FIC: In the Batcave

Oct 03, 2008 17:58

Title: In the Batcave
Pairing: Brex
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Lex Luthor, who grew up in Suicide Slums and met Bruce Wayne at Excelsior Prep, finds something he isn't supposed to on his visit to The Manor.

Lex waits in the Batcave, his lips thinned and his fingers tented. His temper has never been the best, particularly when people aimed to make a fool of him. His chin lifts, and he stares at Bruce's master computer with cold eyes. He had come to the manor for a little fun with his oldest friend and more recent lover, and having made a cursory investigation of the manor, Lex had found something he had never expected to see. Bruce was one of them. One of those who worked against him, and yet he'd accepted Lex into his bed without a word. No, he'd never been more furious.

Bruce flicks the switch that opens the concealed entrance to the cave, well away from Wayne Manor, and drives through the dark tunnel inside. Another heist taken care of, and a shooting ended. He got roughed up by a man three times his size but even the mightiest fall, and that criminal did fall. He has yet to officially join the Justice League, and has not done so for so many reasons, Gotham being the one he claims the loudest. Either way, they know where to find him if an emergency-the sensors in the cave indicate another person in there. Alfred knows to turn off the alarms, and so Bruce tenses inside his hard costume and gets ready for the worst as he parks his vehicle and opens the top.

Lex remains in Bruce's chair. He hears the car driving up behind him and his heart begins to pound in anticipation of the inevitable confrontation with Bruce. Granted, seeing as how Bruce could certainly be yet another enemy, it might have been wise to bring a weapon with him, but now he rationalizes that the gun that was left with the suit he wore into the manor would never have pierced the Batman's armored suit. He doesn't let himself think about whether or not he could bring himself to shoot Bruce. He waits for the Batman to approach before he slowly swivels the chair around.

Bruce, on edge and ready to strike, lets out an exhale as he sees Lex, HIS Lex in his chair, wearing what looks like one of his shirts. He loves it when Lex decides to surprise him with a non-scheduled visit, but one look at Lex's expression and he knows this will not go well. Firstly, because Lex never knew that Bruce was Batman, surely. Still, he puts away into his belt pockets the explosive and dart he had in his hands, and he walks closer to the chair. He wants to reach out and touch his lover, the love of his life if he's honest with himself, but he does not dare. Even the Batman is scared of some things. "Lex," he says as a form of greeting, itching to be out of his cowl, out of this stupid costume.

"Oh. You know me, do you?" Lex tilts his head to the side and arches a brow high. He's a bit relieved that Bruce put the weapon away, but he has many others, and if the Batman is aware that he knows his secret identity, he might not look too kindly on that. He doesn't know what to expect from him, to be honest. He doesn't understand why Bruce would do this, and without telling him. "I'd thought I might have to introduce myself. Would you mind to extend the courtesy to me? We've met on different occasions, and I'm beginning to wonder if I really know you."

Bruce's head sways to the side, a movement constricted by his costume. He turns and approaches the table to Lex's left, virtually turning his back to Lex. He does not feel the need to hide the obvious any longer. "You know me," he says in a rough voice as he starts pulling off a gauntlet. "Nobody knows me like you do."

Lex licks his lips and watches the Batman begin to remove his armor before him. "I hope you understand how hard that is for me to believe right now. Would that I knew the man I was in bed with had the habit of joining my enemies." He of course means for the words to be cutting, devastating, but they come out too softly and uncertainly, betraying his feeling of betrayal and hurt. He doesn't want to be this vulnerable, sitting there in nothing but Bruce's shirt and his briefs. He stands and puts distance between them, still keeping his eye to Bruce.

Bruce spins around; worried that Lex will try and leave. Not like this, not with all that hurt and anger inside him. Once he does not see Lex bolting for the door, he resumes his undressing. The cowl comes off and then the cape falls to the floor. "I would never let them hurt you," he says firmly. "And I won't let you hurt yourself. I know you preach that the ends justify the means, but if one of your plans ends in the loss of civilian life, I know you'll never forgive yourself." Bruce opens the front of his suit and peels it off of his chest. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

Once the cowl is gone, Lex can see for himself what he suspected when he found this place, what his ears knew the moment Bruce had said his name. He looks over the discarded items of his Batsuit and then into Bruce's eyes, still uncertain. "Why?"

"Because..." Bruce takes off his belt, which will electrocute Lex if he tries to touch it. He takes a couple of steps towards Lex. "Because I didn't want you to worry about me. Because I had to do something, and I didn't want you to laugh at me, or despise me. Because I wanted to protect you."

Lex's brows crease lightly. He does not retreat as Bruce comes near him, and instead holds his ground, wondering where he can possibly go from here. "Do I look like I'm laughing, Bruce?" He blinks twice and looks over the tight under suit that Lex thinks must serve to keep Bruce from rubbing himself raw in that thing. "Protect me from what? I have guards. I have Kryptonite. I'm not entirely defenseless."

Bruce shakes his head slowly and reaches out his right hand to touch Lex's cheek, stopping it before he makes contact. "Gotham is a much harsher place than Metropolis ever will be. I didn't want you putting yourself in danger every time Batman gets in trouble." He touches his freshly bruised jaw without thinking. "I..." love you "Lex."

