Lead the Way - Chapter 003 - Going out, Staying in

Dec 13, 2010 17:50

Hope you guys had a nice weekend! Here's chapter three. And if you counted the days you know what's next ;)

Lead the Way - Chapter 003 - Going out, Staying in

“It’s been three days. If you don’t ask her out soon, I will.”

“No you won’t.” Standing close to her friend, both bowing over their coffee mugs, JJ felt very conspiratorial.

“What are you doing tonight?” Derek asked.

“Nothing.” she said before she could think twice about his reason for asking.

“Well you got plans now.” He said mischievously.

Over in Garcia’s office the technical analyst showed Agent Prentiss her newest widget: Every fifteen minutes the picture of some half-naked, muscular man popped up along with a Derek Morgan sound bite.

Right now an unidentified male model, lying in a bed, dressed solely in a bed sheet, popped up to their colleague’s voice saying: “Talk dirty to me.”

Sitting in front of the brunette Garcia couldn’t notice the bored look on Emily’s face.

“What are you doing Baby-girl?” Guilty, Garcia closed her widget and hurled around.

“Nothing. I swear.”

“Yeah. I’m getting the feeling we all need to release some tension. JJ and I are going clubbing tonight. Garcia, you better come with us if you want to make it up to me. What about you Prentiss, what are you doing tonight? Care to join us for a dance or two?” He smiled at her with absolute confidence. Emily weighed her options. She could either sit home alone and let her imagination torture her again, or try for a night of fun.

“Sounds great.”

After she left the office to return to her desk, Morgan turned to the media liaison and said:

“Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Winking, he left her standing next to the confused computer tech.


Later that night found JJ extremely nervous waiting for the last party member to show up. She wore a beige skirt and a black top showing enough cleavage to attract attention yet hiding her growing belly. She felt out of place, pregnant and clubbing but it was too late to do anything about it.

Emily had just walked through the door and the sight took her breath away. She was just getting out of her Burberry coat and JJ’s heart skipped a beat. A burgundy red T-shirt, high necked, looking as though it was painted onto her skin, was revealed. The long slim legs fitted tightly into dark blue jeans ending in very sexy high heels. Then Emily turned around looking to find her friends and JJ’s heart leapt again. The shirt was backless!

Garcia finally saw Emily and waved her over.

“There you are! You look gorgeous by the way.”

“Thank you.” Not used to being complimented on her looks SSA Prentiss smiled shyly.

“Have you been waiting long?”

“No, no we just arrived.” Morgan reassured her. JJ hadn’t said a word but couldn’t take her eyes off of the other woman either.


Two hours later nothing had changed. JJ still hadn’t uttered a single word and Emily was obviously starting to feel uneasy. Morgan decided it was time to do something.

“I’m gonna go get us something fresh to drink. Care to help me out, hot stuff?”

“Anything for you, my vision.”

JJ cursed her friends in her thoughts, for leaving her alone with the brunette. Emily noticed how the media liaison shifted on her feet and decided that this awkwardness had to end.

“So. You’re having fun?” The question was rhetorical.


“Mhmhmmm. I can tell by the way you’re smiling at everything and laughing every two seconds.” Irony had always worked for her.

“What? Oh no, I’m sorry. I’m really having a good time.” Nervously she took a sip from her Virgin Mary.

“It’s alright you know? You don’t have to pretend with me.” The last sentence was barely audible and JJ wasn’t sure she had actually heard it.

She looked into Emily’s face and lost herself in dark brown eyes. There was no more denying it. How could she have been so blind all this time? Even this knowledge, however, could not help her.

There was a line and she simply didn’t dare to cross it. Was Emily even gay? Was she even interested? Did she just like the flirting because it had felt natural, as it had to JJ? And even if the answer was yes, Emily was still her coworker. Would she go there? What would the team say?

Maybe one day the right opportunity would present itself and she could find out all the answers then. For now, she would just admire her from a distance, a safe distance and be happy about that. Still looking into those beautiful eyes, the media liaison felt her muscles relax.

“You’re right. It’s just…“ Looking for a way out she fell back on what she knew the other woman would accept.

“I just feel a little out of place, you know?” As she had expected the agent immediately understood.

Of course it was her pregnancy that kept her from enjoying herself sitting so close to the woman she couldn’t stop daydreaming about.

“That’s okay. Let me find Morgan and Garcia and say goodbye and I’ll drive you home.” Before she could protest, JJ was sitting alone at her table. Bowing down to her stomach she murmured:

“My, oh my. Aren’t you getting dizzy down there with all the butterflies? It’ll probably be a while before Mummy finds some sleep tonight, I’m sorry.” She caressed her belly.

“Ok, let’s go.”

“Emily, it’s okay. I can get a cab. It’s no big deal.” JJ’s thoughts had been circling around Emily for days now and she was afraid she wouldn’t find anything to talk about that didn’t involve mutilated bodies. She doubted that that would make for a romantic setup to ask her out.

“If you think I’ll let you out of my sight for one second, you are sadly mistaken. I will make sure you get home safely tonight.” The brunette was towering over her and suddenly she did not feel like arguing about being alone with her any more.

“Yes Ma’am.” A smile spread across her face before she was too nervous to hide it.

For the first time JJ sat in Emily’s black Prius. It was elegant and luxurious and environmentally friendly. It was the perfect car for Agent Prentiss.

The blonde smiled broadly when she noticed that Emily had opened the door for her. Neither of them spoke during the short drive. Only the soft tunes of the classical music Prentiss liked to listen to while driving disrupted the silence.

Agent Jareau’s house drew nearer and the car slowed down until it stopped in the drive way.

“Do you want to come in?” ‘for breakfast?’ JJ completed her question in her mind.

“No thanks. I’ll drive home now.” The distance between them felt awkward and wrong to JJ but she didn’t know what to do about it, so she said:

“Thank you for driving me home. Good night, Emily.” A small smile appeared on the other woman’s face.

“Good night, JJ.”

emily/jj, lead the way

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