Nor any drop to drink

Jun 29, 2010 21:30

Title: Nor any drop to drink
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Ten, Martha
Word Count: 686
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own no Who, as usual.

Summary: She dreams she meets him at the seaside. She’s in a rowboat and he won’t come aboard, rather keep floundering in the undertow of his coat.

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martha, doctor who, fanfic, ten

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Comments 2

redjaywrites September 7 2012, 05:50:29 UTC
*sobs* This was a really sad one and a really clever one. Why doesn't it have any comments? I love the relationship you've written between them, with Martha playing both doctor and friend, and how you've not woobied Ten's response to the Time War at all. ps: comments screened?


ladymercury_10 September 7 2012, 07:27:00 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you don't think Martha is too weak, or Ten is too woobie-fied. This is one of the oldest, but still one of my favorites. I have no idea how the comments got to be screened, that's weird! I think the reason it didn't have any other comments is because this is one of the first fics I wrote, and it was originally posted on the Teaspoon. So when I wrote it, not that many people knew who I was, and what reviews it did get, it got over there.


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