"You don't even know the danger I face," Lex replies harshly, and it's true, though he has no intention of giving information to someone being courted by the League of Self-Important Idiots. It bodes well that Bruce hasn't joined them yet. He looks down and closes his eyes. Still angry. "What fuck are you thinking letting me fuck you without telling me this!? Don't give me the 'Gotham' excuse. I live in Metropolis. I only come here to see you. How much danger could I possibly be in? I could have helped you, worked with you, and you keep me out of it. Not a one of the maniacs in Arkham has the sheer destructive force of that alien when he's on whatever makes him high, and I know you know that because you've gone up against him yourself!" Lex's entire face and neck clenches as he looks back up at Bruce.

Bruce's eyes narrow. "Do YOU tell me everything you do? Why do *I* have to find out half of what you do through the League?"

Lex lets out a bitter laugh in disbelief. He turns to pace away from Bruce. Unbelievable. This is what comes of letting people close to you. "Why are you getting information on me through the League anyway?" he counters, then turns on his heel to stare Bruce down with a vicious expression. "I existed before the League. We both did, as did THAT." He points to Bruce's costume. "Choosing to work with them once the sides have been drawn is telling, and if you're working with them, I don't see how there's a flaw in my actions. If I open up to you, you'll just go straight to THEM!"

Bruce opens his mouth, his own disbelief showing. "If you didn't know that I was Batman, why wouldn't you trust me? I'm not getting information on you; THEY call ME when they think you're up to something illegal, and since no one in there has your level of intellect, they turn to me!" He meets Lex's eyes squarely. "I'd never betray you; you should know this! But I didn't want to expose you to unnecessary danger, and maybe that was wrong of me, and I can only apologize for it." He hesitates and knows that Lex will pounce at any weakness on his part, but he would rather NOT see Lex as the enemy. "Just because I work with them when they need me, that doesn't mean I trust them. Just because I didn't tell you I dress up as a giant bat to scare off criminals, that doesn't mean that I don't trust you! I do, with my life if I have to, and the League knows my position where you are concerned."

Lex feels himself hesitating. There are individuals he works with that he doesn't particularly trust and would likely turn in to the authorities, given the chance. Can he fault Bruce for the same pragmatism? "I never thought Bruce Wayne would be that interested in my business. He never seemed that particularly interested in his own. There seemed no reason to get you involved," he says, finally answering Bruce's question. His eyes are wide and fixed on Bruce sharply, reading all of his facial and bodily movements. "What position of yours does the League know, where I am concerned?"

Bruce steps in closer to Lex again, not to the point where he is looming over him, but close enough that there will be no mistaking to Lex that he is telling the truth. "They know not to make a move where you are concerned without my knowledge. They know I think they should ask you for assistance more often than not. Superman knows he is not to fuck with you or use deadly force on you, or I will fuck him up, and anyone else he has ever so much as faintly appreciated here on Earth." His expression is the ultimate Batman one; the one that causes even The Man of Steel to shift uncomfortably, not that Bruce expects LEX to be intimidated. Lex is utterly fearless.

Lex narrows his eyes as Bruce speaks. Over the years, he has become quite adept at reading people, their expressions, their needs. He doesn't believe that Bruce is lying, that he could be, unless he is a master manipulator, which he is not. Never has been, although Bruce is right about one thing. If Bruce were to join the Justice League, he would be adding needed brainpower. Lex doesn't particularly like the notion that Bruce feels he needs to tell that alien to leave him alone, but the image of the big blue Boy Scout quaking in his pointy little boots makes Lex want to grin from ear to ear. He grasps the sides of Bruce's face roughly.

"Lex," Bruce mutters, taking one final step forward and grabbing Lex's sides, leaning forward and pressing his lips to Lex's. He might get pushed away, but at least he is still wearing the bottom part of his costume, and Lex won't be able to knee him in the balls. Lex might bite him, but that is an option he is willing to risk.

Lex kisses him back aggressively, holding onto Bruce's head with a tight grip. This is what he came here for, originally. He has to admit that pouncing Bruce in the Batcave is more than a turn-on for him. He presses his body against Bruce's. It's a bit chilly down here, to be sitting alone in the dark with no pants on for all that time. His nipples are as hard as iron.

Bruce's hands travel down to cup Lex's ass, to lift him up off the floor, to wrap Lex's naked legs around his hips. The bottom part of his uniform is hard and rough, and it arouses him that some of his armor is still on while Lex's body is so vulnerable right now. He licks inside Lex's mouth, squeezes his ass and reaches under the shirt with his right hand to rake his blunt fingertips up Lex's skin. He stops at the left nipple and pinches it.

"Ah..." Lex wraps his arm around Bruce's shoulders and squeezes his legs around Bruce's waist. He slips his tongue against Bruce's, having missed the taste while the two of them have been separated. His cock is beginning to fill and he grinds his hips against Bruce abdomen so that he can feel.

"Oh..." Bruce runs his hand back down Lex's side and out of the shirt and then he pulls at the front of it, popping buttons as he rips the shirt open. He walks to an empty counter, sits Lex on it and leans back enough to finish the job on the shirt. "Missed you," he whispers, throwing the shirt over his shoulder and diving onto Lex's neck, so pale and perfect and begging to be worshipped.

