many multiple births are the result of fertility treatments (often people who cannot have children of thier own and seemingly don't want to adopt) which require the feritilization of dozens, if not hundreds of eggs. And the vast majority of those eggs are eventually destroyed. This is an issue in the abortion debate/stem cell research debate. To me it seems a double standard is set up in regards to the fertility industry; it is not ok to abort, unless the 'abortion' is the result of fertility treatments... so much more could be said, but most of it already has been...
I honestly think China was onto something with the one child rule. Not that we're there yet, but at least, there should be rewards for people who use birth control, adoption should be state sponsored, and the fertility industry should be fitted with a shock-collar.
Are you talking about the woman that had 8 babies? Yeah, that really sucks that just because she's got 8 babies she gets free diapers for life and all that craziness. Umm yeah...what about regular people that are having trouble being able to afford diapers, formula and clothes for just one baby? Aren't they just as important? I do think that people that spend thousands and thousands of dollars on IVF procedures should look into adoption instead. There are millions of children in the world that need a home. Sigh.
OMG are you serious? 14 kids? Her uterus should go on a strike or something...seriously. What the hell? 14 kids...I think she wants to compete with that other family on TLC that has like 18 kids. It's ridiculous.
Exactly! It's like all those kids that go and shoot up their schools because they saw some other kid on the news do it and it looked cool, what with all the attention. Only instead of dead teenagers it's eight babies who will grow up to be eight more leeches on an already strained ecomony. Whee!
What's-his-face should do a film like "Bowling for Columbine" only about these people.
Comments 21
6 + 8 = 14, last time I checked.
14 !*(@#* KIDS!
They shouldn't give those people free stuff. They should start taking stuff away.
What's-his-face should do a film like "Bowling for Columbine" only about these people.
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