You take the beads, you put 'em on wire, you like 'em up, and ... ta-dah! Some adjustments (like taking off beads and adding extender chains) can be made, no problem.
All of these bracelets are $10.
- blue wisdom
2 - gold and green boxes
2 - gold and black
2 - hot or iced coffee
2 3 4 5 - stone rectangles and wood beads
- tea flowers
2 3 - red swirls
2 3 - purple flowers
2 3 4 5 - black with white
2 3 - iridescent black and flared cross
2 3 - laptop keys
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (keys will be random, specify length) - tiny blues and greens
2 3 4 - black discs and silver circles
2 3 - blue barrels
2 3 - green twisted rectangles
2 - wine jasper
2 - red-orange ovals and white spheres
2 3 - green stones and beige spheres
- black with white spots
2 3 - katamari time
2 - lampwork gold
2 - silvered purple
2 - random candy
2 3 - seven purple spheres
2 (very wide, nearly anklet-length) - green and cream squares
2 - ladybugs 1
- ladybugs 2
($13 with earrings) - red glass spheres
2 - ($13 with earrings) - katamari rainbow 1
2 - katamari rainbow 2
2 3 - twisted rainbow 1
2 - twisted rainbow 2
2 - light and dark blue bead mixes
2 3 4 - silver suns
2 - assorted blues
And these bracelets, for one reason or another, are individually priced.
- little amber boxes
- for a child's wrist, $8 - lapis and Mary
2 3 - $12 - black and white geodes
2 3 - $12 - agate ribbon
2 3 - $12 - random greens
2 - $7 - snowflake obsidian
2 3 - $11 - coppery glass
2 - $6 - turquoise on silver
2 - $20 - turquoise on gold-colored copper
- $16 - tiger's-eye spheres
2 - $13, anklet-length