"We should start every session with a fight," Lex declares. He's so revved up; he wants to touch Bruce all over, and his hands are moving around his neck and shoulders, trying to do just that. All these lovely muscles, Bruce's strength, limberness... "Mmm... Bruce?" He asks, half-distracted by the wonderful feeling of Bruce on his neck. His fingers go down to Bruce's pecs, rubbing over them leisurely. "Where... did you go? Was that... mmm..."

Bruce starts kissing lower, licking around Lex's right nipple before he sucks on it. "Hm? Bank heist," he replies just as distractedly, his hands curling around the band of Lex's black briefs. "Shooting..." He pants a little. "Fistfight." His night in a nutshell before he found Lex waiting for him.

Lex puts his hands over Bruce's, stopping him from moving his briefs. He pushes Bruce's comments about his patrol out of his mind. He's still not sure how he feels about Bruce being a mask. "No, where did you go when you left? Did it have to do with all of this?"

Bruce stops, releases Lex's nipple, and looks up at him. "I went East. Learned from mercenaries, martial arts masters, criminals. I wanted revenge. By the time I made it back, revenge seemed futile, so I settled for justice, instead." He kisses the middle of Lex's chest once before straightening up. I wanted to tell you so many times."

"I understand," Lex says, looking on him with a mixture of clinical dissection and pride. As much as he cared for Bruce, the man could seem flakey at times, insubstantial, but this changed things. From a whim of a trip to the East to years of training to help him find his quest, to complete it. Lex's eyes shine with respect before he kisses Bruce's hairline firmly, once again taking possession of Bruce's face with his hands.

Bruce blinks at the change in Lex's expression, so open for once. He thinks that maybe, maybe, Lex could be falling in love with him this very moment, now that he knows who (or what, he's not sure) Bruce really is. He knows he will never forget this very instant and the look on Lex's face. "Sasha," he whispers, using the nickname he rarely says out loud; the word he focuses on during a fight, the one he keeps locked in his heart at all times. His blue eyes search Lex's grey ones.

"You are... so incredible." He frowns as he says this, and his chest is tightening in a strange way. He's not sure what this is, but he feels that for once, he may not be alone in his hopes for, his dedication to a better world that humanity wrests from reality with its own hands. "You've done so much to achieve what others have been given and waste." He sounds a bit amazed. Lex doesn't break their gaze as his fingers trail down the sides of Bruce's hair, a bit damp from the sweat of his cowl. It occurs to him that his pretty boy is so much more than he had ever imagined.

Bruce blinks slowly, ready to purr at the feel of Lex's hands on him. Finally, Lex knows. Whatever will happen from now on, Bruce can be more himself and less the playboy around him. "I love you," he says, and if Lex does not laugh at him now, he probably never will.

Lex simply smiles, pulling Bruce's face to him and dragging his tongue along Bruce's lower lip before drawing it into his mouth to suck on gently. The interaction is familiar, but it is new. He feels as though there is so much territory for the two of them to explore with one another, so many things that Lex can share with him that he could not before. He tries not to get carried away. Moderation. And an ass grab.

Bruce closes his eyes while Lex sucks on his lip. He pulls back with a grin and a bump on Lex's cheek. "We should go upstairs; it's too cold down here for you." He starts unfastening his pants because he never takes Batman items up to the mansion.

"Admittedly, I hadn't planned on meeting you in a cave, but rather, your study." Lex's eyes follow Bruce's motions as he removes the final pieces of his armor.

The corners of Bruce's mouth curl up as he slips off his boots before the pants go. "I need a shower," he adds, pulling off the undershirt and pants as well. He is left in black bikini briefs when he turns to Lex again. There is a bruise on his chest and a couple on his left leg, one darker than the other. "Shall we?"

Lex slips off the table and lightly touches Bruce's chest, then looks down at his leg. "Do you need any medical care?" His voice is firm, but he is actually rather concerned. Whatever hurt Bruce had to have had quite a force to bruise him through the armor.

Bruce glances down at what has Lex concerned. He shakes his head. "I usually call Alfred if a bullet manages to pierce through; this will heal. This one," he touches the dark purple bruise, "was from two nights ago. Nothing's broken." So far, his encounters with Lex are brief, but he wonders if Lex will want to stay and study his daily routine after tonight. It won't bother him if that is the case.

Lex nods curtly, trying to mask his worry. It is troubling that there are bullets that can get through Bruce's armor, but he of all people knows that bullets can be specifically made to that purpose. Now he's thinking of sharp shooters aiming for Bruce's eyes, so he closes his own and slips a hand around Bruce's waist and rubs the other along his muscular chest and abdomen, motioning towards the large staircase. "Unless you'd like to fuck in the Batcave."

"We can do that," Bruce replies once he remembers that Lex does not get sick. "Come." He takes Lex's hand and walks them to the second Batmobile, the currently clean one. Spinning Lex around, Bruce pushes him down onto the shiny black hood and crawls over him, going for his neck again. "I've always wanted to do this," he mutters against Lex's creamy skin.

