This was supposed to be an easy job. All expenses paid faecation to New York, courtesy of the Ashe, and all they had to do was get intel on some potentially disastrous goings on in a region the Ashe had no control over. There had been an incident. It was all over the news. What kind of threat did this pose to the fae community? Were there fae involved? What was the risk of exposure? The leaders of the Light and Dark in New York had no reason to tell the others a damn thing, if they knew anything at all, despite the proximity and potential for conflict. There was no way the Ashe or the Morrigan could let any of their own infiltrate the area and find out the real story, either. They had rules. Strict rules
( ... )
"Uuuuuugh. I wish you hadn't said that." Last time she worked in a kitchen, she almost got eaten by a land wight. The last time she was just chillin' in a hotel kitchen, she'd lost her voice and had some fire dude after her. Kenzi always gets the shitty undercover jobs while Bo hangs out with the rich dudes and eats lobster and looks all glam. Shouldn't it be brains before beauty? Guess not.
But a deal's a deal. She hands him her phone and reaches for her coffee. "Gimme your digits. Plus you know where to find me."
There's a 50/50 chance of this either being a really good thing or a really bad thing. Honestly? That's probably half the fun right there.
"So what do you do, anyway? How did you get all buddy-buddy with the billionaire super hero? Do you know the other peeps, too?"
Loki programs his mobile number into her phone under the heading 'Big Bad Wolf' and hands it back to her with a flourish. "I met Tony Stark at a... conference, of sorts. He offered me a drink and... well, we didn't get along, so naturally we had to look one another up later and here we are
( ... )
"Physicist. Wow. Now there's a job that'll get you laid." If sarcasm paid cash, that sentence would have bought her a shiny new car. The smile right after was good natured, though. And frankly she was kind of into the whole smart-guy thing. The fact that she was into him specifically had to be obvious by now. Even if it was just for the sake of the Ashe-- actually, she probably would have followed him regardless.
"No offense, but he seems like a total dick. Saving the city aside. That facial hair just screams massive douche! Mad props to the hot archer guy, though. I'm a huge fan of old-timey weaponry. Using lasers to blow stuff up is so overrated."
They may not be fae, but she still wanted to know more about them. Real life super heroes. How cool is that?
Loki gives a soft huff. "You might be surprised. The only thing it doesn't get me is someone willing to put up with me for an extended period. Not all it's cracked up to be, living with a physicist."
Magician. God. Madman. Whatever. "As for the Avengers--" the tone of his voice implies scare quotes, though his hands stay curled around his coffee cup "--they're, well, a collection. You're right about Stark. He's a walking disaster. That's why he's so much fun."
Or perhaps that's just because Loki is awful and prone to schadenfreude. Either way, he does dearly love tormenting the man.
"Agent Barton, on the other hand, is a delightful fellow. A commensurate professional. And a little scary, to be quite honest." Which Loki quite likes, really. He'd certainly liked it quite a lot when it was being used for his benefit.
"As for that whole, you know, the big mess a few years ago, yes. It really was." A wildly overconfident alien invasion, in fact. The chitauri really weren't all they'd claimed to be, but Loki hadn't found that
( ... )
Kenzi smiles after another bite of the cake. Chocolatey heaven on a plate, thank you very much. "You might be surprised at what I can put up with."
Living with a succubus is no picnic.
"Good. I like the scary ones." Dyson's a good example of that, even if he's more of a cuddly puppy these days. He can be scary when he wants to be... to other people. But agent Barton. She'd have to remember that one. The chick seems scary for totally different reasons, but doesn't seem to be anything the Ashe is looking for. Archery boy, though... and the blonde one? She just worries about the spangly guy and won't be going near the angry, smashy, green one.
"Okay. So. Aliens, super heroes, and adorably frightening creatures that rhyme with 'hay'. All this junk is real, and you! You... did that thing. Physicist or not, you're definitely not just some random, regular human that got swept up into all of this like I did. Can you do other stuff? Can I see it?"
"Is that you offering, then?" Loki teases, though he doubts she meant that. Even he might find it a bit odd if she did. Nobody moves in with someone after meeting them once.
The other question has him snorting softly. "I could pull a coin out of your ear, if you want. I know a few card tricks. Bit of sleight of hand... aside from that I'm afraid you're out of luck."
For today, at least. Maybe another time. At Stark's party, for instance, should she choose to come along.
"I'm really not certain what it is exactly that you're accusing me of, anyway. I'm not like the blokes in the kitchens. If you want something like that, you're in the wrong place." Let her extrapolate from that what she wants; he's certainly not fae. Nor álfar nor ás. His kind sit relatively forgotten by human beings. Their mythology, the memory of them, has long since faded. With this Loki is content. At least nobody's likely to guess.
