[3] Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Viera) [2] Kingdom Hearts (Heartless) [6] Final Fantasy X-2 [4] Friends Only / Not Friends Only banner (FFX-2, Yuna, Lenne)
Oh, thank you, that's fabulous. Aside from the art in the manual, all I'd ever seen was the moogle class art.
Ahh, curse you, now I'm gonna have to make even MORE icons. Aside from the stuff I've posted in my journal, I've just finished a Dilbert set, and I'm working on a Lunar set and some character-specific FFT icons, and I'm doing a request for someone else. The icons are EATING MY BRAIN. ^_^;
Comments 6
This (http://www.creativeuncut.com/cat07.html) is a great site for Final Fantasy artwork.
Ahh, curse you, now I'm gonna have to make even MORE icons. Aside from the stuff I've posted in my journal, I've just finished a Dilbert set, and I'm working on a Lunar set and some character-specific FFT icons, and I'm doing a request for someone else. The icons are EATING MY BRAIN. ^_^;
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