Title - Jump the Track
Chapter - 4/?
Author -
lafleurdumal85 Rating - NC-17
Summary - High school AU. It's Dean's senior year at Lawrence High, and he's already given up on himself. It takes the arrival of the strange, intense, awkward Castiel Delacroix at the school to prove to Dean that maybe his life is worth saving after all.
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Comments 53
Cas is breaking my heart with his discomfort about his family and his reaction to Mary's hug. I have a general abhorrence to religious nutjobs, so it really gets under my skin. I just want to hug them both and tell them everything will be all right eventually.
In short, I'm hooked like woah. I can't wait to see where you'll go with this!
I've been where Dean is too, and I've felt the same as him. It's not fun! I hate religious extremism as well, and I felt really bad for Cas and Anna writing this chapter.
I'm working on C5 right now, so hopefully it'll be up soon!
It was so sweet, and I couldn't help but get teary at Mary's story of how, as a child, Dean would wake up singing and how she and John would simply lay there and listen to him. A mother remembers things like that and wants so much happiness for her child, and you have captured so much truth of that with the character of Mary.
I also love how Dean and Cas' friendship got jump-started with Cas being the one to save Dean. The bruise on the arm from where he pulled him out....brilliant!
I am so taken by this story and greatly hope to see new chapters soon.:)
I'm working on C5 right now, so it should be up soon!
Really enjoying this. Update when you can. :)
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