Title: The Passing of the Storm
Summary: Post-PotC: DMC. Jack and Elizabeth. A game gone too far. A thunderstorm ready to break. Yo ho ho, a bottle of rum, and a major whoops for our heroes...
Chapters: 2 (Complete), Words: 12,000
Rating: MA (no surprises here, I don't think?)
Will Factor: (1-10, 10 being complete Willabeth/Eliziam/Swanner and 1 being an AU where Will was never born): 5
Metaphors: (Heavy... light?) Medium [Resurrection and To Rest were 'heavy'. My earlier stuff was not.]
SPF (Smut Percentage Factor) (1 being hardly any, 10 being a PWP): 7
Deflowering: Yes
Acts of God: (e.g. rolling of ship, dumb luck, crashing masts, perfectly timed claps of thunder): Yes
Gratefully and Cleverly Beta'ed and Rescued from Hell By:
Enjoy! (Click "next entry" for stormy weather, hallelujah!)