[fanfic] Screw it! Byou/Manabu pt. 14

Sep 24, 2009 09:47

Title: Screw it!
Part: 14/?
Author: ladyrevania
Rating: PG-16
Warnings: ummm... angsty Bu
Main pairing: Byou/Manabu
Other characters: SCREW members
Disclaimer: Screw disclaimers. You know they aren't mine. Only the storyline is.
Summary: Manabu doesn't want to be quiet and only stare when he bullies other people. No, he has to do something about it, even if he might regret it later.

Everything hurt me so much and I really wanted to go to sleep, but Byou didn't let me. He was standing outside of the room and waiting for me to finish putting my clothes on. That was really annoying, but I didn't have a choice and I just had to do what he asked me to.
I could barely put my t-shirt on. I had to visit a doctor indeed, because it was something wrong with my arm. When I moved it even a little bit, the pain was really intense.

"Why were you so slow? Come, quickly." He grabbed my injured shoulder and it hurt me so much, that I almost screamed, but it was better to restrain myself, I could wake Kazuki up.
"Don't touch it, please..." I told him.
"Sorry, I didn't know it hurts. The doctor should take a look at it, maybe it's broken..." He suggested.
"I have no idea..." I sighed and walked out of the apartment.

The bus seemed to move really slowly and it made me sleepy. I put my head on Byou's arm, but the result of this act was my earlobe started to sting.
"Ouch." I groaned,
"What's wrong?" He brushed my hair aside. "Oh my God, your ear... It's bleeding and..."
"Don't worry about it so much, ok? It's nothing."
"Who were these guys?! Do you remember them?"
"I wouldn't be able to forget their faces till the end of my life..." I sighed.
"Good. You should go to the police station and report them." He told me.
"WHAT?! No way. What if the police won't find them? Or their friends will take a revenge? I don't want it to happen again..."
"You selfish idiot... They tried to torture the cat, cut you with a knife and beat you up. Do you think they won't hurt anyone else? What if you accidentally meet them again? I doubt they would ignore you, believe me."
He got the point. I wasn't safe and these idiots could try hurt hurt me again.
"You're right, but... I really don't want to talk about it with strangers."
"Tell it to me, first. With all details. It will be easier to talk with the policemen later when you tell someone about it, first."
"I... can't, sorry." It was difficult for me and I felt embarrassed. How could I tell Byou they put my face into the puddle of mud and threw me into the thrash container? That was humiliating and I was sure he would start laughing if I revealed these details.

The doctor told me my arm was dislocated, that's why it hurt so much. They took care of it and stitched my ears. It didn't hurt at all, because they have me some strong painkillers. Everything what happened was blurry, probably because of the medicines I took and my stress. I probably spend an hour or two there, so I was relieved when I could finally go out. I got scared, because Byou wasn't anywhere, but one of the nice, old ladies told me that the blonde guy went to the cafe. He was probably bored, because when I got there, I saw him playing on the one-armed bandit.
"Hey, I'm back." I told him shyly.
"Oh, good. I was really lucky, I won a lot of money, thanks to this crap. Do you want to eat or something like that?"
Why was he trying to be that nice? I felt awkward, but I just nodded.
"Yes. Actually I'm not hungry, but I'd like to drink something. Not in this cafe, though. I hate hospitals."
"Ok, we will find some nice place for sure." He hid the coins in his pocket and we went out of the building. I was glad I could leave the hospital. My condition wasn't bad and I didn't have to come back there. They told me I only have to visit a doctor to have my stitches removed when my ears heal properly.

We found a nice cafe close to the hospital. Byou ordered a coffee, I chose a strawberry cocktail, because I wasn't sure if I should drink coffee or tea when I was on drugs. We sat next to each other by the bar.
"So, have you thought about going to the police?" He suddenly asked.
"Yes," I replied "I decided I won't report it."
"I don't want to talk and think about it anymore, my wounds will heal eventually, so it's not a big deal." I shrugged.
"Ok, it's your decision."
The waiter came and brought our drinks, so we stopped talking about it. I didn't mind, because I didn't want to discuss about the police thing and that accident. It just happened, I only wanted to forget about it...
"So, why do you moved to Kazuki's apartment?" Byou asked, drinking his coffee.
"Oh... my mom... kicked me out and I just had nowhere to go." I decided to tell him the truth, because he was nice.
"Why did she do that?" He looked at me surprised.
"She just misunderstood me... Well, out PE teacher caught... that's embarrassing... He saw Shin pecked my lips and he just thought I like boys, so he called my mom and she's a homophobe, so it didn't end well, but I don't like guys, really."
He started laughing, but it wasn't a mischievous laugh... It was just funny for him.
"What's wrong with it?" I didn't understand why did he react like that.
"Nothing, forget it. Don't you miss your home?"
"I miss only the place, but definitely not my mom. Well, maybe my dad a little... but he won't call me, she won't let him to do that. I also miss my guitar, but I was afraid someone will steal it, so I didn't take it with myself." I sighed.
"Kazuki plays the guitar too, so ask him to borrow you his if you miss playing so much." He suggested.
"That's a good idea." I agreed.
We were talking about some useless things, mostly Byou asking me about something. He avoided talking about himself. I wondered why, but it wasn't my business, so I decided to stop thinking about it.
The sound of Byou's cell phone interrupted us. He picked it up.
"Yes? Well, Manabu accidentally ripped off his piercings of his ears and I had to take him to the hospital. He's fine, but you know... piercings plus towels equals disaster. We're going to be home soon, so tell the teacher we are fine, ok? Thanks a lot, Zuki."
I didn't need to ask about anything, because I figured out that Kazuki wanted to know why we aren't at school and I was glad Byou lied about the accident.
"Better go home, you're probably tired... I am, my hangover is terrible."
I nodded and we left the cafe, when we finished drinking.