Lex gives a dry chuckle, enjoying the perversity of necking with Bruce on a vehicle that puts fear in the hearts of the criminals of Gotham. He runs his fingers through Bruce's sweaty hair. "I love your hair," he murmurs, not for the first time.

"Mmm," Bruce hums, going for Lex's briefs one more time. After they are down around Lex's thighs, he cups Lex's smooth balls and squeezes very lightly, just the right way. "Do you want to fuck me?" he asks Lex, meeting his eyes again and moving his hand to stroke Lex's cock. The question he does not ask is: 'Do you want to fuck the Batman?'

"Mm... yes," he replies with an edge. His lip curls with a growl. "I want to fuck you."

Bruce swallows hard, his own cock giving a hard jerk inside his underwear. In a liquid motion, he has Lex on top of him on the hood; he does not have to hold back anymore. "Do it," Bruce says, and it sounds almost like a challenge.

Lex straddles Bruce and cups his balls, giving them a slight squeeze. Then he dips his head down to kiss and suck on the head of his cock a bit. He loves the feel of Bruce's petal soft skin down there. "Mmm..."

"Oh!" Bruce's hands slap onto the hood as his hips roll up once. He had planned on going to bed and sleeping until the middle of the day, but this is much better. He is already too excited to last through a long fuck. "Hurry!"

Lex chuckles wickedly and begins to stroke Bruce's cock up and down as he squeezes his balls. He wants to fuck him hard, but he'll give him this first. He's pretty sure the two of them can scare those bats.

Bruce reaches up and over his head, arching his body and panting, grunting as he parts his legs a little more. "Bite me," he says, rolling his head back and planting his feet on the hood so he can rock up into Lex's fist.

Lex bows over Bruce's inner thigh and nibbles on it, gently at first, then bites down harder as he continues to stroke his cock.

"Ah!" Bruce can feel his face and neck flushed and hot, he can feel Lex's hand and teeth pushing him over the edge. He lifts his right leg over Lex's shoulder and rocks as hard and fast as he can.

"Come, come," Lex urges between nibbles and bites. He takes a moment to make a hickey very close to Bruce's groin then bites down hard. "Come for me, Bruce..."

"Sasha!" Bruce calls out in a whisper, never daring to shout out the name. His hips lock up, his entire body freezes and then he is coming hard, gasping and spilling thick come all over himself and Lex's hand.

Milking Bruce's orgasm with one hand, Lex brushes his hard cock against Bruce's leg. He loves to watch Bruce come, that needy, intense expression where Bruce's nose scrunches up and his mouth opens to call out his name, or his nickname. Lex has some come on his head, and it is incredibly amusing.

Moments after his body starts convulsing, Bruce just plops down back onto the hood with a loud noise. It would probably have been a painful move to anyone else but he just smiles lazily at Lex. "Fuck me," he mutters, reaching to touch the side of Lex's face. "Make me remember this."

"That had been the next item on my gay agenda," Lex drawls. He wipes a bit of Bruce's come onto his fingers and begins rubbing his fingertip over the outside of Bruce's hole teasingly.

Bruce laughs, both happy and amused, but then he closes his legs just a little, to get Lex's attention. "No fingers," he says, wanting just Lex inside him already. This could probably be the best night of his life in a very long time, but that remains to be seen. He and Lex have a way of finding a reason to fight in the most mundane of subjects.

Lex raises a brow and smears the come along his cock to use as lube. "Let me know if it hurts, Bruce. This'll be a rough ride." He brushes the tip of his cock against Bruce's cleft a few times, then presses against his hole, slowly pushing forward.

A rush of desire hits Bruce's cock at Lex's words and he barely notices his cock has not gone soft. He moans as Lex pushes into him, needing to know that Lex is still here, still with him, still in him. "Yes," he whispers, and wraps his right hand around his cock to start stroking it again.

Lex slips his hands under Bruce's knees and hooks one over his shoulder to get a better angle. He begins making long, slow thrusts. "Oh, fuck, Bruce. You keep yourself tight just for me?" He makes a groan of pleasure and rolls his eyes back.

Bruce pants and nods, not that Lex can see him. While he can appreciate the beauty of the male body, there is no other man Bruce would be interested in fucking. And the occasional model he has to go to bed with to keep his playboy reputation going, are not allowed to go anywhere near his ass. With a grin and a lick to his lower lip, he clenches up even more around Lex's cock.

"Ahhh... Bruce!" Lex begins to thrust more vigorously, and he grips Bruce's legs tightly. He's topping Batman on his Batmobile. Surely this is a most epic fuck. Lex laughs to himself as he pants and looks down at Bruce's cock. He's going to get to come twice. Lex feels a bit proud.

"For you," Bruce mutters when he sees Lex looking down at his erection. His cock is slick and easy to stroke hard and fast, and pleasure starts coiling up inside him again, making him grunt out loud.

Lex continues to thrust hard and fast, and his lips bow into an open pout of concentration as he frowns and pants. "B-Br-uce!" Soon he is coming and roaring loudly at the ceiling of the cave.

The instant Lex buries himself deeply into him, Bruce comes again, yelling out Lex's name. Above them, disturbed, bats begin to fly around, swirling and leaving the cave by the hundreds.