Ha. Hahaha. Right. No one just starts living with a person after one day. That would be... crazy. Whoops. At least there was mutual life-saving first. And the whole no rent thing. Oh, and also the epic clothes-borrowing privileges. So many reasons to move in with a strange, not-human lady after only knowing her 24 hours.
"Only if your friend Stark runs off with my roomie and I'm left all alone. But I doubt that would ever happen so you're off the hook."
Okay, sure. Play it off like it was nothing, magician-pants. She still doesn't trust you on that one. She's not crazy. Definitely didn't imagine that shit. "That stuff is getting pretty stale anyway. I could go for something new."
"Well, sorry to disappoint, then," Loki responds, sounding a bit put off, as though he's tired of hearing about it. Which in a sense he is, and not because he's tired of being valuable solely for what he can do (though he is also that, on some abstract and unimportant level), but because he's really not keen on talking about it any longer, particularly in public
( ... )
Kenzi just smirks. It's one of those smug as all hell, I know something you don't know smirks. If Bo wanted to, she could have Stark eating out of the palm of her hand. Among other things
( ... )
Loki chuckles softly and pulls his mobile from his pocket to set it on the table between them. An essential for any self-respecting supervillain, really, mobile phones, particularly the sort with sophisticated organisational aids. And instagram support, if one were to ask Loki, which nobody ever does.
"Text it and see," he says, sliding the phone towards her. It is a real number. It might not be useful for very much longer, since avoiding a terribly long paper trail is also essential, but for the time being it works, and it'll continue to work for as long as he needs it to do.
"I neglected to mention that the event to which I've invited you is black tie. Don't worry if you don't have a dress; we can go find one tomorrow if you're not too terribly busy. I'll bill Stark." After a fashion. He grins.
"In fact, you may as well anyway; I've been looking for an excuse to extort him for ages."
Just wait until she starts challenging him in Draw Something.
She picks up her own phone and fires off a text at lightning speeds. Kids and their technology. She watches the phone on the table closely, almost daring it to not light up.
500 bonus points. Current score: 832!
"I kinda figured. Don't look so worried, Jökulsson. I clean up nice. Promise." But hey, dress shopping on someone else's dime? That could be hilarious. Guilt-free shopping is the true way to a girl's heart. Even if it's only guilt-free because Kenzi has no soul when it comes to material possessions and taking from those who have more than enough.
"So you want to pick out dresses with a total stranger. That's either an excuse to see me again or you're actually into dudes. Are you in love with Stark?" Gaaaaaaaaaaasp. "Am I your beard? You're totes just using me to make him jealous, aren't you? I knew it. Way too good to be true
( ... )
Loki laughs at that, bright and cheerful. The flirting is obvious, and amusing, and he could do oh so much better if he were so inclined. Maybe later. He did say he wouldn't try to sleep with her on the first date, and while it wouldn't be remotely the first time he'd lied about that, it would open the door to oh so many other things he's not inclined to address right now
( ... )
"Clearly I just have to get to know you better so I don't make some poor judgement call like that in the future. Now I know that, A; you get all huffy when I offend you and it's totally adorbs, and B; You're so very NOT into him that you need the opposite of him which would be... female, dirt poor, non-genius that doesn't fly around in a heinously-painted, tin can outfit
( ... )
For a moment Loki simply looks at her with a faint smile on his lips. Oh, her interest is already piqued. May as well.
"And I'm glad you decided to follow me," he says, and leaves it at that, tucking his phone back into his pocket. He's no intention of clarifying whether or not he means out of the hotel or to the café afterwards. Let her work it out for herself if she likes. Let her speculate.
"Tomorrow, then," he agrees before giving a bit of a wave and turning back to his coffee, shaking his head slowly and smiling to himself. Funny thing. Clever thing. He does like that. Pretty, too, but Loki has seen so very many pretty things in his life. After a while they all start to blend together. Lovely she may be, but her value -- and her rarity, the extent of which he has yet to assess -- lies elsewhere.
It will be interesting to see how she reacts to him when she knows rather than simply suspecting, when it becomes entirely plain that he's not only not human, but that her fairy tale monster reference wasn't far off the mark.
( ... )
How did I know you'd use punctuation, caps, and actual words in your text? Be down in ten!A majority of those ten minutes were spent checking her hair, re-applying makeup, and trying to cover up the bags under her eyes from a late night combined with an early morning. Bo was unsurprisingly cool with everything that went down last night and totally encouraging about meeting up with him again today, lead or no lead. The amount of exceedingly good possibilities with this definitely outweighed the potential for disaster. Besides, Kenzi could take care of herself! ...Most of the time
( ... )
But a deal's a deal. She hands him her phone and reaches for her coffee. "Gimme your digits. Plus you know where to find me."
There's a 50/50 chance of this either being a really good thing or a really bad thing. Honestly? That's probably half the fun right there.
"So what do you do, anyway? How did you get all buddy-buddy with the billionaire super hero? Do you know the other peeps, too?"
