Title: Three Firsts
Pairing: Will/Sonny
Rating: Hard PG-13
Word Count: 600
Spoilers: Current with the story and uses parts of the preview clip from 11/14/12.
Disclaimer: These characters? Not mine. Just borrowing to play with, thank you.
Summary: Three 200-word drabbles of firsts in Will and Sonny's relationship.
Author's Notes: Written for
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Comments 4
This felt like opening a door and finally getting a breath of fresh air because you KNOW how I feel about the current state of Will/Sonny fic.
And I love love love that you fixed the boyfriend scene. We both wanted that to be a bigger moment and this is still pretty much canon but you made it much better. And the second part YOU USED 'MY TURN'. Ahahahahahaa! I love that! And again - still pretty much canon (I love that we can actually USE sexy canon stuff for this pairing - because they did it ON SCREEN - Freddie YOUR FINGER) but you added to it and it was glorious. And then an absolutely adorable popcorn fight and 'I love you' at the end and if it happened EXACTLY like that I'd float away from sweetness and happy and cuddle-bug overload. Because they would be their dorkish, childish selves, but still so much in love and siiigh.
You are a dream, thank you so so so much for writing this! ♥
THAT'S ALL YOU, BB. ALL YOU. Your idea and phrase! So you totally get credit for that, ha.
And I know it's not exactly what you've been craving but hopefully one day the fandom gods will take pity and start producing some fic. Somewhere. But I'm really glad these silly little drabbles at least you enjoyed.
Love you! ♥
The perfect moment appears.
♥! That was sort of perfect.
Aw, that was so sweet. Thank you, Ronnie. Lots.
ps. And they are super adorable, yes heeeee.
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