Fic: Son of the Sun - lion fic

Jan 05, 2006 02:48

Title: Son of the Sun (1/1)
Author: laeglass
Pairing: Viggorli, sort of
Rating: R? Or maybe NC-17? I honestly have no idea.
Warning: ANIMALS. Two lion males going at it. I’m sorry.
Beta: the amazing tularia
A/N: This is dedicated to my two lionesses, Luna and Nessa. ♥

Son of the Sun


Or-lee looked at the bigger male warily from the shadow of an acacia tree. He had been watching Vigo from a distance for many turns of the moon now, but had yet to approach the other male. He couldn’t afford to make a mistake; Or-lee was only a few summers old, whereas Vigo was a lot more experienced, and a lot older, maybe as many as five years, or even ten.

Or-lee knew that in a fight Vigo could beat him. Should he choose to do so.


Vigo was the name Or-lee had given to the older male; Vigo, son of the sun.


There were many scratches as well as fully or partially healed scars on his golden fur; he looked rogue and dangerous, and to Or-lee he seemed that Vigo was strong and could easily defend himself against other lone males that more often than not prowled in the plain. Vigo was the biggest male Or-lee had ever seen, and he couldn’t comprehend why Vigo never challenged any of the dominant males of the prides that ranged on that area. Or-lee knew that should Vigo choose to do so, he would have many cubs in a few months time, and that he would make his chosen pride more powerful, maybe even dominant among the few prides that dwelled on the large plain.

But Vigo had never shown any interests other than prowling, preying, and perhaps teaching a few lessons to younger, eager males who thought they could take him in a fight.

Vigo was an enigma to Or-lee, and he kept an eye on the older male.

He wasn’t courageous enough, or maybe fool enough, to approach Vigo. Not yet.


Or-lee was a lone male, just like Vigo was.

Or-lee had left his mother soon after turning two; or rather, he had been made to leave because the dominant male didn’t suffer any rivals. Or-lee had never felt the need to get a pride of his own, to fight some alpha so that he could make cubs with the females. There was no stirring in him when he smelt in the females’ urine that they were ready and willing to couple; he watched with dispassionate eyes as the alpha males mated with the females.

But when the males roared in the night, triumphant in their success in planting their seed inside the fiery lionesses, a small shiver ran down Or-lee’s spine all the way to the tip of his tail.

Or-lee’s cousin and brother had left the pride at the same time as Or-lee, having been born during the same summer. It was safer and better to be a part of a group of three than trying to survive alone, Or-lee knew, and the first few months had been easy on the three comrades. Then, Kar had wanted to become an alpha, and died when he had challenged the dominate male of one of the largest prides, Gamgee, that ranged the area. Or-lee’s brother, Sho had disappeared a few months after that. Or-lee had seen Sho watching the Gamgee females with a glint in his eyes, and one night he left Or-lee’s side and never came back.

Or-lee had tried to call Sho back; he had even roared a little into the dark, but soon quieted as he didn’t want to attract the attention of any other males. Or-lee was lonely now, and should some aggressive, stronger male wish to challenge him in a fight, Or-lee had little chance of survival.

That was when he first took notice of Vigo.

And after Or-lee had first seen Vigo, he had lost all interest in all other males and females.

What Or-lee didn’t know was that Vigo had taken an interest in Or-lee, too.


Vigo was hungry.

The day was hot, the sun burned and the early morning stalk had resulted in no prey. Zebras and antelopes knew to avoid the part of the plain where Vigo mostly dwelled, and Vigo would need a partner if he wished to hunt a bigger beast. He was strong and cunning, but there were things a lone lion couldn’t accomplish without help, and Vigo acknowledged this fact.

Vigo was also restless.

He had smelled the Gamgee females’ urine and knew that there was much fornicating happening within the pride. Vigo didn’t want a female, though.

His gaze shifted to where he knew Or-lee was watching from beneath the acacia tree.

It was the mating season, and Vigo was eager to find a mate.


Or-lee saw Vigo getting up from the ground, and that alerted the relaxed young lion.

Vigo, when on a prowl, was a sight to behold, and Or-lee let out a silent, growling purr as he saw how Vigo’s golden mane glinted in the fiery sun; the older male’s mane extended from the neck area to the underside to his abdomen. Vigo was a magnificent sight, powerful and strong, and Or-lee could only hope that the older male wasn’t looking for a fight.

Or-lee watched silently as Vigo approached, and there was an odd feeling in Or-lee’s stomach as he watched the impressive male parts of the other lion. Or-lee’s insides tightened violently as he saw that Vigo was excited.

Was Vigo mistaking Or-lee for a female?


Two noses met.

Someone growled lowly in his throat.


Two noses rubbed and nudged.

Or-lee had seen mating before, and he wanted to show to Vigo that he posed no threat. Or-lee knew an alpha when he saw one, and even if Vigo didn’t have a pride of his own, Or-lee knew that he would never submit to another male, and especially not to a much younger one.

Or-lee purred. He didn’t mind.

Or-lee rolled over on his back and emitted a low, guttural moaning. Vigo’s ears perked. He knew that Or-lee wasn’t a female; he smelled masculine, he had a handsome, dark mane and there were definitely male parts between the younger lion’s legs, and even if he was a bit smaller than Vigo, the older lion recognized what Or-lee was. And now Or-lee was making the appropriate moves that encouraged Vigo to initiate copulation.

Vigo growled as Or-lee assumed a crouched posture, imitating the females he had seen, with the base of his tail slightly raised.


Vigo was clever.

He knew there wasn’t enough wet between Or-lee’s legs, so he licked the little pink opening with his rough tongue. Or-lee’s purr proved that Vigo’s acts were met with favour.

A secure bite on Or-lee’s neck made sure that he couldn’t escape.


Many, many couplings later Vigo carefully nudged Or-lee, making sure that he hadn’t hurt his new mate. Or-lee allowed Vigo to lick him clean, and they playfully bumped their noses together every now and then.

When the sun finally disappeared behind the horizon it was time for a stalk, again. Vigo wanted to catch an antelope, or maybe a wilderbeast, to impress Or-lee; he didn’t want to give the younger male any reasons to leave.

Vigo knew that he would want to mate again after feeding.

He knew not to expect any cubs from Or-lee. The younger male was certainly beautiful with his sienna eyes and the mane of the colour of burnt amber, and he submitted eagerly to the older male’s urges to couple, but Vigo remembered that Or-lee was a male, too. And males didn’t bear young.

It didn’t matter. Vigo had a mate now, and all was well in the plain.

Vigo’s joyous roar into the dark was heard by all.


fic: pairing: v/o, fic: one-shot, fics, fic: rps

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