"No offense, but he seems like a total dick. Saving the city aside. That facial hair just screams massive douche! Mad props to the hot archer guy, though. I'm a huge fan of old-timey weaponry. Using lasers to blow stuff up is so overrated."
They may not be fae, but she still wanted to know more about them. Real life super heroes. How cool is that?
"Was it legit an alien invasion?"
Magician. God. Madman. Whatever. "As for the Avengers--" the tone of his voice implies scare quotes, though his hands stay curled around his coffee cup "--they're, well, a collection. You're right about Stark. He's a walking disaster. That's why he's so much fun."
Or perhaps that's just because Loki is awful and prone to schadenfreude. Either way, he does dearly love tormenting the man.
"Agent Barton, on the other hand, is a delightful fellow. A commensurate professional. And a little scary, to be quite honest." Which Loki quite likes, really. He'd certainly liked it quite a lot when it was being used for his benefit.
"As for that whole, you know, the big mess a few years ago, yes. It really was." A wildly overconfident alien invasion, in fact. The chitauri really weren't all they'd claimed to be, but Loki hadn't found that ( ... )
Living with a succubus is no picnic.
"Good. I like the scary ones." Dyson's a good example of that, even if he's more of a cuddly puppy these days. He can be scary when he wants to be... to other people. But agent Barton. She'd have to remember that one. The chick seems scary for totally different reasons, but doesn't seem to be anything the Ashe is looking for. Archery boy, though... and the blonde one? She just worries about the spangly guy and won't be going near the angry, smashy, green one.
"Okay. So. Aliens, super heroes, and adorably frightening creatures that rhyme with 'hay'. All this junk is real, and you! You... did that thing. Physicist or not, you're definitely not just some random, regular human that got swept up into all of this like I did. Can you do other stuff? Can I see it?"
The other question has him snorting softly. "I could pull a coin out of your ear, if you want. I know a few card tricks. Bit of sleight of hand... aside from that I'm afraid you're out of luck."
For today, at least. Maybe another time. At Stark's party, for instance, should she choose to come along.
"I'm really not certain what it is exactly that you're accusing me of, anyway. I'm not like the blokes in the kitchens. If you want something like that, you're in the wrong place." Let her extrapolate from that what she wants; he's certainly not fae. Nor álfar nor ás. His kind sit relatively forgotten by human beings. Their mythology, the memory of them, has long since faded. With this Loki is content. At least nobody's likely to guess.
"Only if your friend Stark runs off with my roomie and I'm left all alone. But I doubt that would ever happen so you're off the hook."
Okay, sure. Play it off like it was nothing, magician-pants. She still doesn't trust you on that one. She's not crazy. Definitely didn't imagine that shit. "That stuff is getting pretty stale anyway. I could go for something new."
"Text it and see," he says, sliding the phone towards her. It is a real number. It might not be useful for very much longer, since avoiding a terribly long paper trail is also essential, but for the time being it works, and it'll continue to work for as long as he needs it to do.
"I neglected to mention that the event to which I've invited you is black tie. Don't worry if you don't have a dress; we can go find one tomorrow if you're not too terribly busy. I'll bill Stark." After a fashion. He grins.
"In fact, you may as well anyway; I've been looking for an excuse to extort him for ages."
She picks up her own phone and fires off a text at lightning speeds. Kids and their technology. She watches the phone on the table closely, almost daring it to not light up.
500 bonus points. Current score: 832!
"I kinda figured. Don't look so worried, Jökulsson. I clean up nice. Promise." But hey, dress shopping on someone else's dime? That could be hilarious. Guilt-free shopping is the true way to a girl's heart. Even if it's only guilt-free because Kenzi has no soul when it comes to material possessions and taking from those who have more than enough.
"So you want to pick out dresses with a total stranger. That's either an excuse to see me again or you're actually into dudes. Are you in love with Stark?" Gaaaaaaaaaaasp. "Am I your beard? You're totes just using me to make him jealous, aren't you? I knew it. Way too good to be true ( ... )
"And I'm glad you decided to follow me," he says, and leaves it at that, tucking his phone back into his pocket. He's no intention of clarifying whether or not he means out of the hotel or to the café afterwards. Let her work it out for herself if she likes. Let her speculate.
"Tomorrow, then," he agrees before giving a bit of a wave and turning back to his coffee, shaking his head slowly and smiling to himself. Funny thing. Clever thing. He does like that. Pretty, too, but Loki has seen so very many pretty things in his life. After a while they all start to blend together. Lovely she may be, but her value -- and her rarity, the extent of which he has yet to assess -- lies elsewhere.
It will be interesting to see how she reacts to him when she knows rather than simply suspecting, when it becomes entirely plain that he's not only not human, but that her fairy tale monster reference wasn't far off the mark. ( ... )
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