When he is finished coming, Lex leans forward and rests Bruce's feet back on the car, as he kisses Bruce's knee and smiles at him fondly.

Bruce smiles as he pants, holding out his arms for Lex to come to him. "Am I your favorite?" he asks softly, meaning anything; friend, superhero, lover, whatever.

"Yes," Lex says with certainly, that look of warm pride returning to his eyes. He slips out of Bruce and crawls up next to him into his arms. "I think you may always be my favorite... I'm warning you, however, that I am paranoid. I will try to be objective and rational, but this means I often come off as cold, or enraged. I don't think I have much in between. I hope you have the patience for that."

"I..." Bruce pauses, wondering exactly what this means. He knows Lex; has known him for so long. Does it mean that their relationship will change again? Although they started having sex in their teens, they only recently became lovers. Does Lex want to be exclusive? Does he want to get involved in Batman's activities? He rubs a hand over Lex's muscular back. "I know. You and I fight a lot, but I know-" He stops when he sees the small drop of come on Lex's head, and he sits up, touching Lex's head and pulling it down so he can lick the come off his scalp.

"You taste good?" There are very few people he would let lick his head. Few indeed he would allow to touch it at all.

Bruce grins wide, nodding. "Yeah, but you taste better." He tilts his head a little to lick another spot of Lex's head, just because he can get away with it.

Lex curls into Bruce's body to get away from the part of the hood that is still cold. It's not particularly comfortable, but he has no intention of getting up just yet. "You were saying something?

Bruce chuckles a couple of times, his hands and arms covering as much of Lex's perfect skin as they can. "I was saying I know you're paranoid, but I'd never betray you. Not to the League, not to anyone."

"Thank you," Lex says seriously.

"I mean it," Bruce replies with a nod. "Most of the time, you are all trying to accomplish the same objective but go about doing it differently. Like the alien invasions we've had, and stopping crazy scientists."

Lex smoothes his hand lightly over the bruise on Bruce's chest. "I know this. I simply don't believe their methods are particularly superior to my own. If we could find some method of collaboration without the layers of scorn and smugness, I wouldn't be so terribly averse to working with those idiots for the time it took to eliminate a greater threat. On the whole, I find them inexperienced, flighty, and incompetent." He sighs and shakes his head. He knows that his pride gets in the way of his mission at times. But it gets in their way as well. "Come upstairs with me, lover," Lex orders. "You need a shower and you'll get a chill down here before too long."

"Yes, Sasha," Bruce says meekly, knowing that Lex loves to be the boss. It doesn't bother him. Where the League is concerned, Bruce himself has very little time for the whole of them, Lex's description being sadly accurate. But they need his help more often than not, and he would rather keep an eye on what he likes to call 'Ego Central' than let them do whatever they want without his knowledge.

Lex slides off the hood and offers Bruce his hand. They'll go up and take a hot shower. He didn't imagine that this confrontation could have gone so well, but Bruce is one person who can keep up with him mentally, and he appreciates that.

Bruce takes Lex's hand and they had out, climbing the steps towards the secret passage behind the grandfather clock. He briefly wonders how Lex found it, but is not really shocked that he did. In the study, Alfred is waiting with a couple of black robes and a tray. On the tray is a glass of water and a dose of scotch for Bruce, and a glass of Lex's favorite cognac, to warm him up. "Good evening, sirs," he says with a bow.

"Thank you, Alfred. That's very thoughtful." Lex takes a robe and slips it on. Then he reaches for the cognac and nods amiably to Alfred. He's always been fond of the older gentleman. He'd probably steal him from Bruce, if he could, and has actually offered. Alfred refused, of course, as he had suspected he would. True loyalty cannot be bought, though sometimes it can be temporarily bribed.

Bruce does not bother with the robe, but goes straight for the water, drinking it in large gulps. "Alfred, the right headlight is out of bullets." He picks up the glass of scotch. "Any calls?"

"The mayor wanted to confirm your presence in the charity ball for the new Zoo wing tomorrow night."

"Wanna adopt a baby seal?" Bruce asks Lex with a grin.

Lex raises a brow. "I imagine my publicist would suggest I adopt something less cuddly."

Bruce laughs. "True. A tiger cub, perhaps." He sips his scotch and turns to Alfred again. "Tell him I'll be here, Alfred. Anything else?"

Alfred shakes his head. "Will Master Lex be staying the night?"

Bruce looks over at Lex for an answer. He knows better than to assume.

"I think I can manage that," Lex tells him with a smile. This isn't something he often allows himself, but he thinks that for tonight it would be best that they spend some time together, and not simply fuck-and-go.

"Very well, sir," Alfred says with another bow, standing up straight as Bruce takes Lex's hand and starts out of the study. Bruce wonders if Alfred wanted Lex to find the cave; he had been pestering Bruce to tell his friend for years, ever since the beginning, in fact. And, clearly, anyone else entering there would have been 'discouraged' by Alfred. The old fox. He chuckles as he heads upstairs toward his room.

"Sleepover notwithstanding, I think we ought to give you a bath and put you to bed. It's terribly late," Lex comments as they ascend the stairs. He squeezes Bruce's hand a little more affectionately that he normally does.

