[fic] Dream of the vivid sky pt. 2

Jun 12, 2010 19:48

Title: Dream of the vivid sky
Part: 2/?
Author: ladyrevania
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Main pairing: Ryoga/IV
Other characters: ViViD and SCREW members
Disclaimer: Vivid imagination is the only thing I own.
Summary: When you're young you don't know anything about the life until you start experiencing new things and your life usually becomes more difficult than you thought.
A/N: This is a side story to the Screw it! fic. You can find it in my Fanfiction Archive.

I came back home about three hours later, because I took a long walk. During night the city was so quiet and I loved it, because I wasn't in the mood to look at these crowds, I felt much better when I was alone. My sisters were sleeping when I entered the apartment and I was glad, they were always making fun of me and making me upset. Last time mom bought us a cake, but they ate it all, there was nothing left for me, so I was sad, because I love cakes. Of course, if I told mom about it, she would ignore me, so there was no point to do this again.

That's good my sisters were sleeping. I entered the room, trying to not wake them up. It's a pain in the ass to share the room with two crazy girls, but I had to do it, because our apartment is small. I decided I will move out as soon as I earn enough money as a musician, but it's not as easy as I thought. We still have to spend a lot on our costumes, rehearsal place and once we had to pay a lot for the club, because we didn't get enough audience on the event. I thought my parents will kill me when I told how much I need from them, but they just shrugged and gave me the right amount. They never care about anything, I hate that.


"Ivu... Ivu, you idiot, wake up! You're going to be late!" Someone pushed me out of the bed and I hit something hard with my head.
"Ouch..." I grabbed the hurt spot, it hurt terribly. "Leave me alone, Asami, I want to SLEEP." I crawled back on the bed.
"I will tell mom you're skipping school again!"
"She doesn't care..."
"She does!"
"Bullshit, let me sleep." I put a pillow over my head, trying to fall asleep again. I wasn't in a mood to go anywhere, I just wanted to be left alone.

I finally got up when these annoying witches probably went out. All apartment for myself, that was just too good to be possible! I couldn't skip all day, though, the teachers would kill me again with their murderous stares. I had to go there and avoid Manabu. I knew where he was usually going and a chance to meet him was rather low.

After eating an awesome breakfast and relaxing in front of the pc, I finally went to school. My mood was still terrible, I couldn't forget about the thing I saw yesterday... Shin noticed that immediately.
"Hey, IV, you look kinda... dead..." He whispered when the teacher wasn't looking in our direction.
"I know..."
"Something happened?"
"Yeah, Manabu..."
The teacher looked at us, so we had to stop talking. It was annoying, I couldn't concentrate on her speaking when I was sitting on my ass in the same place all the time, so I just put my head on the desk and fell asleep.

"I'm tired of tolerating your behavior, first your hair and piercing and now sleeping during MY class! Detention should teach you something, young man!" She woke me up and hit my head with her book.
That was too much for me, I didn't want to listen to her whining, so I just got up and took my belongings.
"Where do you think you're going?" She asked.
"No one allowed you to get up from you seat!"
"I allowed myself."
When I left the classroom, I shut the door with a very loud thud. It was a stupid thing to do, but releasing my anger felt so good... I decided I will come to the rehearsal place, but I had to use the toilet, first.

I entered one of the stalls and started doing what I needed to do, when I heard someone coughing and emptying the content of their stomach. I finished doing my business and knocked the door to this stall.
"Hey, are you sick? Should I call the nurse?"
"No, no, that's ok..." I immediately recognized this voice.
"Manabu?! Manabu, please tell me what's wrong!"
When I realized it's him, I forgot everything what happened yesterday, I just wanted to help him, because it made me worried... Soon he went out of the stall and his face was pale.
"Ivu, come back to class, I'm fine, really..."
After saying that, he fainted and I his body fell on mine. Somehow I managed to not land on the floor, I wasn't someone strong, I couldn't carry him or something like that, so I forced his unconscious body to sit on the toilet bowl and ran to the nurse.


"He looks sick, he's very skinny and he vomited... Maybe there's something wrong with his stomach? I have to call the hospital to examine him, because it's something serious. I'm glad you informed me about it, boy." She smiled and patted my head.
"Is he going to be okay?"
"Yes, the doctors will take care of him, don't worry about it."

I was sitting next to the bed and holding his head when the doctor came in. I moved aside when the man wanted to examine him.
"Is he your friend? Don't be so sad. Here, take some cookies." The nurse gave them to me. Oh yeah, I needed to consume some sugar, to make my mood better, because I felt too nervous.
I sat on the chair and waited, eating the sweets I got and trying to be a nice, polite boy, who doesn't disturb the doctor.
"I have to take him to the hospital, it's a serious dehydration. I'm not sure what caused it, but his condition isn't good."

