spoilers - References to characters from seasons 1-6. Apart from that, it's completely AU.

Just As You Are
Rating: R
Length - 6,751 words
Warnings - sexual references, temporary girl!Cas
Summary - Written as a birthday present for  thelemonmeringuelife. Castiel quizzes Sam on Dean's ideal woman. Shortly afterwards, Dean meets a beautiful and mysterious girl called Thursday in a bar. Are the two events related? What do you think?

Snow Angels
Rating: R
Length: 5,421
Warnings: language, sex, wing!fic, silliness, fluff. Vague spoilers for S5, but definitely no canon-compliant.
Summary: It's the first real 'family' Christmas Dean's had for as long as he can remember. For once, things are going good for the Winchesters, and if only Dean felt more secure in his relationship with Castiel things would be perfect. Luckily, Castiel has thought of the perfect gift to make it up to him.

The Snow Queen
Artist: cugami
Genre: Fairy Tale, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 8,520
Warnings: Sexual references, mild violence
Summary: For dc_everafter . Dean believes that he and Castiel will never be parted after the Winchesters take the little fallen angel into their home one cold winter's night. But then Castiel falls under a curse and is stolen away, and it is up to Dean to set out in pursuit of his lost soul mate, taking him on a journey that will lead him to the palace of the terrible Snow Queen herself.

Sweet Gay Fanfiction Pierces Through the Veil of Reality and Saves the Day
Rating: PG-13
Length - 2,919 words
Warnings - Flangst, silliness
Summary - Becky puts her writing skills to new use when a certain lovesick angel pays her a visit

Title - Takkenmann
Length - 8,427
Rating - PG-13
Summary - Sam and Dean go to Michigan to investigate the disappearances of children, and Sam starts to believe that the Slender Man is responsible. Dean thinks it's all bull, but he's got his unresolved feelings for Castiel to deal with as well.
Warnings - language, sexual references, Slender Man
Spoilers - Set in the aftermath of 'Unforgiven', so spoilers for that.


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