Bruce smiles at the attention and concern. "I won't protest if you wish to bathe me. The good thing about being a useless playboy, however, is that I don't have any particular time I need to be up, apart from my own schedule."

Lex scoffs. "You are quite useless, aren't you? Well, feel free to stay up as long as you wish. I have to ensure the Metropolis economy keeps going in the morning." He walks with Bruce to his bedroom and realizes he didn't bring an overnight bag. Oh well. Bruce enjoys seeing him swim in his clothes anyway. He'll steal a pair of pajamas.

"I do try to wake up at a decent time to train and exercise," Bruce tells Lex. "Are you taking the chopper back?" They cross the darkened bedroom and enter the attached master bath, where Bruce steps in close to Lex and opens his robe.

"I took the jet up here. Business trip, you see." Lex slips his hands around Bruce's naked waist and rests his hands on his buttocks.

"Oh." Bruce slips the robe over and off Lex's shoulders, smoothing his hands over the sexy curves he loves. He dips his head and kisses Lex's left shoulder over and over. "Business..."

"Well, we talked business, a bit. Perhaps it wasn't our economic enterprises, but important business nonetheless." Lex smiles and moves one hand to cup the back of Bruce's head tenderly.

Bruce sighs and kisses up the side of Lex's neck. "I'm glad you know; it was killing me to hide this part of me from you."

"To be honest, which I know is a bit of a laugh coming from me, I'm relieved as well. I... feel a lot less alone."

Bruce pulls back his head and cups Lex's face with his hands. "You'll never be alone as long as I'm here." He wants to ask Lex when they will see each other again, but he knows better than to push.

Lex takes one of Bruce's hands and pulls him towards the bath. He sits on the edge of the enormous tub and begins running the water. He decides immediately that he is going to have to begin training himself, just in case. He has no intention of putting on a flashy costume, but at some point, Bruce's cause may need a second, or he may need a substitute or diversion. "What do you want? Oil? Bubbles?"

"Oil," Bruce replies decidedly. He stretches with a yawn. "I guess I am tired. You know me better than I know myself."

"Do I? That's a frightening thought, that we may not even know ourselves." Lex moves to fetch the oils and begins drizzling some in as the hot water fills the tub. "Come sit with me."

Bruce joins Lex, sitting behind him and pulling Lex's back to his chest. "We push ourselves too hard; we deny rest and comfort for the objective to be reached. But having someone that will see through that helps. Even when you didn't know the truth, you always made me stop a while and just be Bruce. Your timing is always perfect." He let his hands roam over Lex's chest as he kisses the back of his neck. They have so little time together and if Lex is not pulling back, Bruce will spend it being close to him.

Lex leans back onto Bruce, for a moment, just letting himself relax as he trails his fingers in the water. "I never asked what you thought of my business. I wonder how much of it is incongruous to yours."

Bruce shrugs once. "You do what you feel that you have to do," he says. "I've always felt that I walk a fine line between your methods and the League's, but I can understand your motivations."

Lex nods. This isn't a terrible response. "You asked before about me sharing my activities with you. Is this notice you would like to have?" He leans over to turn the water off then looks up at Bruce impassively.

Bruce thinks about his reply. "It would make my job easier if I know what you're doing before the League finds out, but I know how much you appreciate your independence and secrecy. I don't know what to tell you, Lex," he says honestly.

"I'll think on it. If you are too closely associated with me, they may discontinue working with you altogether," Lex points out. "It would be useful, however, to have an additional opinion from a respected and trustworthy source." He slips into the tub and waits for Bruce to follow him.

It is thrilling to hear Lex say that, and Bruce grins as he sinks into the water. "I know how to keep myself needed," he tells Lex honestly. "For one, who do you think donated that space station to keep a number of them off-planet most of the time?"

"For that you deserve some sort of medal." Lex reaches for the shampoo and puts a bit in his hand. It smells of apricot, and it brings a smile to his lips. "Come over here and let me wash your hair."

Bruce moves to sit between Lex's legs and lowers himself onto Lex's thighs to give Lex full access to his head, chuckling at Lex's comment. "Be gentle with me," he jokes, closing his eyes in complete trust.

Lex begins to work the shampoo into Bruce's hair. "I don't think there is anyone else on the planet who would trust me this much."

"Well." Bruce crosses his legs under the water, tilting his head slightly like a shrug. "Aside from the obvious sentimental reasons I have for trusting you, there would be no benefit to you upon my injury or death. I don't believe you to be a psychopath and plus..." He looks up at Lex briefly, upside down. "I love your hands on me."

Lex responds with a smile. "I love my hands on you as well. Lean back so you can rinse out."

Bruce does, closing his eyes again. "I could take you for a drive next time you come," he suggests. "If you're good, I might let you drive."

"I drive plenty in Metropolis," Lex answers, reaching for the soap. "Going for a drive might be nice. I'm not familiar with the area."

"I was talking about my 'special' car," Bruce clarifies, knowing that Lex won't be able to resist the purring of the Batmobile engine under his control. "The one we just christened."

Lex's brows rise almost comically high. "Really?" He wets the soap and begins to wash Bruce's back, careful of a few areas that are healing. "...I may have to return to town quickly."

Bruce laughs softly. "It's a date. I need to go visit you as well."