When the medics took him to the ambulance, a lot of people were looking out of the windows. I wanted to go to the hospital with him, they let me... but suddenly someone hit my arm hard and almost made me fall. It was Byou.
"What are you doing? He doesn't need you there, stop thinking you're someone special." He smirked and pushed me aside. I wanted to hit him, but it wasn't a right moment to argue, because Manabu needed help, so I just backed away...


The sun was ironically shining straight into my eyes when I opened the door to the practice room. Again, I met Ryoga there... Not saying anything, I just took my bass and plugged it in.
"Want to play?" I asked him.
"Sure." He nodded.

However, this time I couldn't concentrate and after a few minutes of playing, I put the bass away angrily.
"Sorry, I think I'm just not in the mood to play today." I told him, grabbing the doorknob.
"That's ok. You came here so early by the way. Did you skip school?"
"Yeah..." I sighed. "This bitch and detention, the usual thing, but this time it pissed me off too much and I just went out of the classroom in the middle of the class."
"Wow... I've wanted to do that many times, it sounds funny." Ryoga laughed.
"Yeah, she was angry and I'm sure she already called my mom... but it won't help, my parents are too busy to care about such things." I shrugged. Somehow this little conversation with Ryoga made me smile a little.
"At least you won't have problems at home, it seems something is bothering you. I'm curious what's this to be honest, but I won't ask."
I looked at him for a moment, thinking about everything what happened yesterday and today.
"Well... Actually I can tell you, but I need something to drink, first. I'm terribly thirsty..."
"Then lets go to the cafe, my treat." Ryoga offered.
"Sure, why not?" I thought it's a good idea to talk with him, maybe he could give me some advice, because I didn't know what to do...

The place where we went to, was very small. There were only a few, little tables and a small counter. Ryoga ordered some coffee and I chose a mint flavored chocolate.
"So, tell me what's going on." Ryoga said and looked at me with curiosity.
"Well... is there something you strongly believe in?" I asked him.
"Everyone believes in something. I've never thought about it, but there's something for sure." He smiled. "Anyway, it doesn't matter I think, continue please..."
"Ummm, once I saw one guy called Byou harassing Shin, I was afraid to do something, but suddenly someone came and punched Byou's nose so hard that he made it bleed. I hate bullying, so he gained a lot of my respect. But Byou started bullying him, instead of Shin. I've seen him beating this guy, his name is Manabu by the way, and Manabu let him to do that, he didn't protest, nor told anyone about it... I didn't want to become the next target of Byou, so I pretended I didn't see anything, but I wanted to make Manabu feel better, I've started to send him some little gifts, I hoped he won't feel that lonely, because I noticed he's really sad all the time... I really wanted to help him, but somehow he ended up living in the same apartment with Byou and his friend Kazuki. It shocked me and I was afraid he might get hurt even more, but when I went there lately, I saw Byou kissed Manabu and he didn't protest... How is it possible? Manabu should hate this guy!" I pouted and drank a few sips of my chocolate. It was hot, but the taste of mint was refreshing and cooling.
"Do you like him? It looks like you're jealous, Ivu." Ryoga asked me directly, which shocked me a little bit, because I didn't want to admit that, I had no idea if he approves such things... but he's Reno's friend and Reno is bi, so I guess it's not a problem for him.
"Will you hate me if I say I do? I mean I don't know what do you think about it, but Reno is bi, so..."
"Oh come on, me and Reno met in the gay bar!" He laughed. "Don't worry about it! So, you like him. Right? You're jealous, because he's with Byou and you don't understand why they're together? If I were you, I'd just ask Manabu about it." He shrugged and drank all his coffee.
Actually... that was a good idea. Why didn't I think about it before?
"I can do that, but I don't know when... He was sick, he lost his consciousness today and the ambulance took him to the hospital. I wanted to go with him, but Byou didn't let me." I pouted. "I hope he's fine..."
"Don't worry!" Ryoga patted my head. "The doctors will examine him and help him for sure, it's good he ended up in the hospital if he had some health problems, they know how to deal with such things there. He will be better soon, for sure."
"Thank you, I really feel better now! I think Shin has Kazuki's cell phone, I will tell him to call this guy and ask about Manabu, maybe I could visit him in the hospital?"
"Yeah, you should definitely do that."
The talk with Ryoga helped me a lot, I didn't know he's such a nice guy, because he doesn't talk much, I couldn't figure out what his personality can be like, but I think he's a good person.
Remember, if you don't comment much, I won't update *meanie*

I love getting comments and replying to them!

fanfic, ryoga/iv, dream of the vivid sky

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