He was right, I was really tired, so as soon as we sat down on our seats in bus, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I have no idea what I was dreaming about, but when I woke up, I noticed I'm almost hugging sleeping Byou, then looked out of the window and noticed we missed our stop.
"Hey, wake up!" I shook his arms and he opened his eyes. "Our bus stop..."
The vehicle suddenly stopped, I fell towards Byou... This situation was really unfortunate, because my hands landed on his chest and our lips met. I quickly moved back and looked in other direction, that was so embarrassing, I wished the ground would swallow me up.
Fortunately, Byou showed no reaction, just got up from his seat. We left the bus on the nearest stop. It wasn't far away from the apartment, so we walked there in total silence. I really felt awkward and I hoped he will quickly forget about this accidental kiss.

When we arrived at Zuki's place, I went to the bedroom and laid down on the bed. I couldn't fall asleep, because I already slept in the bus, but the soft sheets made me feel more comfortable and I really needed to rest. Nigu came to me and settled next to me, purring loudly. It was his fault these guys beat me up, but it least I saved his life and I was glad I did that, because he was the only living thing I could fully trust.
"Hey, Nigu... I know you can't reply, but at least you can listen to me, right?" I started talking to him, I really needed to do that. "Thank you for coming to me, you're such a nice cat! I wish all people were as nice as you, seriously. I feel really sad, you know? My mom hates me, because she thinks I'm homo and I'm not someone she wants me to be... My dad does everything she tells him to, so even if he wanted to call me, he wouldn't. My friend has a boyfriend and he doesn't have time for me anymore... he doesn't even know I don't have home anymore and I have to live here. It's not my home, definitely. I wish I could find a nice and understanding girlfriend, but it's not going to happen. I'm really ugly and all girls would probably be disgusted at the thought of touching me. I'm really hungry, but I don't want to eat anything. If I put on weight, I'd look even worse. This Byou guy was probably terrified when I wanted to kill myself, that's why he's nice for me. He just doesn't want it to happen again, because he would feel it's his fault if I tried to do it again. I bet he would be really annoyed at me for that accidental kiss if I wasn't in such pathetic state. What can I do, Nigu? I don't have a reason to live, I've never had, but I realized it recently, when all these things happen to me. Why do I exist on this world and what for? I feel so useless... I should be living in that abandoned house, because I'm a big problem for Kazuki and Byou..."
Talking to Nigu made me feel better a little bit, but I was still sad he couldn't support me and give me a hug. The cat licked my hand and fell asleep. I was still awake and I wasn't even able to cry, my sadness was too deep.

Few minutes later I heard the sound of front door being opened, then Kazuki's and someone else's voices. When they came to the bedroom, I recognized it's only Ivu.
"Bu, my baby, are you fine? Show me your ears! How did it happen? You're so clumsy, don't do that again! Did they..."
"Shut up, please. I'm absolutely fine. The ears will heal... and don't try to ask me if it hurt a lot. It did."
"Oh, I'm really sorry, but I'm just worried about you! IV asked me if he can pay you a visit and I think he should accompany you, because you shouldn't be alone! Byon is rather antisocial, so don't expect him to talk with you a lot. I'm shutting up and going to watch TV now. If you need something, just call me, ok?"
"Yeah, sure." I told him and felt relieved when he left the room. This guy talks too much and I was glad Byou didn't tell him the truth. He would be even more worried about my condition.
IV sat down on the bed, next to me and Nigu. He started stroking his fur.
"It's such a cute kitty! Where did you get it from?"
"I just found him on the street. He was really hungry and I wanted to give him a home."
"You're such a kind person, Manabu. Are your ears ok?" He brushed my hair aside and looked at my stitched lobe. "Oh my... it looks terrible. I can't believe it was an accident. Kazuki is a really naive person, isn't he?"
"Yes, he is. I just didn't want to worry him and make him talk even more, you know? Someone just did that to me, I really don't want to talk about it."
Suddenly, IV hugged me really tight. It felt a little bit awkward and nice at the same time.
"I won't ask any questions, because I don't want to be a pain in the ass, but if I knew who's that bastard, I'd do exactly the same thing to him." He said, got up from the bed and took something from his bag. "I bought you a chocolate. I hope it will help you to feel better."
"Thank you." I smiled and took it. "You're so nice, I don't deserve such treatment..."
"What?! Of course, you do! Don't even think like that! The life is too short to waste your time to think about such things! Just do what you want and screw everything else. That's the best thing I can tell you."
I laughed when I heard these words. It was so easy to say something, but it was very difficult to do what he said. I just couldn't stop caring about everything what was happening around me.
I finally finished this chapter. Feel free to punish me for a slow update again XD.

btw. I created character profiles for this fic, you can view them ->here<-

byou/manabu, fanfic, screw it!

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