"Mm." Lex brings some water up to rinse off the area he's been scrubbing. "I would love to fuck you senseless on my balcony." He plants a kiss on Bruce's shoulder and begins to massage his back.

"Yeah?" Bruce looks over his shoulder. "The last time I was there was during that dinner, remember? We both had dates." He cranes his neck to kiss Lex's lips. "I'd love to be there and yours for the night." He briefly wonders if Superman obsesses over Lex as much as Lex does over the Kryptonian. Not that he's worried about Clark knowing of his and Lex's affair; the Boy Scout is not completely without fault himself.

"I remember. Your date was exquisite but seemed boring to dead inside," Lex comments pithily. "I would certainly love to show you around Metropolis. Or I could just order in. I rarely keep extensive staff around the penthouse."

Bruce hugs Lex's waist and looks up at him. "Are you serious? I'll go."

"No, I'm not. I'll let you see me naked and vulnerable, but you are not welcome in my home," Lex replies in a deadpan. Then smirks. "Of course I'm serious. It'll save me gas from coming here all of the time... can you be gone that long?"

"I'm sure I can get away for a day," Bruce tells him. He then raises his head, wondering what time Dick will be home tomorrow. Luckily, Robin had not gone on patrol with him tonight because Dick had to study for a test he has tomorrow.

"Good," Lex pronounces. He wraps his arms around Bruce and closes his eyes.

Bruce inhales against Lex's neck. "We should go to bed. I want to sleep with you tonight."

"Kinky," Lex murmurs. He rinses himself off, then nods to Bruce so they can both get out of the tub. "Would you mind getting me a towel?"

"No." Bruce gets up, grabs two black towels and hands Lex one. He dries himself as he always does, briskly and efficiently.

Lex buffs his head dry, then goes lower until he's finished. He drops the towel in the hamper and walks over to Bruce, looking refreshed and a bit pink from the hot bath.

Bruce smiles and touches Lex's hips. "How fond are you of your beauty sleep?" he asks, feeling reenergized after their bath and break.

"I, in fact, rarely sleep, Bruce," Lex admits, reading the look on his face. His lips quirk in amusement.

Bruce grins, attacks Lex's lips with a hard kiss and then spins around to head to his bedroom. "It is the sign of genius, as I'm sure you know," he comments, slipping his right hand over his own right hip, fondling his balls and then moving up to close his fingers around the base of his cock.

"Or a sign of madness," Lex mutters, watching Bruce touch himself and pursing his lips. His eyes drift up towards Bruce's face briefly. "Nice." Then back down to his cock. He steps forward, thinking about what he should do with that.

"Genius, madness; what's the true difference?" Bruce backs up towards the bed. Once his calves hit the dark wood, he allows himself to fall on his back, lips parted as he watches Lex and strokes himself to hardness.

Lex is a bit distracted from the philosophical conversation blooming. He approaches the bed, then drops to his knees and spreads Bruce's legs wide and looks up at him, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes. "A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free."

"Kazantzakis was right," Bruce tells Lex, getting up on his elbows to see him better. "The hard part is deciding how much is enough."

Lex rests one hand on Bruce's thigh and begins to stroke his cock gently. "True enough," he says softly. He lowers his head then takes one of Bruce's balls in his mouth and hums while he continues to stroke.

"Mmmm..." Bruce's eyes fall half closed. "You have an amazing mouth..."

Lex smirks and sucks harder for a moment before letting go. He runs his hands up and down Bruce's inner thighs. "Thank you." His lips curve again and he opens his mouth to take Bruce's erection deep into his mouth.

"My pleasure," Bruce whispers, hissing at the pleasure that spreads over his groin.

Lex gives Bruce's cock long, leisurely sucks as he moves his hand to gently cup and squeeze his balls. Soon he takes all of Bruce's erection in his mouth and massages the tip with the back of his throat. He wants to make Bruce moan helplessly.

Bruce slowly relaxes onto the mattress, moaning every time that Lex takes him in that deeply. Lex knows every inch of his body, of course, and knows how to get exactly what he wants from Bruce. Bruce is just fine with that.

Lex is buzzing a little as he continues his blowjob. He moves one hand down to Bruce's ass and slips a pinkie inside, teasing just a bit. Every moan sends a shiver of pleasure up Lex's back.

"Ohhh..." The fingertips of Bruce's right hand brush over the top of Lex's head. "You're gonna fuck me again, right?" he asks between moans.

Lex nods, since his mouth is more than full at the moment. He wiggles the pinkie forward and slides it in and out. He pulls his mouth back for more shallow sucks that end with his tongue swirling around the tip. His other hand strokes around the base of Bruce's cock and around his balls.

And just like that, with their eyes briefly meeting and Lex's confirmation, Bruce comes undone. He gasps, moans and freezes just before orgasm washes over him, long and agonizingly slow this time.

Lex sucks on him a bit more, swallowing every last drop, and making some "Mm nmm" noises as he does so. Bruce is so incredibly sexy when he's coming. Lex just can't take his eyes away.

Bruce has to take a few breaths before he can even think again. It's been one of those nights, and Lex is killing him with pleasure, not that he's complaining. Slowly, he looks down at Lex without moving his head, his eyes almost completely lidded. "Lex," he mutters, smiling.

Lex looks up, licking his lips. He takes a deep breath. "Yes?" he says with a wry grin.

Bruce places his hands behind his back and just grins like a fool. His whole body is humming pleasantly. "How do you want me?"

Lex stands in a smooth motion and paces around the bed like a sleek cat.

Bruce follows him with his eyes only, but he is not worried. Lex's cock is hard and bouncing as he walks, and it makes Bruce lick his lips.

Lex makes his decision and swiftly moves to the bed. He bounces on the bed almost playfully, takes Bruce's hips, and flips him over on his belly. He caresses Bruce's ass with a feral grin.

Bruce grunts as Lex manhandles him, grinning even more. He crosses his arms and rests his forehead on his forearms, arching his back so that Lex can have all the access he needs.

"Have I ever told you what a spectacular ass you have?" Lex bites his lower lip and gives Bruce's ass a smack. All that training has done it good.

"Ah!" Bruce's head shoots up, and he looks over his shoulder at Lex. "I'm glad you like it," he says, and wiggles it teasingly.

Lex rubs the abused cheek and gives it a kiss. Then he begins massaging Bruce's ass and moves upward to massage his lower back. "Do you have any lube? Or hand lotion?"

Bruce points to the nightstand on the right. They rarely make it to bed to fuck, and he usually has all they need out already, but since Lex decided to surprise him this time, Lex is going to have to get it.

Lex leans over and bites Bruce's cheek before he hops out of the bed and leans over the nightstand to get the lube. "Do you want some prep, or are you still relaxed?" he asks, getting back onto the bed and squirting the lube onto his fingers.

"I'm good," Bruce says, shaking his head and resting his chin on his forearm. Sometimes they switch and other times, he fucks Lex, but tonight he just wants Lex in him all night long.

Lex slicks up his own cock and then moves behind Bruce, pressing his tip to his hole and giving his ass another good grope before he settles his hands on Bruce's hips and begins to push into him.

Bruce pushes up on his hands and turns to meet Lex's lips with his. He licks up the scar on Lex's upper lip and groans as Lex enters him.

"Good, babe? Unn... god I love fucking you," Lex mutters as his hips begin to grind.

"AH!" Bruce pushes back at Lex's words in that voice; he really should not be getting hard again already. "Fuck me, Sasha," he begs in a husky voice.

"Yes sir, Batman." Lex begins thrusting with a self-amused grin on his face.

Bruce laughs but it ends up in a moan as he lowers himself back on the bed and closes his eyes. "Mmm, yeah..."

"Yeah, Bruce, yeah..." Lex lets his eyes go half-lidded and tightens his grip on Bruce's hips as he begins to speed up. This is just perfect.

"Lex, God!" Bruce arches his back and lets out a yell when Lex hits his prostate. He gasps out loud when his cock, still only half hard, starts spilling again and his ass clenches around Lex.

"Good god, Bruce," Lex pants quivering as Bruce comes around him. "The goddamn Batman has goddamn multiple orgasms." He gives Bruce's as several more thrusts before he's coming and digging his fingers into Bruce's back. He moans loudly. "Fuck, fuck, YES!"

"Aaaahn..." Bruce would laugh if he had the energy, but as it is, he just smiles against his pillow and relaxes between the bed and Lex's body.

Lex wiggles his hips and pulls out of Bruce to collapse beside him. He's pretty damn proud of himself. He made Bruce come four times tonight. His arm reaches over Bruce's back and rubs it. He'll be sleeping well tonight for sure!

Bruce turns his face to Lex and then, slowly crawls over to share his pillow with him. Stretching his neck, he kisses Lex's lips.

"You sure have stamina," Lex says, smiling and returning the kiss.

"Hm," Bruce replies at first, pulling back and sighing. "The fact that it's you helps."

"Does it?" Lex rolls back onto his side so he can prop up his head and watch Bruce, this precious, exhausted person who can go out at night, tangle with the darkness of humanity then come back and appease his petulant lover and proceed to come multiple times. He trails his fingers over Bruce's shoulder, marveling at this person he is sharing a bed with.

Bruce moves to mirror Lex's position and folds his arm over Lex's waist. "It does. I don't want anyone else like I want you." They don't usually share love declarations, but Bruce is in an almost haze and he hopes that Lex won't mind.

Lex thins his lips, then smiles a bit and holds Bruce closer. "If I'm honest with myself, I haven't been able to imagine myself like this with anyone for a long while. Not when money or politics weren't involved."

Bruce nods slowly, blinking lazily. "Good. 'Cause this old bat's all yours..." He chuckles sleepily.

"That's fortuitous." Lex lifts his leg and twines it around Bruce's, trapping him to himself. "Because I am a selfish man and do not like to share."

"Don't worry," Bruce says, inching closer and dipping his head to kiss the middle of Lex's neck. "You're the only one..."

Lex tucks his chin into Bruce's neck and shoulder and closes his eyes, feeling more contentment than he has in years.

Bruce inhales Lex's scent and enjoys the feeling of Lex's skin against his. Lex knows and he is still here. At least half of Bruce's nightmares should end after tonight.

fic, bruce wayne, batman, lex luthor, brex

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